
  • 网络Aged Social work
  1. 对老年社会工作教育本土化的思考

    Reflections on the Localization of the Social Work for the Aged

  2. 只有本土的老年社会工作价值观才能更好的指导老年社会工作的开展。

    Only the native geriatric social work values to better guide geriatric social work .

  3. 开展老年社会工作教育,培养为老龄化社会的老年人服务的社会工作人员,是时代的需要。

    Education of social work for the aged must be carried out and social workers for the aging society trained .

  4. 因此,可以认为临终关怀是老年社会工作后期的重要内容和必经阶段。

    Therefore , it can be argued that hospice care is older social work later important content and the inevitable stage .

  5. 因此,笔者最后为孝文化在老年社会工作中的融入提出了一些建议。

    Therefore , the author finally put forward some suggestions for the integration of filial piety culture in the elderly social work .

  6. 但是,老年社会工作在我国的发展还只是起步阶段,还远远不能满足家庭与社会的需要。

    However , old age social work development in China is still the initial stage , far from satisfying the needs of the family and society .

  7. 而社会工作是一门专门帮助社会弱势群体解决困难的服务性质的专业,其中老年社会工作和社区社会工作是如何为老年人更好的提供服务和更好的进行社区建设的学科。

    Social work is a professional major which can help the disadvantaged minority solve the problems , and the old age of social work aimed to provide better service for the elderly .

  8. 随着我国步入老龄社会,老年社会工作逐渐成为社会工作这一特殊的助人专业的重要内容,而临终关怀是老年社会工作中重要的一个环节。

    Along with our country into aging society , the old social work gradually become social work this special help professional important content , and hospice care is older social work in the important link .

  9. 社会工作是一门以价值为主导的专业,因此,在我国老年社会工作发展的初期就应该注重本土老年社会工作价值观的构建。

    Social work is a value-oriented professional . so , in our country social work for the elderly in an early stage of development should pay more attention to the local elderly social work values construction .

  10. 孝文化在老年社会工作价值观中的融入,本质是老年社会工作价值观的本土化,目的在于更好的指导老年社会工作的实践。

    The integration of filial piety culture in the ode age social woke values , in essence , is the localization of the elderly social work values , the purpose lies in the better guide the elderly social work practice .

  11. 并在此基础探寻孝文化基本内容:赡养父母、尊敬父母、顺亲无违、光亲显亲、葬亲祭亲分别与老年社会工作价值观体系的融合点。

    And on this basis to explore the basis contents of filial piety culture : support their parents , respect their parent , obey their parents , honor their parents , bury and sacrifice their parents in the system of old age social work values fit point .

  12. 当前,作为从西方引进的为老年群体提供专业服务的老年社会工作以及中国特有的孝文化理念都在老龄化社会问题的解决中发挥着积极作用。

    Currently , elderly social work , as introduced from the west to provide professional services for the older age groups , and the unique Chinese culture of Filial Piety Concept in solving the problem of an aging society plays an active role .

  13. “当今社会,老年人是增长最快的一个群体,老年社会工作在今后提供了顶尖就业机会之一。”阿克伦大学的简。罗伯兹如是说。

    " The elderly are the fastest growing group in our society , and geriatric social work offers one of the top career opportunities for the future ," says Jane Roberts of the University of Akron .