
tuō gǎo
  • be completed;wind up;(of a piece of writing) be completed;manuscript is completed
脱稿 [tuō gǎo]
  • [(of a piece of writing) be completed;manuscript is completed] 著作完成;文稿写完

  • 手册脱稿了

脱稿[tuō gǎo]
  1. 这就是我为该杂志写的文章,已经脱稿。

    That 's my article for the magazine done and dusted .

  2. 他完全脱稿,慷慨激昂地进行即席演说。

    He completely departed from the text and extemporized in a very energetic fashion .

  3. 你哪会儿才能脱稿?

    When can you get the draft ready ?

  4. 而在这种严酷的竞选活动中,一切都不能脱稿。

    And in this tough campaign , nothing can be left unscripted .

  5. 汉英词典已经脱稿。

    The Chinese English dictionary is already completed in manuscript .

  6. 这书一脱稿,我马上和出版家订好了出版和约。

    Immediately this was done , I completed an arrangement with my publishers .

  7. 总统廊该作书面发言&当他脱稿发言时,经常会有很多口误。

    The president should speak from notes he always makes so many mistakes !

  8. 可看你的笔记,但要试着多数时间要脱稿说。

    Use your notes , but try to speak freely most of the time .

  9. 她的新小说已经脱稿了。

    Her new novel is off the stocks .

  10. 魏野畴的《中国近世史》于20世纪20年代初脱稿,1930年出版。

    Modern Chinese History by Wei Yechou was finished in the1920s and published in1930 .

  11. 一种简洁而又有说服力的讲话方式至关重要,特别是脱稿讲话。

    A concise and compelling speaking style matters most , especially when it isn 't scripted .

  12. 从那天起,吐温就可以脱稿演讲了,而且这种方法从未令他失望过。

    From that day , Twain was able to speak without notes , and this method never failed him .

  13. 一些招生官员希望,要求申请人在视频上回答意想不到的问题,可以显露出申请者在脱稿和未经排练时的表现。

    Some admissions officials hope that requiring applicants to answer unexpected questions on video will show candidates unscripted and unrehearsed .

  14. 继剧情片和喜剧之后,这些视频网站现在开始涉足下一个美国电视节目类型&完全脱稿的直播娱乐节目。

    After buying dramas and comedies , the sites are now wading into the next American genre & live and unscripted entertainment .

  15. 我曾希望,随着用餐的进行,朴槿惠能渐渐放松下来,但整个过程中完全没有脱稿的余地。

    I had hoped that , as the meal progressed , park would loosen up . But there is no room for going off-script .

  16. 她说,在她的新长篇小说脱稿之前,她把其他的一切事情都束之高阁了。

    She says she has put all her other projects on the back burner for a while until she finishes writing her new novel .

  17. 可以在提示卡上列一下提纲,但练习中要尽量脱稿,只要你能做到了不依赖于稿子,演说词会自然源源流出。

    Outline your speech on note cards , but try to get " off book " as soon as you can so your delivery will flow .

  18. 他脱稿讲了20分钟,回顾了创纪录业绩的每一个准确的细节,并讨论了该投行来年的战略。

    Speaking for 20 minutes without notes , he reviewed the record results in precise detail and discussed the bank 's strategy for the coming year .

  19. 第二,他做出了一项新承诺:他在脱稿演讲中说道,欧洲央行将动用一切可用工具以确保中期物价稳定。

    Second , he made a new promise : he remarked , off text , that the ECB will use all the available instruments needed to ensure price stability in the medium term .

  20. 九十年代,比尔·克林顿曾企图通过项目预算否决权,从国会那里接管财政,被伯德反对,并以分别的14个一小时演讲,全部脱稿,拖延了议程。

    Bill Clinton 's bid to seize the pursestrings from Congress in the 1990s with the line-item budget veto was opposed by Mr Byrd in 14 separate one-hour speeches , learned by heart , to slow up debate .

  21. 孔尚任的《桃花扇》传奇脱稿之后,旋即产生了强烈的社会反响,就清一代,人们对《桃花扇》的接受,可以分为场上接受和案头接受两种方式。

    To Kong Shangren of " Peach Blossom Fan " legendary finalized soon had a strong social repercussions on the Qing Dynasty , people on the " Peach Blossom Fan " of acceptance can be divided into the field to accept and desk accept two ways .