
  • 网络endorse;negotiable endorsement
  1. 票据流通的形式主要是背书转让,而背书连续则是票据背书行为的关键规则。

    The form of notes in circulation is mainly negotiable endorsement , and the continuous act of endorsement is the key rule of negotiable endorsement .

  2. 什么情况下可以做背书转让?

    What can be done endorsement of the transfer ?

  3. 抱歉,你的机票不可以背书转让。

    Sorry , your ticket is not endorsable .

  4. 论票据权利的背书转让

    How to Transfer Bill Rights by Endorsing

  5. 背书转让业务处理和背书转让业务撤回是票据背书中实现的核心业务功能。

    The business processing an business withdraw of endorsement is core business functions in endorse a bill process .

  6. 福费廷无追索权的实现方式包括票据背书转让和放弃追索的书面承诺两种方式。

    The implementation of forfeiting without recourse includes two ways , notes transferable by endorsement and a written undertaking to give up recourse .

  7. 第三十条汇票以背书转让或者以背书将一定的汇票权利授予他人行使时,必须记载被背书人名称。

    Article 30 The name of endorsee shall be specified when a bill of exchange is endorsed to negotiate or when the exercise of certain part of the rights thereon is endorsed to another .

  8. 票据是一种法定的流通证券,可以通过背书转让而流通,同时法律又允许当事人对票据的背书作出某种限制。

    Bill is a legal negotiable instrument , which can circulate through endorsement , while the law respect the autonome of the party and allow it make a certain restriction on the endorsement of the bill .

  9. 质权人享有完整的票据权利,但其票据权利的行使受到一定限制,在条件具备时,可以行使付款请求权和追索权,也可以再背书转让。

    The pawnee has bill rights completely , but to exercise this rights is limited to some degree . If the condition has reached , the pawnee may exercise the rights of claim for payment and the right of recourse , or re-endorse the bill for transfer .

  10. 该票据的出票、承兑、交付、背书转让涉嫌欺诈、偷盗、胁迫、恐吓、暴力等非法行为的,持票人对持票的合法性应当负责举证。

    If the issuance , acceptance , delivery and negotiation by endorsement are suspected of being involved in the illegal actions such as fraud , theft , intimidation , threat , or violation , etc. , the holder shall bear the burden of proof for the legality of the bill .

  11. 如列明向持票人交付,无须背书即可转让;

    If made out to bearer it shall be transferable without endorsement ;

  12. 空白背书票据转让形式灵活、多样,可满足持票人或受让人的不同需求。

    Blank endorsement satisfies the various needs of the bearer or the assignee with its flexible and multiple transfer forms .

  13. (三)记名提单:无需背书,即可转让。票据的)不记名背书

    A bearer bill of lading is negotiable without endorsement . blank indorsement

  14. 第四和第五部分分析了特殊转让背书和非转让背书的效力。

    The third part lays the basis for discussion of effect of restrictive indorsement after the analysis of effect of general indorsement .

  15. 如限制背书授权再转让,则所有其后手被背书人享有之权利和承担之义务与限制背书之第一被背书人相同。

    If the restricted endorsement re-transfer of authority , then all subsequent endorsee right hand rights and assume the obligations and limitations of the first endorsee endorsement of the same .

  16. 票据转让背书与票据非转让背书都具有相应的法律效力。

    Endorsement-for-transfer as well as endorsement-not-for-transfer enjoys legal validity .

  17. 经背书的贴现或转让票据

    Notes thus discounted or transferred by endorsement

  18. 指示提单:经过记名背书或者空白背书转让;

    An order bill of lading may be negotiated with endorsement to order or endorsement in blank ;

  19. 倘汇票执票人未经背书而受价转让按照其本人指示付款之汇票

    " Where the holder of a bill payable to his order transfers it for value without indorsing it ,"

  20. 但是,被背书人不得再以背书转让汇票权利。

    However , the endorsee may not negotiate the rights on the bill by endorsement .

  21. 非转让背书中,应区别明示与默示以确定委托收款被背书人所为转让背书的效力,质押被背书人所为转让背书均不能发生票据法上的效力;

    In non - transferable endorsement , we should distinguish explicit or tacit approval thus define the effect of transferable endorsement taking by procuration endorsee , the transferable endorsement taking by impawn endorsee should not occur the efficacy in Commercial Instrument Law .