
  • 网络Energy reserves;reserves of energy resources
  1. 全球矿物能源储量与消耗速度

    Distribution of Fossil - fuel Resources and Depletion Rates in World

  2. 阿拉斯加可再生能源储量丰富。

    Alaska 's potential in renewables is huge .

  3. 分析了中国的能源储量、能源消费及其发展趋势和环境保护的现状;

    Energy reserves , consumption , development trend and environmental protection in China are analyzed .

  4. 生物质能源储量巨大,是一种清洁的可再生能源。

    Biomass is a kind of clean and renewable energy which is abundant in the world .

  5. 随着化石能源储量的减少,可再生能源成为取代化石燃料的可行性能源。

    As depletion of fossil fuels , renewable energy is becoming a viable substitution energy source .

  6. 随着中国经济持续稳定高速的增长,能源储量与未来发展需求之间的缺口将越来越大,进口液化天然气成为必然趋势。

    As Chinese economy developed , the energy gap between storage and demand is becoming bigger and bigger .

  7. 随著矿石能源储量的减少,应大力开发和应用以能源植物为主的生物质能。

    With the reduction of the ore energy , people should develop the biomass energy relying mainly on energy plant .

  8. 目前我国建筑耗能很大,且可用能源储量不足,因此必须尽快减少建筑对能源的需求,走可持续发展之路。

    China must lower the energy requirements of buildings due to its huge building energy-consumption and the energy reserved lacking .

  9. 能源储量日益减少,环境污染严重,节能减排成为常规能源利用的工作重点。

    Conventional energy reserves are dwindling accompanied by serious environmental pollution , so energy-saving and emission-reduction becomes the focus of conventional energy utilization .

  10. 传统能源储量日益减少以及能源需求的不断增长使21世纪的能源问题面临巨大的挑战,人们越来越认识到可再生能源的巨大潜力和发展前景。

    With traditional fuel energy decreased and the environment problem deteriorated , the great potential and prospect of renewable energy has been recently realized .

  11. 我国是一个发展中国家,人口众多,能源储量并不富裕,人均能源极其匮乏。

    China is a developing country with a large population , which is not rich in energy reserves and its per capita energy is extremely scarce .

  12. 随着矿石能源储量的减少,应大力开发和应用以能源植物为主的生物质能,尤其是生物质的气化技术。

    With the reduction of the ore energy , the biomass energy relying mainly on energy plant should be developed , especially the technology of gasification of biomass .

  13. 过去10年间,为了获取更多石油,中国外交官们一直穿梭在全球各地,与拥有丰富能源储量的国家打交道。

    To get their hands on more oil , Chinese diplomats have spent the last decade fanning out across the globe to do deals with countries that have a strong resource base .

  14. 我国自改革开放以来,虽然在利用外资方面取得了巨大的成就,但整个社会的环境质量和能源储量也在急剧地下降。

    Since the reform and opening up of China , great achievements have been made while utilizing foreign capital , but the environmental quality of entire community and energy reserves are dramatically reduced .

  15. 据此可以了解最新的世界能源储量、消费结构的概貌及中国能源结构状况,为进一步制定能源发展规划提供科学的依据。

    Statistical data for the reserves and consumption of different energy resources and their distributions worldwide and in China were presented , which are of great importance to the state and regional energy development planning .

  16. 我国石化能源储量以煤炭为主的基本国情,决定了以煤炭为主的能源消费结构在相当长时间内是不会改变的。

    The basic condition , that coal is the main fossil energy reservation in China , determines that consumption structure of energy relying mainly on coal can not be changed in quite a long time .

  17. 俄罗斯以其丰富的能源储量和地缘优势而成为欧盟主要的能源供应者,除少数国家外,大多数欧盟成员国都严重依赖俄罗斯的能源供应。

    With its rich energy reserve and good geographic position to Europe , Russia becomes the main energy provider of the European Union . Most EU member states rely on the import energy from Russia .

  18. 我国是一个能源储量并不丰富的国家,随着国民经济持续快速增长,能源消费也逐年上长,未来能源形势严峻,令人担忧。

    The energy recourses reserve of China is not rich , but the present energy consumption is rising year by year as continue and rapid growth of the national economic . It is worried that the serious of the energy situation of our country in the future .

  19. 俄罗斯拥有庞大的能源储量和实力雄厚的能源综合体,是其经济发展的基础,也是推行内外政策的强有力的工具,更是决定其地缘政治影响力的重要客观条件。

    Russia boasts a vast energy reserve , and a powerful complex of kinds of energy , which underlies its economic development , serves as a powerful tool for imposing its domestic and diplomatic policies , and , in particular , as the decisive power ensuring its geopolitics .

  20. 风能是一种可再生的洁净能源,储量大,分布广泛。

    Wind power is a renewable , clean , andwidely distributed energy .

  21. 风能作为一种清洁的可再生能源,储量巨大,极具发展前景。

    As a clean renewable energy , wind power with huge reserve is promising .

  22. 首先,可再生能源的储量是无限的。

    Firstly , renewable energy has unlimited availability .

  23. 而江苏省内能源资源储量贫乏,且远离能源资源丰裕地区。

    But the reserves of energy resources in Jiangsu are poor and away from the affluent areas .

  24. 地球上化石能源的储量是有限的,而人类发展对能源的需求是无限的。

    The normal fossil energy on earth is limited although the demand of energy for human development is never-ending .

  25. 我国的传统能源虽然储量很大,但是人均量在世界平均线以下。

    Though the amount of traditional energy reserves in China is large , the per-capita amount is below world-wide level .

  26. 油页岩作为一种非常规能源,储量巨大,是石油资源的有益替代和补充。

    Oil shale is the unconventional resource which has huge reserves , and it is also the main substitution for oil .

  27. 有限的化石能源的储量与经济高速发展所需大量能源消耗形成了巨大的矛盾。

    The limited proved reserves of fossil energy greatly contradict to a large number of the energy consumption which required by rapid economic development .

  28. 随着这些能源的储量迅速地枯竭,人们开始把目光投向地球更深处。一项研究表明,天然气(主要成分是甲烷)有可能存在于地球深处的地幔之中。

    But as these stocks rapidly decrease a new study has shown that natural gas , mainly methane , could be found deeper , within the Earth in the mantle .

  29. 由于化石能源的储量有限和环境污染问题,氢能和核聚变能被认为是最有前途的替代清洁能源。

    Because of the finite reserves and environmental pollution problem of the fossil energy , the fusion energy and the hydrogen energy are considered as the most promising alternative energy .

  30. 但是石油作为不可再生能源其储量是有限的,而并非取之不尽用之不竭,石油能源的短缺危机已经近在咫尺,石油价格的上涨也成为了今后发展的必然趋势。

    But the oil as a non-renewable energy reserves is limited , not inexhaustible . The oil energy shortage crisis is close at hand . The oil price will be higher and higher .