- 名natural language understanding

Intelligent WEB Consultation System about ISO Standard Based on Natural Language Understanding
The Ontology technique is used in natural language understanding to improve the semantic analysis capacity .
A model of Web mining based on nature language understanding
Study and Design of Personalize Web Mining System Based on Nature Language Understanding
On the Application Areas of Web Mining Technologies in Personalized Information Services Practice of web mining based on nature language understanding
The application of the Ontology technology on the understanding of natural language
Ontology-Based Natural Language Understand
Second , concept lattices provide better foundation for knowledge processing , such as association rule discovery , intelligent search engine , semantic Web and natural language processing .
With the techniques of Natural Language Understanding in Artificial Intelligence field , Intelligent Agent and Computer Language , we can mine useful information from the huge database - Internet .
The Theory of Hierarchical Network of Concepts , HNC for short , is a series of theories for natural language processing on the basis of semantic study .
As a conceptual model of describing information in semantic level , domain ontology is becoming more and more important in intelligent information retrieval , knowledge acquisition , natural language understanding and Web information processing .
There is a lot of backtracking by using DCG ( Define Clause Grammar ) method with NLU ( Natural Language Understanding ) .
It shows that how to design the natural language comprehension programme of FIA expert system with Turbo PROLOG .
The user interacts with the agent by means of a text dialog , which is translated into agent communication language through XML . Thus it solves the problem of natural language understanding for agent in the virtual environments .
A kind of new way of knowledge acquisition oriented to Web document of mechanical knowledge was put forward after the deficiency of knowledge acquisition method facing to document of speciality knowledge : natural language understanding and expert system was being discussed .
Based on natural language understanding structured thinking , distributed information structured information processing and Multi-Agent structured problem-solving ideas , to build the CPS information world .
Conclusion Ontology , which is as a body of knowledge , is used in NLU , can combine the linguistic knowledge with world knowledge that can used in disambiguation , reasoning of the texts .
A way for the designing of Chinese word segmentation system is discussed here .
Ontology can merge with KB of knowledge system , which makes NLU not only a human-machine interactive manner , but also can in conformity to other intelligent system based on knowledge , such as expert system .
Third , the Domain NLU discourse model is designed and realized according to the model .
The Research and Implementation of Knowledge Base Management System of Chinese Understanding System Based on Domain and Its Application in the Machine Design
The automatic question and answer system ( Question Answer System , is called QAS ) is the high performance software system that is based on Internet , with the use of the natural language understanding to answer the regular questions raised by people .
Text knowledge acquisition system based on natural language understanding
For users can conveniently access to ontology knowledge , Simple Protocol And RDF Query Language ( SPARQL ) ontology query based on natural language understanding was put forward .
In the course of Natural Language Processing , a powerful method and theory that processes a big number of glossary and information is needed , however LSA is a more appropriate means .
The Program of American DARPA Calculation Strategy put forward the research of Spoken English System to integrate phonetic identification and nature language comprehension and put in further practice .
Introduced most of related research fields such as ASR ( Automatic Speech Recognition ), NLP ( Nature Language Process ) and HCI ( Human-Computer Interaction ), and focused on the analysis of the architecture and framework of multimodal interaction formulated by W3C .
Emphases is then laid to present the novel theory of HNC which is oriented to every phase of NLU , with regard to its main contents and progresses . A notional sketch of HNC is attempted .
The key problem in natural language understanding is semantic understanding .
Study on Natural Language Understanding of the Chinese Information Retrieval System