
sè fēn
  • Naphthol;azoic coupling component
色酚[sè fēn]
  1. 缩合法合成色酚AS-LC的研究

    A Study on the Synthesis of Naphthol AS-LC by Condensation

  2. 对含有极性基团(COOH,SO3H)的色酚AS衍生物的合成及其反应的影响因素进行了研究;

    The synthesis of derivatives of Naphtol AS containing polar groups ( _COOH , _SO 3H ) and factors affecting the reaction have been studied .

  3. 色酚AS-JH的合成

    Synthesis of Naphthol AS-JH

  4. 色酚AS-BI是一种颜料中间体,以它为原料合成的偶氮颜料是一类性能优良的新型颜料。

    Naphthol AS-BI is an important pigment intermediate , which is used to synthesize a new kind of high quality azo dyes .

  5. 紫外区双波长光谱法测定2-羟基-3萘甲酰基芳胺类色酚中2-羟基-3萘甲酸

    Double Wavelength UV-spectrophotometric Determination of 2-Hydroxy-3-naphthoic Acid in Naphthol AS Compounds

  6. 树脂吸附法处理色酚AS生产废水的研究

    Study on treatment of industrial wastewater from naphthol AS production with polymeric adsorbent

  7. 色淀化剂对色酚类偶氮色淀颜料性能的影响

    The Effect of Lake Agent on the Properties of Naphthol Azoic Lake Pigment

  8. 色酚AS的精制工艺研究

    Study on purification of naphthol AS

  9. 混合偶合方法对色酚AS红色颜料(大红粉)的改性研究

    A Study of the Modification on Red Pigment of Naphthol AS by Using Mixed Coupling Technique

  10. 经原废水酸化和高浓度脱附液酸化可回收大量的色酚AS和2,3-酸。

    A lot of2,3-acid and naphthol AS can be recovered by acidification of the raw wastewater and desorptive solutions .

  11. 纯棉仿蜡染印花采用活性、色酚一浴法染地工艺研究

    Study on Technology of Imitation Wax Printing on Cotton Fabric Using One-Bath Dyeing for Ground with Reactive Dye and Naphthols

  12. 介绍了采用Fe2+/Fe3+氧化还原系统对色酚废水进行预处理的工艺流程,确定了最佳工艺参数。

    A technology for pretreatment of Naphthol AS wastewater using Fe ~ ( 2 + ) / Fe ~ ( 3 + ) redox system is described .

  13. 本文探讨了羊毛偶合反应染色新方法,即重氮化羊毛与色酚的偶合染色以及预处理羊毛与重氮化色基的偶合染色。

    This paper studies the coupling reaction method of dyeing the wool , i. e. the diazotized wool coupling with Naphtol and the pretreated wool coupling with the diazotized base .

  14. 以分散/色酚印花工艺代替传统的分散/活性印花工艺,能获得浓艳的涤棉深色印花效果;

    A rich and gaudy colour effect of T / C fabric printing could be obtained by using disperse / naphthol printing process instead of traditional disperse / reactive one .