
jié qi mén
  • throttle valve
  1. 节气门后EGR系统

    Below throttle valve EGR system

  2. 本文从实验和理论两个方面来系统地研究火花点火式发动机燃烧室沉积物处未燃碳氢排放浓度随冷却水温、发动机转速、节气门开度和点火提前角等运转参数的变化规律。

    In this paper , the relations of operating parameters such as coolant temperature , engine speed , throttle valve opening and spark advance angle with unburned hydrocarbon emissions due to the presence of combustion chamber deposits in spark ignition engine are investigated both theoretically and experimentally .

  3. 他把节气门的开关拧到最大。

    He twisted the throttle control to max power .

  4. 基于DSP的电子节气门PID控制

    PID Control of Electric Throttle Control System Based on DSP

  5. 汽车电子节气门控制(ETC)的阀体就是其中一例。

    The body of valve for Electronic Throttle Control ( ETC ) is an example among them .

  6. 同时就节气门体总成的结构和技术要点,特别是电子节气门ETC的控制技术进行了讨论。

    The characteristics of the throttle body assembly , especially the electronic throttle control ( ETC ) technology are discussed .

  7. 文中采用频域响应技术、Matlab仿真等方法调整节气门控制器。

    Controller fine tuning is performed by using frequency response techniques , MATLAB simulations and testing on the actual system .

  8. AMT车辆节气门执行器的仿人智能模糊控制

    Simulating Human Intelligent Fuzzy Control to the Throttle Actuator of AMT

  9. 因此,增益调度PID控制可以准确的控制节气门开度,在试验中也取得了较好的控制效果。

    Therefore , the gain scheduling PID control can accurately control the opening of throttle and also achieved good control effect in experimentation .

  10. 由于电子节气门系统是非线性的,其数学模型较难建立,所以本文提出了自整定模糊PID控制算法,给出了试验曲线。

    Electronic throttle system is nonlinear , and it is hard to model , so the paper presents a self-tuning fuzzy PID algorithm .

  11. 电动式AMT系统中电子节气门的控制策略和实现

    Control Method and Realization of Electronic Throttle of Dynamoelectric AMT

  12. AMT节气门位置伺服系统控制策略研究与仿真

    Study and Simulation on the Control Strategy of Throttle Servo System in AMT

  13. CNG发动机电子节气门控制仿真分析

    Simulation of Electronic Throttle Control for CNG Engines

  14. AMT汽车起步过程节气门目标控制量的确定

    Determination of Objective Control Values for the Electronic Throttle of AMT Vehicle in Starting Process

  15. 介绍了本系统中电子节气门的机构和驱动单元设计,尝试用类似经验算法的增量型PID控制算法对节气门直流电机进行控制。

    The structure and drive unit of electronic throttle are introduced . And increment PID control method like experience arithmetic is adopted to control the throttle DC motor .

  16. TCM通过分析各种输入信号,例如车速、发动机转速、节气门位置等,来决定何时换入何挡。

    Analyzing various inputs , such as vehicle speed , engine rpm , throttle position , etc. , the TCM decides which gear to shift to and when .

  17. FAI电喷摩托车应用电子节气门的研究

    Application of Electronic Throttle Control System on FAI Motorcycle

  18. 在全电动AMT系统的控制中,对电动节气门的控制是一项关键技术。

    The control technique of motorized throttle plays an important role in the control of the dynamoelectric AMT system .

  19. 采用标准四通道、四传感器的防抱死制动系统(ABS)可通过制动和节气门控制来控制轮胎打滑。

    Using the sensors and actuators of four-channel , four-sensor anti-lock brake system ( ABS ) uses both brake and throttle intervention to control wheel spin .

  20. 定梁龙门铣磨床砂带磨削装置的设计计算节气门前EGR系统

    Design and calculation of abrasive belt grinding device in fixation-girder portal milling-grind machine above throttle valve EGR system

  21. 为消除混合动力汽车发动机运转过程中的转速振荡,利用发动机转速-节气门开度-扭矩对应关系,采用PID控制器调整发动机转速波动。

    The relationship of IC engine speed , throttle opening and torque was studied , and a PID controller was used to reduce the engine speed surge of hybrid electric vehicles ( HEV ) .

  22. 发动机进气通路的非线性环节主要包括节气门有效面积和容积效率两部分,本文分别采用了改进的BP网络和RBF网络对二者进行辨识。

    As for the nonlinear part of intake manifold subsystem , such as effective throttle area and volume efficiency , modified BP neural network and RBF neural network are used for identification respectively .

  23. 阐述节气门位置传感器(TPS)的结构和工作原理,重点介绍节气门位置传感器的功能和检测方法。

    This paper introduces the structure and working principles of the throttle position sensor ( TPS ), emphasizing on its function and inspection method .

  24. 作为电喷系统中最重要的传感器之一,节气门位置传感器(TPS)的输出直接影响燃油的喷射量。

    As the most important sensor in the EFI system , the output of Throttle Position Sensor ( TPS ) influences the fuel injection directly .

  25. 目的是实现节气门系统的位置控制系统,应用了PIC的A/D转换以及脉宽调制功能来控制节气门。

    The main function realizes position control of electronic throttle system and uses A / D conversion and Pluse Width Modulation to control the action of electronic throttle .

  26. 确定了电子节气门仿真参数,设计了增益调度PID控制算法和数字PID控制算法,结合建立的仿真模型,在matlab进行仿真并分析仿真结果。

    Simulation parameters of the electronic throttle are determined . Gain scheduling PID control algorithms and digital PID control algorithm are designed . Combination of the simulation model , it simulated in matlab , and simulation results are analyzed .

  27. 面向X-by-Wire的电子节气门开发

    Development of the Electric Throttle Based on " X-by-Wire "

  28. 利用dSPACE实时控制软件和AUTOBOX汽车内置开发试验平台对电子节气门进行了控制试验。

    With the dSPACE rapid control prototyping software and the AUTO BOX test box , the electronic throttle control experiment has been done .

  29. 本文以模糊PID控制为核心算法通过C语言编程完成了整个控制系统的软件设计。本文最后在实验室设计并搭建了电子节气门控制系统实验平台,对控制系统进行了实验研究及结果分析。

    Through C language programming of the fuzzy PID algorithm in this paper , we finished the software programming of the entire system . Finally , we build an experimental platform of the electronic throttle and did the experiment of the control system .

  30. 在节气门开度和转速一定的情况下,空燃比A/F增大时,CO、HC的排放浓度降低,同时净化率提高;

    When the aperture of throttle gate and rotational speed of the engine keep constant , with the increase of A / F ratio , the concentrations of CO and HC decrease while the conversion efficiency increases .