- 网络We-media era

With the development of we-media era , social discussion through network media made the judicial suffer an unprecedented challenge , especially in the criminal trial , it also makes the relationship between public opinion and judicial becomes more and more subtle and complex .
Speaking into the Air : Exploring the Reform of British and American Literature Teaching in We Media Era
With arrival of the news media 3.0 , China access into we media period in 21 century .
It focused on the citizen journalism activities impact on the practice of professional media news in we media are .
The rising of microblog has launched a new revolution in media area , and creating a " new media " time .
The channel integration of public crisis transmission in " we media " era & taking Sichuan Guangyuan citrus incident as an example
With leading the development of self-media era , weibo recipients are not only information receivers , but also turning into information producers and disseminators .
With the arrival of the era of " we media ", both the expression room for commoners and the huge economic benefits for network service providers come true .
We media era Changed the traditional communication model . Individuals maximize their participation in communication activities . It has provided the conditions for the development of citizen journalism .
Since this is the age of we-media , all people have the rights to say , carnival platform provided by micro blog is enriching the communication form , and breaking the traditional authority of discourse .
Micro-blogging marks the emergence of a self-media era , completely changed the pattern that the political opinion was dominated by the traditional media in the past , and has brought great challenges to the government .
This is the era of " self-media ", because of the media more portable , especially the mobile media just are hold at your fingertips , individual can become the main body of information dissemination .