
ròu bó
  • fight hand-to-hand;fight at close quarters
肉搏 [ròu bó]
  • [fight hand-to-hand] 近身相搏,常常是徒手或持短兵器

  • 双方展开了肉搏战

肉搏[ròu bó]
  1. 他在激烈的肉搏战中被打断了两根肋骨。

    He suffered two broken ribs in a fierce hand-to-hand battle .

  2. 据说街上发生了肉搏战。

    There was , reportedly , hand-to-hand combat in the streets

  3. 昨天该市发生了肉搏战。

    Yesterday saw hand-to-hand combat in the city .

  4. 战士们与敌人展开了肉搏。

    The soldiers were engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy .

  5. 我方战士英勇地同敌人展开肉搏战。

    Our soldiers bravely fought hand to hand with the enemy .

  6. 剑和狼牙棒是肉搏战的最佳武器。

    The sword and mace were favourite weapons for hand-to-hand fighting .

  7. vs技能。我正在考虑其他的肉搏职业。我用这种方式去解决这些问题。

    I was considering the other melee classes , and I broke it down in this way .

  8. AI玩家会重视保留单位,并在适当的时候进行撤退(不论是肉搏和距离攻击)。

    AI players are stronger at preserving units , and retreat at appropriate times both in melee and ranged combat .

  9. 大多数类型的部队从伪政权,不是肉搏战士,因为他们有更好的设备比NP和缩窄性心包炎军队,所以你不能重整。

    Most types of troops from puppet regimes are not melee soldiers , because they had better equipments than NP and CP armies , so you can 't rearm them .

  10. 在肉搏战中他大显身手。

    During the hand-to-hand fight , he fully displayed his talents .

  11. 尤文图斯正在为了两名前锋和巴塞罗那进行肉搏战。

    Juventus are going head-to-head with Barcelona for two striker targets .

  12. 最后的一投,我一直努力拼抢和肉搏。

    That last shot , I kept battling and I kept hustling .

  13. 大炮猛轰城市而肉搏战在街上继续进行。

    Artillery pounded the city while handto-hand fighting continued in the streets .

  14. 军事对抗最高峰期间的肉搏战。

    Close fighting during the culmination of a military attack .

  15. 以一个圣经故事——歌利亚和大卫的战争——为例。歌利亚原本以为此战会是一场肉搏战。

    Using the titular biblical example , Goliath was expecting hand-to-hand combat .

  16. 那时候他们正在进行肉搏战。

    At that moment they were fighting foot to foot .

  17. 战争变得失去人性,肉搏战被机械站所代替。

    Wars become depersonalized , and hand-to-hand fighting is replaced by machine warfare .

  18. 在穆尔防卫时,他的第一选择并不是和黑熊肉搏。

    In Moore 's defense , his first choice wasn 't a fistfight .

  19. 在肉搏中,您必须与对手进行近距离战斗。

    To melee , one must be in close combat with their opponent .

  20. 靠肉搏战决定了战斗的胜负。

    The result of the battle was decided in hand to hand combat .

  21. 士兵们冲向前去跟敌人进行肉搏。

    The soldiers surged forward and closed with the enemy in hand-to-hand fighting .

  22. 两个战士肉搏起来,直到一个受了重伤为止。

    The two soldiers fought hand to hand until one fell badly wounded .

  23. 在肉搏战中,他用刺刀接连捅死了好几个敌兵。

    In the hand-to-hand fight , he ran the bayonet through several enemy soldiers .

  24. 子宫中,两个胎儿头顶头的肉搏战。

    Two fetuses go head-to-head in the womb .

  25. 为了和众多对手贴身肉搏,日本公司还盯准了和国外公司合作开发这条捷径。

    To compete , Japan Inc. is also eyeing more tie-ups with outside companies .

  26. 弩兵被手持盾牌的重步兵保护着避免遭遇肉搏战。

    These crossbowmen are protected by a shield wall of heavy infantry from melee attacks .

  27. 军事攻击中与敌人展开近距离肉搏的最后阶段。

    The concluding stage of an attack in which close combat occurs with the enemy .

  28. 使用蛮力和汲取生命攻击来击溃敌人的肉搏专家。

    A melee specialist that uses brute force and health draining attacks to crush enemies .

  29. 它们为了市场份额争得你死我活,每天都经历着肉搏战。

    They slug it out for market share and engage in hand-to-hand combat every day .

  30. 一旦重步兵和你近距离肉搏,他们就已经取得了胜利。

    Once the legionaries got you within melee , they will most likely have won .