
  • 网络throttle opening;Throttle Angle
  1. 为消除混合动力汽车发动机运转过程中的转速振荡,利用发动机转速-节气门开度-扭矩对应关系,采用PID控制器调整发动机转速波动。

    The relationship of IC engine speed , throttle opening and torque was studied , and a PID controller was used to reduce the engine speed surge of hybrid electric vehicles ( HEV ) .

  2. 为提高汽车高速行驶的交通安全,提出一种新的基于目标安全车距的自适应巡航控制(ACC)方法.它仅通过调节辅助节气门开度和驱动轮制动力矩即可实现。

    A new adaptive cruise control ( ACC ) method based on the desired safety headway distance is investigated for improving the vehicle traffic safety at high speed by regulating the additional throttle opening and braking torque of driving wheels only .

  3. 因此,增益调度PID控制可以准确的控制节气门开度,在试验中也取得了较好的控制效果。

    Therefore , the gain scheduling PID control can accurately control the opening of throttle and also achieved good control effect in experimentation .

  4. 在节气门开度和转速一定的情况下,空燃比A/F增大时,CO、HC的排放浓度降低,同时净化率提高;

    When the aperture of throttle gate and rotational speed of the engine keep constant , with the increase of A / F ratio , the concentrations of CO and HC decrease while the conversion efficiency increases .

  5. 日本本田公司研制的EXP-2型摩托车用汽油机,在节气门开度为40%以下时无需火花塞点火便可正常工作,这种点火燃烧方式被本田公司称为AR-燃烧。

    EXP-2 motorcycle gasoline engine developed by Honda , Japan can work properly without spark plug ignition when the throttle opens at 40 % .

  6. 综合考虑发动机节气门开度、车速、ISG电动机效率以及电池荷电状态对动力性换挡规律的影响,提出轻度混合动力AMT汽车动力性换挡规律及换挡控制方法。

    The shift schedule and its control method for a mild hybrid electric car ( MHEC ) with automatic manual transmission ( AMT ) is put forward , considering the effect of factors like throttle opening , vehicle speed , ISG efficiency and state of charge of NiMH batteries .

  7. 电子汽油喷射发动机线性电阻式节气门开度传感器的修理

    Repair of the Linear Resistor Type Throttle Opening Sensor on Electronic Fuel Injection Engine

  8. 分析了节气门开度传感器失常所造成的故障现象并对其检测要点进行了阐述。

    The faults caused by the throttle opening sensor is analysed and its main testing points are given .

  9. 建模途径可用于汽车车速自动控制系统节气门开度控制器的开发。

    The modeling approach can be applied to the development of the throttle controller in vehicle speed automatic control system .

  10. 在一台倒托的试验发动机上,利用热线风速仪测定了缸内火花塞附近的气流运动情况,分析了发动机转速和节气门开度对该处紊流特性参数的影响。

    Air motion near spark plug in cylinder of a motored research SI engine is measured by using hot wire anemometer .

  11. 在点火控制系统中,输入信号包括发动机转速信号、节气门开度信号、蓄电池电压、进气温度信号和发动机温度信号。

    The engine speed , the throttle position , the inlet temperature and the engine temperature are treated as the input signals .

  12. 紊流空间尺度随转速的升高、挤气间隙的减小以及节气门开度的增大而增大,但随压缩比的增大而减小;

    The spatial scales increase with the increasing in speed , or decreasing in squeeze gap and throttling , but decrease with the increasing in compression ratio .

  13. 喷管直径、喷射速度、空气流量和节气门开度对控制天然气喷流的扩散有重要影响。

    The diameter of jet pipe , injection velocity , air flow velocity and the throttle opening had fundamental effects on the diffusion of the natural gas jet .

  14. 分析了汽油机在过渡过程中转速变化与节气门开度变化之间的关系以及节气门的调节量对电子调速器的动态特性的影响。

    The relation between the change of the speed and the change of the butterfly valve has been addressed , and the impact the adjustment amount on the dynamic characteristics has been discussed .

  15. 通过对模型进行仿真运算,分析比较了发动机节气门开度、进气歧管压力、进气歧管空气流量、缸内进气流量、转速、空燃比及输出扭矩等参数的变化规律。

    By model simulation , throttle position , intake manifold pressure , intake manifold air flow , fuel injection , engine speed , A / F ratio , and output torque were analyzed and compared .

