
wǎnɡ luò diàn nǎo
  • Internet computer
  1. 网络电脑教室数据流控制规则

    The Data Flow Control Protocol of Network Teaching Learning Systen

  2. 网络电脑教室是普及教育的有效手段。

    Network Teaching Learning Sys tem ( NTLS ) is a effective method of learning science and technology .

  3. 但是,更近似人脑的新型神经网络电脑看来特别有希望能教会机器人如何适应环境。

    But new neural-network computers , which more closely resemble the human brain , look particularly promising for teaching robots how to adapt to their surroundings .

  4. 我骑车前往有网络电脑和复印机的店家,谨慎恐惧地复印每一页,而后将崭新干净的复印页面以塑胶文件夹装订起来。

    I rode into town to the shop with the Internet computers and photocopiers and I gingerly duplicated every page , then had the new , clean photocopies bound in a nice plastic folder .

  5. 介绍了一种新型的计算机&网络电脑的兴起、软件基础、组成结构、雏形产品、技术规范以及未来的发展趋势。

    The author gives a brief description to NC - a new kind computer being talked today more and more , including its emerging , software base , unit construction , prototype product , technique specification and future tendency .

  6. 作为形象性、参与性、趣味性与即时性兼备的活动形式,网络电脑游戏正随着科技进步和网络的广泛普及而飞速发展,对电影、电视、出版等文化产业产生越来越大的影响。

    With the development and wide spread of network , online computer games have become being of increasingly huge impact on the film , television , publishing and other industries resulted in characteristics such as vividness , interests , and high involvement .

  7. 他指的是新一代网络电脑游戏。在这些游戏中,玩家登录到一个幻想的世界,控制其中的人物进行交易、争论、打架,或在这个虚拟世界中与他人进行性行为。

    He is talking about the new breed of online computer games , in which players log into a fantasy universe and control characters who trade , argue , fight or , depending on the world , have sex with each other .

  8. 基于Novell网络的电脑考试平台

    Test Plat Form Based on Novell Network

  9. 支持通过网络与电脑互访,支持UPNP功能。

    Support visit computers via internet , and support UPNP .

  10. pottermore网站将集社交网络、电脑游戏和在线文字内容于一体,除电子书下载以外,其他功能都是免费的。

    The pottermore site is a mixture of social networking , computer gaming and online literary content , which , apart from the downloading of e-books , is free to use .

  11. 用VB6.0Winsock控件实现网络中电脑的控制

    Control Computer in Network by Using Winsock Control Of VB6.0

  12. 每个学生在家里有一台连接星际网络的电脑。

    Every student will have a computer at home connected to inter-planetary network .

  13. @scottmcnealy:我说过网络就是电脑,但我并没说它能100%正常运行。

    ScottmcnealyI said the Network is the Computer , I did not say it had100 % uptime .

  14. 任何连接学校网络的电脑都可以登入学校所有的图书馆数据库和电子资源库。

    All of the librarys databases and electronic sources can be accessed through any computer connected to the university network .

  15. 随着当今网络和电脑日新月异的发展,人们对高质量的视频要求越来越高。

    With the rapid development of network and computer , people on the high quality video demand is higher and higher .

  16. 没问题,安装无线摄像头和遥控器,从世界上任何连接网络的电脑上你就可以看到家中的情况了。

    No problem , install some wireless cameras and controllers and from any computer in the world with an Internet connection .

  17. 随着互联网络和电脑的普及,已经有越来越多人的生活因为电子商务而改变。

    With the pervasion of the Internet and computers , lives of people in increasing numbers have been changed by electronic business .

  18. 接口连接电脑,并借由局域网络通过电脑远程操控设备。

    Remote equipment control : the equipment is connected to a computer through RS485 interface , and its operation is controlled through remote software .

  19. 基因工程药物产业是当今世界上除了网络和电脑科技外发展最迅速的高科技产业。

    Nowadays , Genetic Engineering Pharmaceutical Industry ( GEPI ) is the fastest developing industry in the world , except for internet and computer technology .

  20. 内科公文中的一项研究表明基于网络和电脑的戒烟程序包括交互式的程序似乎是有效的。

    Web-and computer-based smoking-cessation programs , including some that are interactive , seem to be effective , shows a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine .

  21. 所以借助联机网络、电脑通信和数字交互式媒体进行网络营销无疑是一种具高效、快捷、方便、低廉等特性的营销方式。

    Therefore , to e-market with the help of the Internet , computer communication and interactive digital media is undoubtedly an effective , fast , convenient and cheap marketing mode .

  22. 并且也将液压控制阀和变频器通过无线网络与电脑主机相连,达到了无线检测与控制钻进参数的目的。

    Hydraulic control valve and transducer connected to the host computer through a wireless network . The drilling parameter of test equipment could be monitored and controlled automatically by computer .

  23. 购买自己心仪的俱乐部对于大多数人来说不过是一个可望而不可及的梦想,他们只能在虚幻的网络空间电脑游戏中寻求施展自己经营理念的天地。

    For most people , however , a club is beyond their means , so they must indulge their managerial ambitions in other ways , such as fantasy-football games or computer simulations .

  24. 这是一种类似U盘的电子产品,号称只要插入接通网络的电脑,便可实时收看近5000个世界各地的电视台频道,甚至包括一些成人节目。

    The device , which looks like a USB flash disk , plugs into a computer with Internet access can receive TV channels from all over the world , including some adult programs .

  25. 网购情境下,顾客与企业不再是直接的、面对面的实体接触,而是通过网络、电脑等媒介进行互动和交流。

    In the network context , customers and business is no longer face to face and no longer contact physically , but through the electronic media to interact and communicate with the enterprises .

  26. 这位读者对于和他一样出生在“婴儿潮”时期的一代人倍感自豪,现在的网络、电脑和手机都是由他们这一代人发明的。

    I am constantly amused by their reactions when I * remind them that it was the Baby Boomer generation that invented the PC , cellphones , the Web and – gasp !– video games .

  27. 当时的格言是“网络就是电脑”,因为运算能力日益集中,个人电脑设备成了连接用户与这些巨型“大脑”的“瘦客户端”。

    The mantra of that time was that " the network is the computer " with computing power increasingly centralised and personal computing devices acting as " thin clients " to connect users to these giant " brains " .

  28. 广州市少先队总辅导员张海波表示,这一代的孩子是和网络、电脑、手机一起成长的一代。新媒介已经成为孩子们生活的组成部分,深刻影响着他们的学习、生活、交往和思维方式。

    New media has become part of their lives and affects their modes of studying , living , communicating and thinking , said Zhang Haibo , the general counselor of Guangzhou Municipal Young Pioneers , an association of students .

  29. 但Web与移动设备(可能是电子书阅读器、电话、网络或笔记本电脑)的结合就足以实施所有类型的交易,无论是大额还是小额交易。

    But the combination of the Web and mobile devices be it an eBook reader , phone , netbook , or laptop is sufficient infrastructure to effectuate all kinds of transactions , small and large .

  30. 他们购买诸如“邮件”和“网络”的电脑之间建立安全连接的话在他们的内部网络的SSL证书(如内部网已知)。

    They purchase SSL certificates for words like " mail " and " Web " to create secure connections between computers on their internal networks ( known as Intranets ) .