
  • 网络art critic
  1. 著名艺术评论家罗伯特·休斯曾写道:

    Famous art critic Robert Hughes wrote that

  2. 你是这里最好的艺术评论家。

    You 're the best art critic there is .

  3. 艺术评论家们在彩排期间都认认真真地坐在听众席上;

    the art critics settle down in the auditorium during rehearsals ;

  4. 我们这门课上没人是艺术评论家。

    None of us are art critics who work in this class .

  5. 杨光,原名杨光锷,出生于70年代。诗人,艺术评论家。

    Yang Guang , originally Yang Guang , born in1970 's.

  6. 但是日本艺术评论家对此提出了不同的看法,他们也有自己的道理。

    But Japanese art critics differ - and they have a point .

  7. 艺术评论家们坚持说他是一个插图画家,而不是一个艺术家。

    Art critics insisted he was an illustrator rather than an artist .

  8. 这幅水墨画已成为许多艺术评论家的至爱。

    The painting of dark and light colours is a favourite of many art lovers .

  9. 南条是东京庆应义塾大学的艺术评论家及讲师。

    Nanjo is also an art critic and a lecturer at Keio University , Tokyo .

  10. 但是接着出现了艺术评论家。

    But here comes the art critic .

  11. 做艺术评论家易,做优秀的艺术评论家难。

    Being an art critic is easy , being a good art critic is very hard .

  12. 上周,《卫报》艺术评论家的瞎说表明游戏不可能有艺术资格。

    Last week , Guardian art critic blah blah suggested that games cannot qualify as art .

  13. 此君生前作为艺术评论家和社会理论家极有权威。

    During his lifetime this man 's stature as an art critic and social theorist was tremendous .

  14. 约翰·罗斯金(1819-1900)英国艺术评论家、散文家和社会学家。

    RUSKIN , JOHN ( 1819 & 1900 ) English critic on art , essayist and sociologist .

  15. 艺术评论家称赞克鲁兹是对色彩观念的再创造,它告诉人们,色彩不仅是涂抹颜料这么简单;

    Art critics credit Cruz-Diez with re-inventing the notion that color is more than just pigment on a surface ;

  16. 她是位眼光敏锐的艺术评论家.这两位艺术家并非都有审美的眼光。

    She is a very discerning art critic . Not Both the artists have a keen eye for Beauty .

  17. 一位不愿透露姓名的艺术评论家表示:这正是法国衰落的象征。

    It is simply emblematic of the French decline , said one art critic who preferred not to be named .

  18. 很多私人收藏家和艺术评论家都出席了开幕酒会,大家都对您的作品赞不绝口。

    We had a great turnout of both private collectors and art critics , and everyone was most impressed by your work .

  19. 对价值的认识受到非常聪明富有且人脉广泛的人士的操纵(换句话说,不是那些艺术评论家)。

    Perceptions of value are manipulated by very clever , wealthy and well-connected people ( not art critics , in other words ) .

  20. 由世界知名艺术评论家和学者郑胜天策划,这次展览展出的作品以读书这一平常过程中的种种微小细节为主题。

    This exhibition , curated by Chinese art critic and scholar Zheng Shengtian , is a playful exploration on the tactile experience of reading books .

  21. 去年艺术评论家们还赞颂乔纳斯为大师呢,但后来证明它只是一个昙花一现的人物。

    Last year the art critics praised Jonas as if he were a maser , but he turned out to be a nine day 's wonder .

  22. 目前尚不清楚那些景点是否均已收回了投资。部分中国官员和艺术评论家指责印象系列很浪费。

    It is not clear whether the sites have made back the money they invested , and some Chinese officials and art critics have criticized the Impression series as wasteful .

  23. 布鲁斯伯里团体的成员都是艺术家或艺术评论家,因此伍尔夫受到了印象派、后印象派或其他画家的影响。

    The members of the Bloomsbury Group are artists and art theorists , so Woolf is , in a large extent , influenced by those Impressionists and Post-Impressionists and other painters .

  24. 一些艺术评论家也表示,(上图中)裸体的男人与女人由一个天使唱诗班围绕,这也意味着欧洲各国正殊途同归,走到一起。

    Some critics have suggested that the naked figures of a man and woman ( pictured above ) surrounded by a choir of angels signify the nations of Europe coming together .

  25. 据艺术评论家乔纳森·琼斯介绍,电影《大都会》和《银翼杀手》的布景都受到皮拉内西的监狱的启发,它甚至影响了现实世界中伦敦的泰特现代美术馆和朱比里线的设计。

    According to art critic Jonathan Jones , Piranesi 's prisons directly inspired the movie architecture for Metropolis and Blade Runner and even influenced London 's real-life Tate Modern and Jubilee Line .

  26. 摘要英国艺术评论家克莱夫?贝尔提出著名的美学命题“有意味的形式”,对现代艺术产生了深远的影响。

    English art critic Clive bell puts forward a famous the esthetics sets question " the form that have intention to the flavor ", produced the important influence to the modem art .

  27. 比如,为了2007年在河南省上演的《禅宗少林》,投资者砸下了1500万美元(约合9300万元人民币)。目前尚不清楚那些景点是否均已收回了投资。部分中国官员和艺术评论家指责“印象”系列很浪费。

    Investors put $ 15 million , for example , into a show that opened in Henan Province in 2007 , " Zen Shaolin . " It is not clear whether the sites have made back the money they invested , and some Chinese officials and art critics have criticized the " Impression " series as wasteful .

  28. 这一理论不是来自艺术哲学家,也不是来自后现代艺术理论家或是有名的艺术评论家。

    And we get it not from a philosopher of art , not from a postmodern art theorist or a bigwig art critic .

  29. 在中国绘画界也开始出现女性主义艺术和自谓的女性主义艺术家,并被部分艺术理论家、评论家所接受和认可。

    In the Chinese painting circle , female art and so-called female artists began to show up and they have been accepted and recognized by some art theorist and critics .