
  • 网络marine paint;JOTUN
  1. 产品外观为红棕色粘稠液体,pH值接近7,能够耐水和酸碱,稳定性好,主要用于船舶漆、粘合剂和橡胶制品等领域。

    This product was vicious reddle liquid , pH was approximate to 7 , and it was waterproof , acid-resistant alkali proof and steady , mainly applied to marine paint , adhesive and rubber product etc area .

  2. 氯化橡胶船舶漆

    Chlorinated Rubber Marine Paint

  3. 氯乙烯&异丁基乙烯基醚(VC-IBVE)共聚树脂具有耐化学腐蚀、耐水、耐候性、与金属等基质粘结性好等优点,是重要的船舶漆、重防腐涂料和高级油墨粘结剂的基体材料之一。

    Vinyl chloride-isobutyl vinyl ether ( VC-IBVE ) exhibits good chemical resistance , weather resistance and adhesive strength with metals , so it is one of useful base resins for coating and ink . This paper was devoted to the preparation of VC-IBVE copolymers by emulsion copolymerization .

  4. 高性能高氯化聚乙烯树脂在船舶漆中的应用

    Application of High Performance High-Chlorinated Polyethylene Resin in Marine Coatings

  5. 船舶漆的发展

    Development of Marine Coatings

  6. 对今后十年国内外船舶漆的用量作了预测,对船舶漆市场的形成作了展望。

    This article makes a prediction on the requirement of marine paints by the ship building industry in the following ten years .

  7. 用于船舶防污漆的三丁基锡(TBT)被认为是人为引入海洋环境中毒性最大的物质之一,也是一种典型的环境内分泌干扰物。

    Tributyltin ( TBT ) is one of the most toxic substances which are introduced into the marine environment . TBT is also a known endocrine disrupting chemical .

  8. 综合分析了含TBT船舶防污漆的防污机理及产生危害的原因,概括论述了国际社会对TBT的控制措施以及立法的趋势。

    Anti fouling mechanisms and the adverse effects of TBT based paint in analyzed , international legislation and control about use of TBT in anti fouling paints on ships in discussed .

  9. DDT是斯德哥尔摩公约列为首批12种受控物质之一,在中国作为船舶防污漆添加剂的用途并没有被公约处给予豁免。

    DDT is one of the chlorinated organic compounds for elimination that the Stockholm Convention initially targeted , and there are no specific exemptions available to continue the production and use in China .

  10. 三苯基锡(TPT)被广泛用于农作物杀菌剂、木材防腐剂、船舶防污漆等,是典型的环境内分泌干扰物质,然而其对两栖类的毒性影响鲜见报道。

    Triphenyltin ( TPT ) has been widely used as a biocide in agriculture and antifouling paints , proved to be an endocrine disruptor . However , toxicity of TPT on amphibians is poorly reported .

  11. 船舶防污漆加速试验方法研究

    Accelerated Test Methods for Marine Antifouling Coatings

  12. GB/T6823-1986船舶压载舱漆通用技术条件

    General specification for ballast tanks paint of ship