
chuán cāng
  • cabin;hold;compartment;ship's hold;berth
船舱 [chuán cāng]
  • [hold] 船甲板下的内部空间;尤指船的载货舱

船舱[chuán cāng]
  1. 船舱结构CAI软件的设计

    Design of the Ship 's Hold Structure CAI Software

  2. 一组走到船舱深处分散坐下。

    One group goes into the far reaches of the ship 's hold and sits around .

  3. 丹在自己的船舱里朝舱外凝视着。

    Dan was in his cabin , staring out of a porthole .

  4. 弗雷德和博洛迪亚晚上挤在不通风的船舱里热得要命。

    Fred and Volodia sweltered at night in the stuffy , crowded cabins .

  5. 我们可以设法清理出主甲板之上的一些船舱。

    We might try to clear up some of the cabins in the superstructure .

  6. 船舱里灯光昏暗。

    Below decks , the lights were dim .

  7. 船员将睡在船舱里,不乐意也没办法。

    The crew will be sleeping in the hull and will have to lump it

  8. 他把她领到了一个小船舱。

    He showed her to a small cabin .

  9. 船舱地上铺着油毡。

    The cabins had linoleum tile floors .

  10. 大量海水冲入了船舱,正在船底来回晃荡。

    Gallons of sea water had rushed into the cabin and were now swilling about in the bilges

  11. 渔民们把鱼拖进船舱。

    The fishermen hauled the fish into the port .

  12. 但是我认为现在是你离开舰桥回到你的船舱的时候了。

    But I think it 's time you left the bridge and went back to your quarters , now .

  13. 亨特把船长的小船转移到船舱附近,

    Hunter brought the captain 's little boat round under the cabin9 window ,

  14. 这些好演员们正打算和我回船舱呢

    These fine thespians and l were just heading back to my cabin .

  15. 其实,船舱下面有个不错的地方,为什么不放在那里呢?

    Now , you have a good place under the cabin8.Why not put them there ?

  16. 在文章中,杨利伟还描述了船舱外“神秘的敲击声”。

    In the article , Yang also described " mysterious knocking sounds " from outside the craft .

  17. 我下到船舱里,地上全是空瓶,空气中充满了烟味。

    I went below to the cabin where there were empty bottles on the floor and tobacco smoke filled the air .

  18. 我回到船舱,穿上鞋,找到一瓶葡萄酒回到甲板上。

    I went back to the cabin , put my shoes on again , and picked up a bottle of wine.Then I went back up on deck .

  19. A.没有船舱的船安全性和平坦的高尔夫球场差不多。

    A. A BOAT WITHOUT A cabin is about as safe as a golf course .

  20. n.甲板;行李仓;露天平台船舱里面很热。

    deck It 's very hot in the cabin .

  21. 基于OpenGL,研究了船舱模型的三维可视化。

    Based on OpenGL , This paper have studied the visualization of the cabin three-dimension model .

  22. 今天对于我们所有人员来说是个“准备日”,要为离开帆船去峡湾以及为将在煤炭岛进行的ACT项目整理放置在船舱库房的各种设备。

    They prepared for their departure to the Fiords and packed up the equipment in the boat 's garage for the ACT project that they would be carrying out on Coal Island .

  23. Ko表示,搜寻人员认为可能有船上人员的所有64个船舱均已打开。

    All 64 cabins in which searchers expect to find bodies have been opened .

  24. 马尔他猎鹰号船舱内的客厅《奢华人生》现在可以确认《Yachtpals》上一则没有指明来源的消息:买家是对冲基金IkosPartners的创办人ElenaAmbrosiadou。

    Wealth Report can now confirm an unsourced report on Yachtpals , that the buyer was Elena Ambrosiadou , founder of the hedge fund Ikos Partners .

  25. 他也不在哪个地方久待,只管生活在超空间飞船船舱那与世隔绝,半明半暗的世界里,在里头吃,在里头喝,在里头睡觉看电影,在空港干的就只是捐献DNA,好坐上下一艘远程飞船。

    He settled nowhere , but only existed in the hermetic , twilight world of the cabins of hyperspatial starships , eating , drinking , sleeping , watching movies , only stopping at spaceports to donate more DNA and catch the next long-haul ship out .

  26. 目的:探讨模拟不同船舱环境对血浆血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)及抗渡海运动病能力的影响,为我军特殊环境的预适应体能训练提供依据。

    Objective To study the changes of the plasma angiotensin ⅱ( P-Ang ⅱ) and anti-seasickness capacity in various cabin environment , in order to provide the theoretical basis for the physical training in the special environment .

  27. 一名学生的姑姑KangEun-gyung说,她担心人们有可能被困在船舱内。

    Kang Eun-gyung , the aunt of one of the students on the trip , said she was worried about the possibility of people being trapped inside the hull of the ship .

  28. SelaesoriQhoran号是一艘500吨级的颠簸的有着深深的船舱和高高的前后船楼的单桅慢船。

    The Selaesori Qhoran was a wallowing tub of five hundred tons , with a deep hold , high castles fore and aft , and a single mast between .

  29. 船长走下船舱去查看究竟。

    And the captain went down to see what had happened .

  30. 高速船舱壁加筋板流固耦合振动分析

    Fluid-structure interaction vibration analysis of bulkhead stiffened plate of high-speed ship