
  • 网络The College Board;US College Board
  1. 美国大学理事会发言人表示,该机构尚未研究过雇主对SAT成绩的使用情况。

    The group hasn 't studied employers ' use of scores , a College Board spokeswoman said .

  2. SAT考试主办机构美国大学理事会(CollegeBoard)称,这项考试的设计主要是为了预测大学一年级的学业成绩。

    The College Board , which administers the SAT , maintains that the exam is designed mainly to predict first-year college success .

  3. 美国大学理事会(CollegeBoard)的数据显示,四年私立大学又需要16万美元。

    Four years of private college is another $ 160,000 , according to the College Board .

  4. 这份报告在注解中列出,美国大学理事会(CollegeBoard)预计2011到2012学年四年制私立(非营利)大学的年度平均学费和各种杂费总计为2.85万美元,每年的食宿费用为10089美元。

    The report notes estimate by the College Board that in 2011-2012 , annual average tuition and fees were $ 28500 at 4-year private ( non-profit ) colleges , while annual room and board was $ 10089 .

  5. 雇主还会在发出工作邀约之后抽查求职者的证明材料(美国大学理事会永久保存SAT成绩,不过查询一年以前的成绩需要多达五周的时间,并须支付30.50美元检索费)。

    ( The College Board keeps SAT scores indefinitely , though requests for scores older than one year take up to five weeks to fulfill and cost $ 30.50 to retrieve . )

  6. 美国大学理事会(CollegeBoard)宣称,这一重新设计的入学测试将“不再神秘”。SAT将不再令人困惑猜疑,相反,它将与高中课程密切相关,从而更好地成为学生所学知识的真实反映。

    The College Board has said its redesigned admission test would contain " no more mysteries . " Instead of being a riddle to solve , it would correspond with high-school curriculums and better reflect what students have learned .

  7. 包括最高层在内的大多数GMAC员工都在弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿城镇中心(RestonTownCenter)两个安静的楼层办公,谷歌(Google)、劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)和美国大学理事会(CollegeBoard)也在这栋现代化写字楼中租用了办公空间。

    The majority of GMAC 's staff , including its most senior officers , work on two quiet floors of a modern office park in Reston Town Center , Va. , where Google ( GOOG ) , Rolls-Royce , and the College Board also lease space .

  8. 美国大学理事会声称,该测试可以判断学生是否可以进入高校。

    The College Board claims that the test can determine whether or not a person is ready for college .

  9. 一些研究过美国大学理事会样题的业内专家表示,这些考题更加贴近学习内容,取巧的可能较小。

    Some testing experts who 've studied the College Board 's sample questions describe them as more relevant and less gimmicky .

  10. 美国大学理事会采取非常认真的任务:连接上大学的学生成功,以卓越和公平的承诺。

    The College Board takes its mission very seriously : to connect students to college success , with a commitment to excellence and equity .

  11. 虽然很多公司要求提供正式的大学成绩单,但很少有公司让求职者提供由美国大学理事会开具的正式成绩报告,不过公司常常要求求职者承诺他们提供的是真实信息。

    Few companies request official score reports from the College Board in the same way they demand formal college transcripts , though they often require candidates to attest that they are providing truthful information . Employers also spot-check candidates ' credentials after making offers .