
  • 网络joint-equity commercial bank;JCBC;joint-stock commercial banks;joint-stock banks
  1. 此外,国有商业银行的自愿性信息披露水平要高于股份制商业银行。

    Besides , the voluntary disclosure level of the state-owned commercial banks is higher than the joint-equity commercial banks ' .

  2. 股份制商业银行是我国金融银行体系的重要组成部分,也是我国经济改革和金融体制改革的产物。

    The joint-equity commercial banks are an important constitution of bank industry in China , which are the product of economic and financial system reform .

  3. 重庆市股份制商业银行的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of Chongqing 's Joint-stock Commercial Banks

  4. 我国股份制商业银行流动性的实证研究&基于SPSS软件的聚类分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Liquidity of Joint Stock Commercial Banks in China-A Cluster Analysis Based on SPSS

  5. 采用基于投入的DEA方法,评价了加入WTO之前中国股份制商业银行以效率为核心的绩效。

    This paper employs an Input-Orientated Data Envelopment Analysis approach to the efficiency-based evaluation of the performance of Chinese stock commercial banks before the entry into WTO .

  6. X市农村商业银行是在原农村信用合作联社的基础上,由自然人、境内非金融机构共同发起设立组建的股份制商业银行。

    X Rural Commercial Bank is in the original rural credit cooperative association , based on a natural person , co-sponsored by domestic non-financial institutions to establish the formation of joint-stock commercial banks .

  7. 中国加入WTO以后,中国银行业面临着更加激烈的市场竞争。本文从这一背景出发,系统地分析了一家全国性股份制商业银行在北京设立的分行&A银行的竞争策略。

    More severe competition is facing China 's banking when China enters the WTO , This paper systematically analyzes the competitive strategies of A bank , the Beijing branch of a national joint-stock commercial bank .

  8. 本文研究的对象&中国光大银行成都X支行,是一家股份制商业银行的基层行,是一家正在摆脱困境、快速发展的银行。

    The study object , Chengdu X Branch of China Everbright Bank , is a grassroot branch of a stock system commercial bank . It is a bank breaking loose from a pretty mess and in rapid development .

  9. 文章运用EVA这一衡量公司治理绩效的新指标,对我国股份制商业银行治理结构作了回归分析。

    Using the new index of EVA to measure the performance of corporate governance , this paper analysis the relationship between the share-holding commercial banks ' governance structure and the performance .

  10. 自我国加入WTO,整个金融体系发生了巨大的变化,四大国有银行的市场份额呈逐年下降趋势,股份制商业银行及城市商业银行的市场占有率逐年提高。

    After joining the WTO , great changes have taken place in the whole financial system . The market share of the four major state-owned banks is declining while that of the joint-stock commercial banks and city commercial banks is increasing year by year .

  11. 基于DEA-Tobit两步法的股份制商业银行效率评价与分析

    Evaluation and Analysis of Efficiency of Joint-Stock Commercial Banks Using the DEA-Tobit Two-Stage Method

  12. 随着我国金融市场的改革开放,国内中小股份制商业银行纷纷崛起,特别是加入WTO后外资银行通过多种渠道进入我国金融市场,致使原四大国有商业银行一统天下的局面不复存在。

    With the reform and opening of Chinese financial market , the small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial bank are rising in China , the foreign-funded banks enter into Chinese financial market via many channels , which leading the stated-owned commercial bank cannot control Chinese banking industry anymore .

  13. Z银行是国内资本实力最雄厚的商业银行之一,是一家快速增长并具有强大综合竞争力的全国性股份制商业银行。

    Z Bank is one of the domestic commercial banks with strong capital base and become a fast growing national commercial bank with great comprehensive competitive edge . Z Bank Credit Card Center is a function department of Z Bank to conduct credit card business .

  14. 第二章回顾了企业战略管理理论的演进、波特的竞争战略理论与SWOT分析法,同时梳理了相关的企业竞争力与商业银行竞争力的理论,并阐述了股份制商业银行竞争力的来源。

    The second chapter reviews the progress of enterprise strategic management theory , Competition Strategy Theory by Michael E. Porter and SWOT analysis tool . It also summaries and surveys the theory about relative enterprise competitiveness , commercial competitiveness and the sauce of the shareholding commercial bank competitiveness .

  15. 在银行业中,建设银行于2002年率先在部分分行尝试建立EVA绩效管理体系,兴业银行、工商银行、招商银行等股份制商业银行也不同程度地进行了探索。

    In the banking sector , the Construction Bank in 2002 , took the lead in some branches of trying to establish EVA Performance Management System , Industrial Bank , Industrial and Commercial Bank , China Merchants Bank and other joint-stock commercial banks have also been explored to varying degrees .

  16. 本文也对国有商业银行和股份制商业银行分别进行了Tobit截断回归来分析两类银行在影响因素上的不同。

    And in order to analyze the difference on factors of two types of banks , the paper also analyzes the state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks by the Tobit Censored Regression Model .

  17. 中行GX分行作为国家控股的股份制商业银行,面对同业间日趋激烈的竞争,个人金融业务发展在机遇面前也将面临着巨大的挑战。

    Bank of China GX Branch , as one of the state-controlled commercial banks , has to face the rigorous banking industry competition . In other words , IFB development faces the great challenge as well as the opportunities .

  18. 首先,本文利用了DEA模型对13家样本银行在2006-2008年的效率进行静态评价,得出以下结论:1、股份制商业银行的经营效率要整体高于国有商业银行,但是差距在不断的缩小。

    First of all , this article uses DEA model 13 sample banks in 2006-2008 , the efficiency of the static evaluation , draw the following conclusions : a joint-stock commercial banks operating efficiency to a whole higher than the state-owned commercial banks , but the gap is constantly narrowing .

  19. 我国国有银行和股份制商业银行的效率差异及投入拥挤实证研究

    Efficiency Difference and Input Crowding Analysis on State-owned and Joint-stock Banks

  20. 股份制商业银行发展策略探析

    The Ascertainment in the Development Strategies of the Joint-stock Commercial Banks

  21. 从控制权到所有权:地方性股份制商业银行法人治理结构改革的逻辑

    On the Reform of the Corporate Governance of City Commercial banks

  22. 股份制商业银行金融创新中的问题与对策研究

    Problems of and Countermeasures for Financial Innovation of Joint-stock Commercial Banks

  23. 大连市商业银行是一家由城市信用社起家的地方性股份制商业银行。

    Dalian City Commercial Bank is a local stock commercial bank .

  24. 首先,从理论上分析,股份制商业银行仍有其生存空间。

    Firstly , new commercial bank still has its developing space .

  25. 我国上市股份制商业银行竞争力的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Competition of Listed Joint-stock Commercial Banks in China

  26. 知识工资在股份制商业银行薪酬体系中的应用研究

    Researching the Application of Knowledge-relating Wages in the Stipend System of JCBC

  27. 我国股份制商业银行估值模型选择的研究

    The Research on Valuation Models of Commercial Bank in China

  28. 股份制商业银行的融资决策

    Financial Decision of Joint - stock Business Banks in China

  29. 股份制商业银行未来发展的五个趋势

    The Five Trends of Future Development of Share - holding Commercial Banks

  30. 对我国股份制商业银行未来的几点推测

    Several Conjectures for the Future of the Stock System in Commercial Bank