  16. 探讨了喷油量和发动机转速、节气门开度之间的关系,分析了进气温度和蓄电池电压等对喷油量的影响,列出了相应的数学关系式。

    The relation among the fuel , speed and throttle is discussed , the influence of the inflow temperature and accumulator 's voltage for the fuel are analyzed , and the maths relations are listed .

  17. 结果表明,进气管时间常数是发动机转速和节气门开度的函数,节气门开度越大,时间常数越小。

    The result shows that the time constant of the intake manifold is a function of engine rotate speed and throttle opening , and the more the throttle opening , the smaller the time constant .

  18. 然后选取节气门开度和点火提前角为控制输入量,发动机转速和进气歧管压强为状态变量,发动机转速为输出量,建立了两输入单输出的系统状态方程。

    Then throttle angle and spark advance are selected as the control inputs , engine speed and intake manifold pressure as state variables , engine speed as output , the model is two-input single-output system state equation .

  19. 研究结果表明,在压缩上止点附近,缸内紊流运动随转速的升高、挤气间隙的减小以及节气门开度的增大而加强,但随压缩比的升高而减弱;

    The study results show that , near the top of compression stroke , the turbulent motion is enhanced with the increasing in speed and throttling , enhanced with the decreasing in squeeze gap and compression ratio .

  20. 采用滑模变结构控制方法,探讨了通过调节发动机节气门开度来进行汽车驱动防滑控制的理论,并进行了仿真计算,从而定量地说明了汽车驱动防滑控制能改善车辆驱动性及操纵稳定性。

    This paper presents a theoretical study on the Anti Slip Regulation system of automobile with variable structure with sliding mode control through adjusting throttle angle , and verifies its improvement on traction and steering stability by computer simulation .

  21. 首先,研究天然气发动机转矩控制理论,推导点火提前角、空燃比和节气门开度三个控制参数与转矩之间的关系。

    Firstly , the CNG engine torque control theory is introduced , and the relationship between the engine output torque and the three control parameters : the spark advance angle , the air-fuel ratio and the throttle opening , is derivated .

  22. 本文从实验和理论两个方面来系统地研究火花点火式发动机燃烧室沉积物处未燃碳氢排放浓度随冷却水温、发动机转速、节气门开度和点火提前角等运转参数的变化规律。

    In this paper , the relations of operating parameters such as coolant temperature , engine speed , throttle valve opening and spark advance angle with unburned hydrocarbon emissions due to the presence of combustion chamber deposits in spark ignition engine are investigated both theoretically and experimentally .

  23. 俄罗斯轿车电控强制怠速省油器的故障诊断节气门怠速开度控制阀

    Trouble Diagnosis of Electrically Controlled Compulsory Idling Fuel Economizer of Russian Cars

  24. 节气门怠速开度控制阀这改善了冷怠速运转和遏制了发动机停车的趋势。

    This improves cold idle and combats the tendency for the engine to stall .

  25. 节气门怠速开度控制阀分析了减压阀的流量、力、力差和阀门开度的关系。

    Analyze the relationship between flow , pressure , pressure differential and valve opening of pressure reducing valves .

  26. 发动机电控系统中,节气门位置传感器被用来测量节气门开度值的大小,并作为计算发动机进气量多少的依据。

    The opening size , which is measured by throttle position sensor , is used to judge the air flow in engine electronic control system .

  27. 通过试验测试,此滑模变结构电子节气门控制系统能快速准确响应理想的节气门开度。

    The test results show that sliding-mode control the electronic throttle could respond rapidly and exactly the throttle opening , the performance is better than tradition PID control .

  28. 在试验前,先对电子节气门及油门踏板进行标定,以达到准确控制节气门开度的目的。

    Before the experimentation , the electronic throttle and the throttle pedal is calibrated to achieve accurate control of the throttle opening purposes .

  29. 电子节气门是一种柔性控制系统,其优点是可以根据驾驶员愿望以及排放、油耗和安全需求确定节气门的最佳开度,满足日益严格的汽车尾气排放标准和经济性要求。

    The electronic throttle is a kind of flexible control system , its advantage is that the best opening of it can be determined based on the will of the driver and the safety requirements of the emission and the oil consumption .

  30. 新款凌志400型轿车采用智能电控节气门控制系统(ETCS-i),发动机ECU能根据加速踏板踩下的程度和不同驾驶条件的要求计算节气门开度。

    The new Lexus 400 cars use the intelligent and electronic - controlled throttle control system ( ETCS - I ), the engine ECU can calculate the throttle opening according to accelerating pedal position and the different driving conditions .