
  • 网络self-administered questionnaire
  1. 问卷法是使用设计的自填式问卷,开展问卷调查,对问卷调查结果利用SPSS和EXCEL进行分析处理。

    Questionnaire method is the self-administered questionnaire which using SPSS and EXCEL to analysis .

  2. 方法通过对2675名15~24岁青(少)年的自填式问卷调查及20名对象家长的深入访谈,分析上海市城市家庭的性教育开展情况及其影响因素。

    Methods 2 675 youth aged 15-24 years old were investigated with self-administered questionnaire and 20 parents were in-depth interviewed .

  3. 方法在杭州市某高校,随机抽取255名二、三年级学生进行匿名自填式问卷调查,内容包括AIDS相关知识、态度和行为,获得AIDS相关知识的途径与易于接受AIDS知识的宣传方式等。

    Methods In a university of Hangzhou , 255 sophomores and juniors were randomly selected for anonymous self-administered questionnaire with contents referring to AIDS related knowledge , attitude and behaviors , pathway to obtain AIDS-related knowledge and mode for better acceptation of AIDS propaganda .

  4. 方法利用自填式问卷调查2021名初中男生的吸烟相关信息,确证性因子分析构建测量模型,迭代加权最小二乘法(ERLS法)估计参数,通过评价修正来确定最佳模型。

    Methods Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect smoking-related information from 2021 respondents . Measurement models were built by confirmatory factor analysis and parameters were estimated by ERLS method . The final structural equation model was determined by comprehensive evaluation and necessary modification .

  5. 方法自填式问卷调查。

    Method Questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data .

  6. 方法:采用培训教育前后自填式问卷调查。

    Methods : Adopting the self-writing questionnaires before and after the training education .

  7. 方法采用自填式问卷,对河北528名大学和中专学生儿童期被徒手打经历进行不记名调查。

    Methods A total of 528 students were surveyed by self-administered questionnaire anonymously .

  8. 方法运用随机抽样的方法,对34名手术室护士进行自填式问卷调查。

    Method Sampled 34 operation-room nurses randomly , then used self-made questionnaire to investigate their stressors .

  9. 方法采用统一调查问卷,对浙江省2所大学所有学生进行自填式问卷调查。

    Methods Self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted among all the students from two universities in Zhejiang Province .

  10. 方法随机整群抽取合肥市4所高中学校1379名学生进行自填式问卷调查。

    Methods We selected random 1379 Senior middle school students from four schools in Hefei city by cluster sampling .

  11. 方法对某学院18岁以上的701名女生进行自填式问卷调查。

    Methods A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted among 701 female college students ( more than 18 years old ) .

  12. 方法采用自填式问卷和查阅相关档案文件等方式对2005年底铜陵市疾病预防控制机构在职人员进行调查。

    Methods Manpower resource of the disease control and prevention system was surveyed with questionnaire and the related records was reviewed .

  13. 数据收集方法为自填式问卷调查法,调查对象为武汉市两所高校的应届硕士毕业生。

    The data is collected by method of investigation of the questionnaire and the sample comes from two universities in Wuhan City .

  14. 本文以自填式问卷调查为主并辅以一定的个案访谈,对获嘉县农民闲暇生活方式进行了实证研究。

    The study had an empirical research on the peasant leisure lifestyle in Huojia County mainly by self-administered questionnaire surveys with the assistance of case study .

  15. 方法在北京市60所中学中选择188名健康课程相关的教师邮寄自填式问卷。

    Methods 188 health - related teachers were randomly selected from 60 high schools in Beijing , The data was collected by mailing questionnaires combining telephone interviews .

  16. 对云南省中英项目60个子项目实施机构的项目负责人及工作人员、省级项目专家、部分州市卫生行政部门领导进行无记名自填式问卷调查。

    Methods : Anonymous self-completing questionnaire survey among the project directors and staff of60 Sub-projects , provincial experts employed by the Project , officials of local Bureau of Health .

  17. 方法采用自填式问卷调查,调查某医学院校教师和医学生共110名,进行流行病学现况研究。

    Methods A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the information including knowledge , attitude and practice about HIV / AIDS among 110 teachers and students in Medical Colleges .

  18. 利用农民工返乡过春节的机会,采用随机抽样的方法,对100名返乡农民工进行了直接访谈和自填式问卷调查。

    Using random sampling , taking the occasion of farmer workers go back for the Spring Festival , the writer investigates 100 farmer workers with the self-administered question and the face to face interview .

  19. 方法自行设计调查问卷,采用整群随机抽样的方法对大连市现从事社区卫生服务的251名从业人员进行现场自填式问卷调查。

    Methods By cluster sampling , a total of 251 community health workers were randomly chosen to fill in the survey questionnaire , which was designed by ourselves and included general condition and job satisfaction .

  20. 方法采用艾森克个性自填式问卷和自行设计的理想化护士长应具备的素质问卷,调查本院288名护士对理想化护士长的要求。

    Methods Adopting Eysenck Personality Questionnaire ( EPQ ) and self-designed diathesis questionnaire that the sublimate charge nurses should possess , request of 300 nurses to the diathesis of charge nurses were investigated in this paper .

  21. 方法对兰州市3所大学和2所高中学生,以班级为单位,采用集体自填式问卷收集有关个人背景、性病/艾滋病相关知识、态度和个人性行为资料。

    Method Students from 3 colleges and 2 high schools were investigated with an self-administered questionnaire which was conducted to collect the information of personal background , STD / AIDS relative knowledge , attitude and personal behavior .

  22. 方法:2004-02-06/2004-02-10对邯郸市第四医院141名护士采用自填式问卷进行调查,问卷内容分为引起护士压力的常见因素及压力程度两部分。

    METHODS : Self-filled questionnaire was used to investigate the 141 nurses from the Fourth Hospital of Handan City between February 6th and February 10th 2004 . The questionnaire included two parts : common factor and degree of pressure , which induced the pressure of nurses .

  23. 方法对4个城市及农村和两个大型国有企业部分职工进行自填式问卷调查,采用WHO诊断标准,以1990年全国人口普查年龄别人口比例计算超重和肥胖调整现患率。

    Methods Residents of 4 cities and their suburban areas , and staffs from two large enterprises are investigated by self-filled structured tables . WHO diagnosed standard for overweight and obesity and the age distribution of national census in 1990 were used to calculate the age-adjusted prevalence rates .

  24. 方法:选择救治甲型H1N1流感期间传染病医院不同岗位工作人员进行无记名自填式调查问卷。

    Methods : Different medical staff of the infectious Disease Hospital during the influenza A ( H1N1 ) treatment in Chinese mainland was selected to fill in anonymous questionnaire .

  25. 方法以某市级医院282位医护人员为调查对象,采用自填式结构性问卷进行资料收集、分析。

    Methods282medical persons from a certain municipal hospital were observed using structure case by self-filling to collect data and analysis .

  26. 采用横断式研究,以187位有性经验之五专生为研究对象,采用无记名自填结构式问卷进行资料收集。

    This study used a cross-sectional design , in which data from a sample of187 junior college students with sexual experience were collected by an anonymous and self-administered questionnaire .

  27. 方法对1000例泌尿生殖道感染患者采用自填式无记名方式问卷调查。

    Methods Sample forms of 1,000 genitourinary infection patients anonymously .