
  • 网络Roman ruins;Roman remains;Roman Forum
  1. 几处古罗马遗迹得到了很好的保护。

    Several Roman remains have been well protected .

  2. 帕尼尼是第一位将罗马遗迹及废墟风光作为主题的艺术家。

    Panini was the first artist to work with the theme of Roman ruins and scenes .

  3. 我们参观了古罗马遗迹。

    We saw the ruins of rome .

  4. 我们知道,庞贝城毁于一次火山爆发,但讽刺的是,正是因为这一点,庞贝古城保存得比其他罗马遗迹还要完整。

    The ancient city was destroyed by a volcanic eruption that ironically preserved it far better than any other Roman site .

  5. 我们周围都是古罗马的遗迹。

    There are Roman remains all around us .

  6. 我们对古罗马的遗迹感到震惊。

    We were shocked at the remains of the ancient rome .

  7. 参观者被古罗马的遗迹迷住了。

    The visitors were struck by the ruins of rome .

  8. 寺院、古罗马的遗迹。

    The remains of an abbey , of ancient rome .

  9. 古罗马的遗迹被发掘出来了。

    The ruins of ancient Rome were excavated out .

  10. 这个以蕴藏罗马时期遗迹闻名的城镇。

    A town known for its Roman-era ruins .

  11. 我知道阿纳戈诺斯先生对古代希腊和罗马的遗迹情有独钟,并且对它们所创造的古代文明推崇备至。

    I knew Mr. Anagnos 's great love of antiquity and his enthusiastic appreciation of all beautiful sentiments about Italy and Greece .

  12. 他并不在乎把他那个年代存在的威尼斯的建筑物和古罗马的遗迹结合在一起的画法,作为补充的手法,他常常用常春藤的花环装饰他的画。

    He thought nothing of combing existing Venetian buildings of his day with ancient Roman monuments and , as an ended touch , he often draped them with wreaths of ivy .

  13. 对历史感兴趣的游客,可以在这里参观许多罗马时代的遗迹。

    For those who like history , there are lots of Roman ruins to see .

  14. 法国南部可以找到许多罗马时代的遗迹。

    Many ruins of the Roman date are to be found in the south of France .

  15. 在意大利境内,热点地区是罗马,其古代遗迹和最新成就都被展示给了每一位大陆游学旅行者。

    Within Italy , the great focus was Rome , whose ancient ruins and more recent achievements were shown to every Grand Tourist .

  16. 罗马帝国当然已经远去了,但是考古学家至今还在挖出罗马帝国的遗迹,他们所发掘的东西能让我们看到过去那个时候的生活是怎样的,

    The empire , of course , is long gone , but archaeologists are digging up relics from the empire to this day and what they find can give a glimpse at what life was like back then .