
  • 网络Online sales;network sale;NETWORK MARKETING;Internet sales
  1. 在电子商务的环境下,本文研究了基于Web的木门业网络销售系统。

    Under the environment of E-commerce , this thesis study the doors business network marketing system which is based on web .

  2. 网络销售相对于传统商务而言是一次质的飞跃。

    Compared with traditional network marketing business case is a qualitative leap .

  3. 如果网络销售开始补偿CD唱片销售的下降,环球音乐公司将从中受益。

    It will benefit if online sales begin to offset the decline of CDs .

  4. 在美国,亚马逊(Amazon)为保持网络销售的主导地位,利润率仅略高于1%。

    Amazon in the US keeps its dominant position online on margins of little more than 1 per cent .

  5. L2的报告显示,网络销售仍然只占奢侈品企业总收入的6%。

    Online sales still represent just 6 percent of luxury companies " total revenues , according to L2 .

  6. 在对企业需求把握的基础上,进行网络销售系统的设计,并进行了UML的系统建模,完成了程序的开发;

    Designing network distribution system based on the requirement of the enterprise , and then modeling system with UML and developing the system at last .

  7. 据ForresterResearch说,预计2016年中国网络销售总额将从去年的1694亿美元上升至3561亿美元。

    The country 's total online sales are expected to rise to $ 356.1 billion in 2016 from $ 169.4 billion last year , according to Forrester Research .

  8. 咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)表示,目前在中国整个零售业务中,网络销售不到6%。

    Online retail sales now account for slightly less than 6 per cent of Chinas total retail sales , according to McKinsey , the consultants .

  9. 这家移动运营商还提到其提供给苹果(Apple)iPhone手机的补贴,称这也是造成盈利降低的一大因素,中国移动从今年1月开始在自己的网络销售iPhone。

    The mobile operator also cited the subsidies it provides for Apple 's iPhones - which it began selling on its network for the first time in January - as a factor for its lower earnings .

  10. 应聘职位:Scripps网络销售助理

    Job : Sales Assistant at Scripps Networks

  11. 经销商知晓BAKER家具实施了一系列的政策,包括附带的网络销售政策,但BAKER家具可在认为必要时对这些政策随时作出修改。

    DEALER understands that BAKER has implemented various policies , including the attached internet policy (" INTERNET POLICY ") that may be modified from time to time at BAKER 'S discretion .

  12. NPD分析师连姆·卡拉汉(LiamCallahan)说,公司把网络销售计入了另一份每季度发表的游戏业统计报告中。

    Liam Callahan , an analyst at NPD , said the firm includes digital sales in a game report that comes out every quarter .

  13. 新经济时代我国BtoC网络销售发展的新思路

    New Idea about the Development of E-commerce ( BtoC ) in China in New Economic Times

  14. GameStop也参与到网络销售游戏中来,但这个举措并没带来多大改变。

    GameStop has increased its own presence in Internet-delivered games , but those changes have not moved the needle much .

  15. 银行保险(Bancassurance)是指寿险公司通过银行或邮局网络销售特定的保险产品,目前已成为西方发达国家寿险业普遍采用且行之有效的分销渠道。

    Bancassurance means bank either network of post office sale insurance produce of life insurance , Now it became the most popular and effective distribution way adopted by western developed country life insurance corporation .

  16. GameStop的管理人员说,本季最受期待的游戏之一《星球大战:前线》(StarWars:Battlefront)在本季的网络销售没有达到预期,这番话更加令人震惊。

    Executives at GameStop caused a further stir when they said one of the most anticipated games of the season , Star Wars : Battlefront , had missed their internal sales forecasts during the quarter .

  17. AXA地产公司的投资经理AdrianD’Enrico称,网络销售出现之前,连锁零售商要覆盖全国市场需要开设200家分店,而现在只需要开50到80家。

    In Britain the number of outlets a retail chain needs to have national coverage has dropped from 200 in the pre-online era to 50-80 , says Adrian D'Enrico of AXA Real Estate , an investment manager .

  18. 日本木制玩具零售商经验谈网络销售与实体经营连动

    Online Sales Interacts with Brick-and-Mortar Japanese Wooden Toy Retailers ' Experience

  19. 它们是第一次走向网络销售。

    But they are making their first foreway into online sales .

  20. 合并多个销售数据集:网络销售和实体店销售场景

    Merging multiple sales cubes : Web sales and store sales scenario

  21. 网络销售系统应用服务器的优化设计

    Optimization of the application server in selling by the network system

  22. 企业网络销售服务系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Enterprise Online Sales and Service System

  23. 我国企业网络销售的现状与发展策略

    The Present Situation and Development Strategy of Sale Online for Chinese Enterprises

  24. 第三章为网络销售对税收的影响。

    Chapter three of network sales for the revenue implications .

  25. 苹果也成为了网络销售的领导者。

    Apple has also been a leader in online marketing .

  26. 介绍了网络销售的发展现状,特点以及种类。

    Sales on the development of network status , characteristics and types .

  27. 第四章为各国的网络销售税收政策对比。

    Chapter IV of the network for national sales tax policies contrast .

  28. 重庆市旅游网络销售前景分析

    Analysis of online marketing prospect of Chongqing 's tourism

  29. 网络销售的交易规律探析

    Searching into the transaction rules of sales on Internet

  30. 网络销售环境下服装展示的现状分析

    Analysis of the Present Situation of Apparel Exhibiting under the Environment of Network Marketing