
  • 网络Beautiful Creatures
  1. 汉普特斯西斯公园是许多美丽生灵的家园。

    Hampstead heath is home to many fine creatures .

  2. 恩格勒特有可能通过一部有潜力的由小说改编的新电影《美丽生灵》成为今年下一个大人物,她将在其中饰演艾玛·汤普森和杰里米·艾恩斯的对手。

    Englert has a chance to become the next big thing this year with Beautiful Creatures , a potential new franchise , in which she stars opposite Emma Thompson and Jeremy Irons .

  3. 它是一个如此美丽的生灵。

    It was such a thing of beauty .

  4. 她是上帝亲自手画好给我送来的一个美丽的生灵。

    She is a beautiful creature sent from God , and painted with His hand .

  5. 即使我打碎了你的笼子,我也够不到你这个美丽的生灵!

    Even if I break your cage , I can 't reach you , beautiful creature !

  6. 最美丽的生灵,他喜欢她,她喜欢他;他们相互亲吻过,相互拥抱过,他是她的欢乐,她的半个生命。

    Her beautiful , noble child had been a dear angel , and possessed the kindest heart ; he had loved her so much , and she had loved him in return ; they had kissed and loved each other , and the boy had been her joy , her second life .