
  1. 我国职工董事制度来源于德国公司的职工共同决策制度,但在制度功能能上存在差异,特别是在职能的发挥方面。

    Employee director system of our country is derived from the shared decision-making system in German company , but deferent on functions , especially in the roles it plays .

  2. 可以说,我国的职工董事制度是我国社会主义国家所特有的一种崭新的真正体现职工权益的公司治理方式。

    That is to say , our worker-director system is a new system truly protects the rights and interests of all workers in our socialism country in the governance of company .

  3. 然而,现实中职工董事制度的运行十分艰难,究其根源还是职工董事的职能机制尚未厘清,相关法律问题尚未明确。

    However , the employee director system faces a lot of problems in operation which call for improvement . In the source , the function mechanism and the legal problems of employee director system have not clarified yet .

  4. 因此,中国引进和革新职工董事制度必须结合中国自身的实际情况,其要求契合中国现有的公司治理结构现实和法律文化传统,进行科学的制度设计和创新。

    Therefore , the introduction and innovation of employee director system must be combined with the actual conditions . Its requirement is to embrace the governance structure reality , legal culture and tradition in China , thus to design and innovate the system scientifically .

  5. 国有企业职工董事、职工监事制度存在的问题和建议

    The Problems in the Board of Directors and Worker-supervised System of the Public-ownership Enterprise

  6. 明确规定公司的职工董事和职工监事制度,极大地推进了职工参与公司治理制度的深化和规范化。

    Therefore , the system of workers and staff members participating in adminis-tering a company has been effectively promoted .

  7. 近年来,职工董事、职工监事制度伴随着国有企业的改革得到了不断的探索。

    Currently , with the development of the reform of the enterprise , directors and worker-supervised system have been promoted .

  8. 我国职工董事、职工监事制度法律问题研究

    A Study on the Legal Problems about the System of Workers ' Sitting in the Board of Directors & Board of Supervisors in China

  9. 国有企业改革把职工代表大会制度与职工董事、监事制度内在地联系在一起。

    The reform of national enterprises has inherently connected the system of worker 's congress and the system of making staff workers to be directors and supervisors together .

  10. 随着我国国企改革的推进以及现代企业制度的建立,公司法试图依照西方国家的做法,将职工参与制度融入现代公司治理结构之中,在公司法中规定了职工董事、职工监事制度。

    Legislators wanted to emerge the employees ' participation into the corporate structure according to such system in the west and made the system of employee director and employee supervisor .

  11. 职工参与公司治理的方式,可借鉴德国的雇员参与制和美国的雇员持股计划,完善职工持股制度、职工董事制度与职工监事制度;

    Though absorbing the fruit of German employee participating system and American employee share-holding project , our staff-participating corporate governance pattern will perfect the staff share-holding , staff-boarding and staff-supervising institution .