
  • 网络american university
  1. 美利坚大学政治学教授利希特曼(AlanLichtman)表示,过去的经验表明,在国会和白宫都由同一个党派来主导的情况下,政府可以作许多事情。

    American University political science professor Alan Lichtman says there is evidence that when one party controls the congress and White House , much can get done .

  2. 詹妮弗罗利斯是美利坚大学妇女与政治研究学院的主任。”

    Jennifer Lawless directs the Women & Politics Institute at American University .

  3. 维尔曼说,美利坚大学在校园里专门开辟了一个社区花园。

    Verman says his school has a community garden on campus .

  4. 位于华盛顿的美利坚大学不久前刚与太阳能领域的先驱者杜克能源签署了为期20年的协议。

    American University in Washington just signed a 20-year deal with solar pioneer Duke Energy .

  5. 我要感谢美利坚大学校长尼尔∙克尔温和我们的东道主们;

    I want to thank American University for welcoming me to the campus once again .

  6. 卡特在开罗的美利坚大学发表演说,听众至少有一千人。

    Mr. Carter spoke to an audience of at least 1000 people at the American University in Cairo .

  7. 美利坚大学专家科蒂斯·甘斯认为,两位候选人在看待美国各州选举人票分布图的时候各有不同角度。

    American University expert Curtis Gans says each candidate looks at the electoral map of the country differently .

  8. 美利坚大学的政治科学教授利希特曼说,假如能够达到这一目标,民主党人算是获得了重大胜利。

    That would be an important victory for Democrats , according to Alan Lichtman , political science professor at American University .

  9. 设在开罗的美利坚大学教授萨伊德。萨迪克认为奥巴马总统可以通过采取两个关键步骤来改善关系。

    Said Sadek of the American University in Cairo believes Obama could go far to improve relations with two key steps .

  10. 作者是美利坚大学国际服务学院驻校学者,并在该校华盛顿法学院兼任副教授。

    The writer is scholar-in-residence at American university 's School of international service and adjunct associate professor at its Washington College of law .

  11. 美利坚大学开罗分校的阿卜杜拉.阿沙尔教授说,目前的局势使伊拉克和美国都陷入了两难的境地。

    Professor Abdallah Al-Ashaal of the American University in Cairo says the situation poses a dilemma for both the Iraqis and the United States .

  12. 纳撒尼尔赫尔是美利坚大学的心理学教授。他解释了许多人,特别是年轻一代,喜欢自拍和晒照的原因。

    Nathaniel Herr , a psychology professor at American University in Washington , explains why the younger generation , in particular , is taking and posting selfies .

  13. 美利坚大学新闻系教授柯克伦认为,因特网即时将信息传送给任何角落任何人的能力,提供企业家一个绝佳的平台。

    Journalism professor Wendell Cochran of American University says the Internet , with its capacity to instantaneously convey information around the world , is an extraordinary platform for entrepreneurs .

  14. 网络让那些非英语国家的人们在重要和意义重大的场合中更自由的使用英语,位于华盛顿地区的美利坚大学的语言学教授内奥米-巴伦说。

    The internet enfranchises people who are not native speakers to use English in significant and meaningful ways , says Naomi Baron , professor of linguistics at American University in Washington DC .

  15. 尽管本星期早些时候,卡特在以色列受到冷冰冰的接待,但他在埃及受到热烈的欢迎。星期四晚上卡特在开罗的美利坚大学发表演说的时候,听众大都表示支持他。

    Although he received a cold welcoming in Israel in recent days , he was warmly received by Egyptian officials and a large supportive audience during a speech at the American University in Cairo late Thursday .

  16. 稍后,布什夫人宣布美国对阿富汗的两项援助计划。一个是在五年之内为美利坚大学喀布尔分校提供4千万美元的拨款;另一个是五年内向一个全国扫盲中心提供4千万美元的拨款,这个中心主要为成年人提供教育。

    Mrs. Bush later announced two American aid initiatives for Afghanistan , a $ 40 million grant over five years for the American University in Kabul and a five-year $ 40 million package for a national literacy center that mainly teaches adults .

  17. 不过,美利坚大学巴黎商学院院长阿里.法特米表示,次贷危机在欧洲的影响比较复杂,比如,对法国来说就不一定是一个巨大的打击,法国的房地产市场依然有一定的弹性。

    But American University of Paris business school head , Ali Fatemi , says the subprime crisis has had a mixed effect in Europe - and may not necessarily be a huge blow for France , where the housing market , for example , remains resilient .

  18. 美利坚合众国伯明翰阿拉巴马大学约翰斯帕克曼全球卫生中心。

    B.John J Sparkman Center for Global Health , University of Alabama at Birmingham , Birmingham , United States of America .