- functional legislation

About the Legislation by Executive Power of Administrative Organs
The Authority Legislation of Our Country is Differentiated
Supplementary legislation different from authority legislation in the main subject , start way and nature . It has the characteristics of subsidiary , variety and flexibility .
In the authority administrative legislation , the local government should enact to the local specific situation in accordance with the authority endowed by the Constitution , but the legal rights and obligations in the matters still should be according to the high-level law .
The fourth part is to strengthen our business power of supervision of the board of supervisors of legislative proposals .
The third part is the power of supervision of the board of supervisors foreign business related legislation and the enlightenment .
The Senate confirms John Brennan to head the CIA after a late struggle doing more with presidential power to order drone strikes than his credentials to lead the spy agency .
But the forced measures of our country are faced with many questions from legislative standard or concrete application owing to the influence of the legislative model of forced functions and powers .
On the other hand , a lot of ones that need to entrust to the manager 's powers urgently is still not admitted , So that the manager is unable to fulfill the post normally , influence the management of the company to be developed .