
jié pāi
  • beat;clock;meter
节拍 [jié pāi]
  • [meter] 是衡量节奏的单位,在音乐中,有一定强弱分别的一系列拍子在每隔一定时间重复出现。如 2 / 4 、 4 / 4 、 3 / 4 拍等

节拍[jié pāi]
  1. 论节拍和拍子之异同&兼述乐理概念的定义务必简明而准确

    On Meter and Time & Succinctness and Preciseness of Music Theory Definition

  2. 论节奏与节拍的关系&对二者概念的评价与讨论

    On the Relation Between Rhythm and Meter

  3. 他边唱边和着节拍敲一个小鼓。

    As he sang he kept time on a small drum .

  4. 我们站在舞台上,演奏得完全不合节拍。

    We were standing onstage playing completely out of time .

  5. 他的身体随着音乐的节拍慢慢摆动。

    His body slowly undulated in time to the music .

  6. 百万听众和着她第一首歌的节拍打着响指。

    She had millions of listeners snapping their fingers to her first single

  7. 她的身体随着音乐节拍摆动。

    Her body swayed in time with the music

  8. 德莫特加入了她的行列,眼睛盯着舞池,手指在桌子上敲着节拍。

    Dermot joined her , his eyes on the dance floor , his fingers tapping out a rhythm on the table

  9. 他们随着音乐节拍摇头晃脑。

    Their head wagged in time to the music .

  10. 史蒂夫和娜奥米用音乐代码行、节拍、音程说话,从根音开始,以新的调子结束曲子。

    Steve and Naomi spoke in musical code lines , beats , intervals , moving from the root to end a song in a new key .

  11. 我们知道它在那儿,但不用去关注它。根据马克的说法,节拍技术应该是隐形的,毫不影响你的生活。

    We know it is there , but we don 't pay much attention to it . According to Mark , the beat technology should be invisible ( 隐形的) and let you live your life .

  12. 他总是跟着自己的节拍走,特立独行。

    He 's always danced to the beat of his own drum .

  13. 他们制造了流行音乐最不协调的节拍

    They produced the most cacophonous beat of pop music .

  14. 秦青在城外的大路旁为学生践行,酒宴中,秦青和着乐曲的节拍,唱起悲切的送行歌来。

    Qin Qing gave a farewell dinner by the road outside the city for the student . During the dinner , Qin Qing sang a sorrowful farewell song to the rhythm of the music .

  15. Process部分展示了在此时间间隔内运行的每个进程被分配了多少节拍。

    The Process section shows how many ticks have been assigned to each process that ran during the interval .

  16. 因此,CA进化的每一行表示一个节拍。

    So , each row of the CA evolution will represent one beat .

  17. 代码单元的类型是PID,节拍数是1612,占总节拍数的百分比是53.27。

    The type of code unit is PID , the number of ticks is1612 , and the percentage of total ticks used is53.27 .

  18. 节拍性化疗联合TACE治疗原发性肝癌的临床观察

    Clinical study of TACE combined with metronomic chemotherapy for primary liver cancer

  19. 准时制由以下三部分元素构成,“节拍时间(Takttime)”、“连续流通”和“拉动式系统”。

    Just-In-Time is composed of three elements ," Takt time "," Continuous flow ", and " Pull system " .

  20. DA用来输出PID调节后的数据。显示任务用于显示当前的电流、电压和充放电的时间,充放电的时间由定时器的节拍换算得出。

    The task of display is used to display the current , voltage and time of process which is calculated by the tick of timer .

  21. J:我知道你们不想听,但是这个调子很重要,是轻快上扬的节拍。

    J : I know you don 't want to hear this , but it 's a major key , it 's up-tempo .

  22. TMC公司平衡装配线生产节拍研究

    Study of balancing assembly Line 's cycle time in TMC corporation

  23. 今晚带着您的朋友共同感受DJDiamon的极简主义节拍是您体验至HIGH的最佳选择。

    With your friends tonight common feeling DJ Diamon minimalist beat is your best choice to experience to HIGH .

  24. 当前,这些API可以为PowerPC给出在被装备的程序中两个成功的API调用之间所发生的基于时间的节拍数目。

    Currently for PowerPC these APIs provide the number of time-base ticks that have occurred between successive API calls in an instrumented program .

  25. 呼吸:取得一个HIT!当数字在激活框中时按相应按键,仔细观察数字和节拍会帮助你进入节奏。

    Breathing : To score a HIT ! Push the corresponding number when it is inside the activation ring , watch the numbers flash to the beat to help get into the hit rhythm .

  26. 德彪西《G小调小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲》丰富、多变、细腻的节拍节奏为这一论断提供了典型的实例。

    The rhythm of Debussy 's " Sonata in G Minor for Violin and Piano " is rich , changeful and delicate . It provides a solid example for a typical model for this conclusion .

  27. 分析了DD滚筒洗衣机节拍的特点,制定了相关的控制策略,并通过上位机程序的编写来实现。

    The frequency character of the DD roller machine was analyzed , and the relative controlling strategy has been established and realized via upper computer program writing .

  28. 地址到符号名的映射使得Tprof可以按模块和子例程分配节拍。

    The address to symbol name mapping allows Tprof to assign ticks by module and subroutine .

  29. 调用程序提供要创建的任务数量(count)、任务可执行的处理器的掩码(mask),然后是繁忙/睡眠时钟节拍数(标识为sleep和run)。

    The caller provides the number of tasks to create ( count ), the mask of processors for which these tasks can execute ( mask ), and then the sleep / busy tick counts ( identified as sleep and run ) .

  30. 在初始数据通路和流水线节拍设计的基础上,根据对马氏距离计算特点的深入理解分析,从SRAM模块和乘法器资源两个方面进一步优化了设计。

    Base on the initial data path and pipeline design , we make some optimization for SRAM module and multiplication resource by the deep analysis of Mahalanobis distance calculation .