
měi shì ɡǎn lǎn qiú
  • American football
  1. 源自美式橄榄球,四分卫指挥比赛,而比赛往往在周末进行。

    The quarterback directs the play in an American football match and matches are usually played at the weekend .

  2. 山姆:嗯,我们参加不同的活动,吃不同的食物。在中国,人们通常放烟火和吃饺子。在美国,我们通常在电视上观看感恩节游行和美式橄榄球赛。我们也吃火鸡。

    Sam : Well , we take part in different activities and eat different kinds of food.In China , people usually set off fireworks and eat dumplings.In the US , we usually watch a Thanksgiving parade and an American football game on TV.We also eat turkey .

  3. 美国国家橄榄球联盟是一个职业美式橄榄球联盟,有32支球队。

    The National Football League ( NFL ) is a professional American football league with 32 teams in .

  4. 该公司为游戏机游戏【比如其劲爆美式橄榄球系列(MaddenNFL)游戏】提供数字化虚拟商品及附加商品。

    The company offers digital goods and add-ons for console titles , like its Madden NFL franchise .

  5. 乔•蒙塔纳(JoeMontana)是美式橄榄球史上最伟大的四分卫之一。自1979年他加盟美国国家橄榄球联盟(NationalFootballLeague)以来,他一直使用同一家私人银行的服务。

    Joe Montana , one of the greatest quarterbacks in the history of American football , has been with the same private bank since 1979 when he was drafted into the National Football League .

  6. 罗林斯说:随着时间的推移,人们开始因达拉斯牛仔队(DallasCowboys,美式橄榄球队)等各种其他的东西知道达拉斯。

    Rawlings says : With time that changed , with the arrival of the Dallas Cowboys [ football team ] and different things that Dallas started to become known for .

  7. 瑞士网球名将玛蒂娜·辛吉斯名列第七位,其次是“孤独症”、NFL美式橄榄球联赛选秀和真人秀节目《名人老大哥》。

    Swiss tennis star Martina Hingis was seventh on the news search list , ahead of autism , the US National Football League draft , and the television show Celebrity Big Brother .

  8. 美式橄榄球大联盟(NFL)代表着美国最高水平的职业橄榄球联赛,而超级碗是NFL的年度冠军赛。NFL每个赛季从前一年的夏季晚期开始,到第二年的超级碗达到最高潮。

    The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League ( NFL ), the highest level of professional American football in the United States , culminating a season that begins in the late summer of the previous calendar year .

  9. 根据咨询机构科尔尼(ATKearney)的数据,2009年,按照金额计算,足球占据全球体育赛事市场的43%,美式橄榄球为13%,棒球为12%。并且足球比赛正在以更快的速度发展。

    Soccer captured 43 per cent of the global   sports   event   market   by value in 2009 , compared with 13 per cent for American   football and 12 per cent for baseball ,  according   to AT Kearney , the consultancy , and is growing faster .

  10. 篮球运动员18位,美式橄榄球21位,足球12位。

    Basketball has 18 , American football 21 and soccer 12 .

  11. 美式橄榄球是所有体育项目中战术最为复杂的体育。

    American football has the most complex plays among all sports .

  12. 它是美国篮球职业联赛、美式橄榄球联盟、国家冰上曲棍球联盟还是美国职业棒球联盟?

    Is it the NBA , NFL , NHL , or MLB ?

  13. 在美式橄榄球中,攻方持球触地得6分。

    In American football , a touchdown scores six points .

  14. 一个美式橄榄球球场的长度大约是100码。

    An American football field is one hundred yards long .

  15. 美式橄榄球运动中使用的长方形的充气球。

    The inflated oblong ball used in playing American football .

  16. 今天有美式橄榄球比赛吗?

    Is there an American football game today ?

  17. 在美国,绝大部分人都最喜欢美式橄榄球和篮球。

    In the USA , most people love American football and basketball the most .

  18. 这是美式橄榄球队的比赛

    This is a group playing touch football .

  19. 在美式橄榄球运动中,你得设法把你的对手弄倒。

    In American football , you have to try to bring down your opponent .

  20. 集足球、篮球和美式橄榄球的最佳特征于一体。

    It mixes the best features of sports like Soccer , Basketball and American Football .

  21. 他钟情的运动是美式橄榄球,他钟情的食物要有民族特色。

    His favorite sport is American football and he likes a lot of ethnic dishes .

  22. 前美式橄榄球明星兼演员O。

    The former football star and actor O.

  23. 开始!它是美国篮球职业联赛,美国职业棒球大联盟,美式橄榄球联盟还是国家冰上曲棍球联盟?

    Here we go , is it the NBA , MLB , NFL or NHL ?

  24. 英式和美式橄榄球是身体接触的体育运动,选手会受很多伤。

    Rugby and American footbau are contact sports in which players receive a lot of iniuries .

  25. 我们倒宁可聊一聊美式橄榄球,聊聊天气或者聊聊我们午餐所吃的东西。

    we would rather talk about football or the weather or what we had for lunch .

  26. 你在美式橄榄球大联盟中不希望寻找的职位肯定是传染病专家,

    One position you wouldn 't expect to find on an NFL team , an infectious disease specialist ,

  27. 这是了解美式橄榄球的好方法,经常成为餐桌上的话题。

    It was good way to learn about American football and have some conversations around the dinner table .

  28. 从美式橄榄球中可以得到个启示,记住:最好的防守是进攻。

    Taking a cue from American Football , remember that " offense is the best form of defense " .

  29. 读一本书,了解一位以前的优秀职业运动员,比如(棒球)强击手亨利•阿伦或者(美式橄榄球)跑锋沃尔特•佩顿等。

    Read a book about a great old-time player such as slugger Henry Aaron or running back Walter Payton .

  30. 美式橄榄球中的得分;抱着球越过对方球门线。

    A score in American football ; being in possession of the ball across the opponents ' goal line .