首页 / 词典 / good


shū fu
  • comfortable;be well;please;satisfy;gratifying
舒服 [shū fú]
  • (1) [be well]∶身体状况好

  • 她今天不大舒服

  • (2) [please;comfortable;gratifying]∶身心感到轻松愉快

  • 窑洞冬暖夏凉,住着很舒服

  • (3) [satisfy]∶对某人某事很满意

  • 十二分的不舒服他。--《官场现形记》

舒服[shū fu]
  1. 这双新鞋穿起来不太舒服。

    These new shoes are not very comfortable .

  2. 这床真舒服。

    It 's such a comfortable bed .

  3. 你晚上睡个好觉就会觉得舒服些。

    You 'll feel better after a good night 's sleep .

  4. 今天早上我起床时感觉很舒服。

    I was feeling fine when I got up this morning .

  5. 一定要找个宽敞地儿坐得舒服一点。

    Make sure you have plenty of room to sit comfortably .

  6. 酷热难当,我逐渐感到不舒服。

    It was terribly hot and I started to feel strange .

  7. 这床太不舒服了,我睡不着觉。

    I couldn 't sleep because the bed was so uncomfortable .

  8. 我睡了一下午,又暖和又舒服。

    I spent the afternoon snug and warm in bed .

  9. 她说她感觉不舒服回家了。

    She said she was feeling unwell and went home .

  10. 坐在炉火旁,我感到暖和舒服极了。

    I felt warm and cosy sitting by the fire .

  11. 冷天出来快步走走,简直太舒服了。

    There 's nothing like a brisk walk on a cold day !

  12. 我喜欢草莓,但吃了以后不舒服。

    I love strawberries , but they don 't agree with me .

  13. 从头到尾这真是一次叫人不舒服的演出。

    It was a cringeworthy performance from start to finish .

  14. 这些网球鞋的设计穿起来舒服,易于发挥成绩。

    These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance .

  15. 最细微的一丝烟就能使她感到不舒服。

    The merest hint of smoke is enough to make her feel ill .

  16. 没有什么比好好地泡个热水澡更舒服的了。

    There 's nothing better than a long soak in a hot bath .

  17. 他这人很讨厌,没有他我们都会舒服得多。

    He was a nuisance and we 're all well rid of him .

  18. 很抱歉,我觉得很不舒服。

    I 'm afraid I 'm feeling pretty bad .

  19. 你今天看上去好像不大舒服。

    You don 't seem quite yourself today .

  20. 费伊一天没吃饭了——她一定是哪儿不舒服了。

    Faye hasn 't eaten all day ─ she must be sickening for something .

  21. 你看上去不太舒服——没事吧?

    You look rough ─ are you OK ?

  22. 想到她孤身一人守着那所大房子,我就感到不舒服。

    It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house .

  23. 我今天感觉不太舒服。

    I don 't feel too good today .

  24. 我醒来感觉很不舒服。

    I woke up feeling like shit .

  25. 你在这里会很舒服的。

    You 'll be quite comfortable here .

  26. 天气非常恶劣,我们还不如待在家里舒服。

    The weather was so bad we 'd have been better off staying at home .

  27. 他躺下以后盖上被子,很舒服。

    He snuggled down under the bedclothes .

  28. 我第二天感到身体很不舒服。

    I felt ghastly the next day .

  29. 我感到身体很不舒服。

    I 'm feeling pretty grotty .

  30. 我今天早上感到不舒服。

    I feel grim this morning .