
  • 网络free shrinkage;free contraction
  1. 实验结果表明真空度的高低和真空解除时间的迟早也会影响自由收缩的程度,但对受阻收缩没有影响。

    The result of the experiment showed that the percentage of free contraction was affected by two factors , those are the time in which the vacuum is maintained and the vacuum degree , but by them that of restrained contraction was not affected .

  2. MATLAB模拟结果显示,对于空气复合纤维,卷曲度随单纤维半径的减小而增大,与自由收缩率呈正比例关系,且随复合比的增加而增大。

    MATLAB simulation results show that in the air composite situation , the degree of crimp increased when we decrease the radius of single fiber or increase the free shrinkage and component ratio .

  3. 减缩剂SRA对高强混凝土的自由收缩有明显的降低作用,并能显著降低高强混凝土的收缩开裂趋势。

    USC with shrinkage reducing admixture ( SRA ) have lower tendency ef shrinkage cracking due to its lower free shrinkage .

  4. 通过混凝土自由收缩试验研究粉煤灰、矿粉、海砂、UEA膨胀剂、聚丙烯纤维对收缩和抗压强度的影响,同时探讨了纤维膨胀剂组合对混凝土收缩的影响。

    Through the concrete shrinkage test of fly ash , slag , sand , UEA expansive agent and polypropylene fiber , shrinkage and compressive strength are analyzed .

  5. 比较了素混凝土自由收缩试验结果与ACI模型和Sakata模型预测值,修正后的ACI模型与试验结果符合较好。

    The free shrinkage experiment result of plain concrete are compared with predictions of ACI and Sakata models . The predication of modified ACI model fit the experiment result well .

  6. 高流动性混凝土早期干燥、质量减少与自由收缩关系的研究

    Study on the Relationships Between Early Age Drying , Mass Lost and Free Shrinkage for High-flowing Concrete

  7. 配筋试件由于钢筋的约束,不能自由收缩,导致配筋试件比素混凝土试件收缩应变要小。

    So , the shrinkage strain of reinforced concrete specimens was smaller than that of plain concrete specimens .

  8. 不同纤维对高性能混凝土自由收缩和非自由收缩影响的试验研究

    Experimental study on influence of different fibers on free shrinkage and restrained shrinkage behavior of high performance concrete

  9. 自由收缩值不能直接用于评价混凝土的抗裂性能,试验必须在约束条件下进行。

    It has been proved that shrinkage can 't be used as the indicator of crack resistance of concrete and the evaluation experiments should be carried out under restrained conditions .

  10. 采用该试验方法可以进行高性能混凝土自由收缩的测定、不同约束程度的约束收缩的测定、开裂龄期和开裂趋势的观测。

    The new test method can be used to measure the free and various restrained shrinkage of HPC , survey the tendency of shrinkage cracking , and HPC behavior due to restrained .

  11. 本文通过大量试验分析研究了钢纤维、合成纤维、玻璃纤维对自密实高性能混凝土自由收缩、非自由收缩裂缝的影响。

    In this paper , the influence of steel fiber , polypropylene fiber and glass fiber on free shrinkage and restrained shrinkage cracking of high performance concrete ( HPC ) are investigated .

  12. 通过测量不同品种和掺量的碱对水泥基材料的水分损失量和自由收缩率,研究了在干燥条件下不同的碱对水泥基材料收缩性能的影响规律。

    This paper showed the results of experimental study on the effects of different types and adding amount of alkali on the loss rate of water and the drying shrinkage of cement paste .

  13. 研究了两种减缩剂与四种减水剂复合后对溶液表面张力、混凝土坍落度、混凝土强度、混凝土自由收缩和砂浆收缩的相容性问题。

    Investigation was carried out on the compatibility between two shrinkage reducing agents and four superplasticizers on the solution surface tension , the slump , strength , free shrinkage of concrete and mortar .

  14. 采用改进的椭圆环收缩开裂试验、自由收缩和抗折强度试验,以及不同养护条件下混凝土抗压强度对比试验来综合评价矿渣微粉掺量对混凝土收缩开裂的影响。

    The effect of ground granulated blast-furnace slag ( GGBFS ) content on shrinkage cracking of concrete has been studied by means of modified ellipse ring shrinkage cracking test , non-restrained shrinkage , flexural strength and comparative compressive strength in different curing conditions .

  15. 在固定水胶比和水泥浆体量的情况下,与基准样相比,掺高效减水剂增大了砂浆自由收缩值,掺木钙增大了砂浆早期自由收缩值、降低了砂浆后期自由收缩值;

    In the circumstance of fixed water-binder ratio and cement pastes content , high range water-reducing agent could increase free shrinkage of mortars . Compared to control sample , free shrinkage of mortars with calcium lignosulphonate was more at early age , but it was less after 14 days .

  16. 蒸压粉煤灰砖砌体自由干燥收缩性能研究

    Study on natural dry shrinkage of autoclaved fly ash brick masonry

  17. 裂纹源萌生后,在离心铸造系统长时间工作环境下,轧辊不能自由凝固收缩,促进裂纹的扩展。

    In the common centrifugal casting condition , the free solidification constriction of HSS roll was difficult , that accelerated the crack source expanding .

  18. 因固定水冷壁膜片的拉筋拘束了水冷壁管自由膨胀与收缩,致使应力增大,导致在薄弱位置萌生热疲劳裂纹。

    Because holding parts which supports water wall tube restrain free expansion and contraction , thus stress increases resulting thermal fatigue cracking on weaker position .

  19. 基于Web信息检索的自由度拓展与收缩

    The Expand and Shrink of Freedom Degree Based on Web Information Retrieval

  20. 当钢纤维的体积掺量超过0.8%,高性能钢纤维混凝土自由干燥66d的收缩值同高性能混凝土相比下降了50%;

    For HPC in which volume fraction of steel fibers was over 0.8 % , the unrestrained drying shrinkage could be diminished by about 50 % .