
  • 网络Share conversion;share exchange
  1. 完成股份转换后,花旗将拥有1000亿美元有形普通股权益资本(TCE)(一种衡量资产债表状况的指标)。

    After the offering , Citi will have $ 100bn in tangible common equity a measure of the strength of its balance sheet .

  2. 在交易完成并且股份转换完成之后,正大光明将持有中信20.6%的股份。这两步交易中,中信集团的股价都被定为每股13.8港元,比周一收盘时该集团每股13.62港元的价格略有溢价。

    Both transactions valued shares at HK $ 13.80 , a slight premium to Monday 's closing price of HK $ 13.62 .

  3. 花旗昨日夜间宣布,几乎所有的非政府优先股股东均已同意将所持股份转换为普通股,这将为政府在今后几天内完成250亿美元的优先股转换铺平道路。

    Citi announced last night that virtually all of the non-government holders of preferred shares had agreed to convert them into common stock , a move that will pave the way for the government to complete the exchange of its $ 25bn of preferred shares in the next few days .

  4. 推行股份合作转换经营机制促进林业发展的研究

    Study on Extention of Stock and Cooperation System for Transformation of Management System and for Promotion of Forestry Development

  5. 从以往纾困安排中获得的股份,可能转换成新证券,以后需要时再转换成普通股。

    Holdings from previous programmes can be flipped into the new securities which , in turn , would convert to common equity as needed over time .

  6. 但乌云很快笼罩过来,一家名为PrivCo的研究机构称,这轮融资其实附带着大量的苛刻条款、消除创始人和员工股份价值的可转换债务。

    But the storm clouds came quickly , when a research group called privco claimed that the financing actually was convertible debt that wiped out the value of founder and employee liquidity and included a whole rash of onerous terms .

  7. 股票投资具有流动性的优点,因为投资者可以很容易地通过卖出股份使其所有权转换成现金。

    Investment in these shares have the advantage of liquidity , because investors easily may convert their corporate ownership into cash by selling their shares .