
  • 网络Online Auction;Net Auction;Auction Online
  1. 网络拍卖不仅成为电子商务不可分割的部分,而且是自治Agent和多Agent系统(MAS)技术的重要应用领域。

    Internet auction not only is an integral part of electronic commerce but also has become a promising field for applying autonomous agents and multi-agent system ( MAS ) technologies .

  2. 上世纪九十年代以来,伴随着Internet兴起,以Ebay拍卖网站为代表的网络拍卖开始在全世界范围内流行,如今已经形成了一个极有前途的庞大产业。

    Since the 1990s of last century , the Internet auction represented by Ebay auction website had begun to be worldwide popular accompanied by the rise of Internet .

  3. 基于时间价值的网络拍卖方法研究

    Research on Internet Auction Approach Based on the Time Value

  4. 网络拍卖的春天是否到来?

    Does Spring Come to the Online Biding Market ?

  5. 我在网络拍卖上买的。

    I got it through an online auction .

  6. 网络拍卖的法律障碍与对策

    Legal exploration of auction in internet

  7. 去年是检验理念的一年,我们举行了60场仅限线上的、涉及多种类别拍品的网络拍卖会。

    Last year , was our proof-of-concept year . We had 60 online-only auctions of various categories .

  8. 网络拍卖从拍卖物品的数量上可以分为单物品拍卖和多物品拍卖。

    Online auction can be divided into single-item auction and multi-item auction based on the number of items .

  9. 接着,探讨了多物品网络拍卖机制&逢低买入机制,针对该机制建立了相应的模型。

    Following , it discusses multi-item auction mechanism-Buying a mechanism to establish the mechanism for the corresponding model .

  10. 《华尔街日报》:你们的大部份业务仍为现场拍卖,你认为网络拍卖的机遇在何处?

    WSJ : The bulk of your business is still live auctions . Where do you see the opportunity online ?

  11. 传统拍卖企业建设网站的历史与网络拍卖在国内发展的历时相同,却收效甚微。

    The online development of domestic traditional enterprises has a history as long as online auction , but is almost useless .

  12. 本文首先总结已有文献,发现当中关于时间价值的论述值得关注,并将其作为影响网络拍卖效率的主要分析对象。

    This article summarizes the existing documents at first , pays close attention to the time value existing in the Internet auction .

  13. 网络拍卖是传统拍卖借助互联网发展起来的有效资源配置方式与价格发现机制。

    As an effective mechanism to allocate resource and discover price , online auction has already grown up with the development of internet .

  14. 随着电子商务的广泛开展,网络拍卖这种新型交易模式日益盛行。

    With the advent and the prevalence of e-commerce , the online auction as a new style of trade has become more and more popular in nowadays .

  15. 今年,动物园牛仔裤将于8月1日在网络拍卖平台上开售,起拍价是每条税后98000日元(合956.55美元)。

    This year 's Zoo Jeans will be sold online on August 1st , with auctions starting at 98000 yen ( US $ 957.55 ) , plus tax , per pair .

  16. 虽然这款牛仔裤价格十分昂贵,但它还是吸引了许多人争先恐后的购买。所以今年东北学院大学将在网络拍卖平台上额外出售10条由狮子设计的动物园牛仔裤。

    Although very pricey , Zoo Jeans proved extremely popular , so this year , the Tohoku Gakuin University is selling another 10 pairs designed by lions , via online auction .

  17. 国内传统拍卖业面临激烈的业内竞争以及国外同行瓜分市场的威胁,同时网络拍卖的快速发展也逐渐占领一部分市场份额。

    Traditional auction industry is facing an intensive market environment : a frightful industry competition , the threat from foreign auction enterprises and the decreasing market share occupying by online auction .

  18. 目前为止对仅限线上的网络拍卖而言,最佳的价格区间是五千英镑到一百万英镑(约合8414美元至170万美元)。

    The price point that works best for us , so far , on online-only auctions is between GBP 5000 and GBP 1 million ( US $ 8414 to US $ 1.7 million ) .

  19. 因网络拍卖合同所产生的纠纷也日趋增多,因为其应用自动化交易系统辅助交易订立合同,对传统合同理论也带来冲击。

    Since the application of the automatic trading system used in assisting contract conclusion has brought great challenges to the traditional contract theory , the disputes resulted from online auction contracts have now been increasing .

  20. 在网络拍卖交易市场日益壮大的今天,国内许多企业与个人早已从中获得了巨大的商业价值,并且形成了成熟的商业模式,为市场的规范和发展做出了积极的贡献。

    In the online auction market growing today , many domestic enterprises and individuals have already gained huge commercial value , and the formation of a mature business model , to market and development made a positive contribution .

  21. 在一定程度上将诚信用户与欺诈用户区分开来,有效地防范了恶意用户的信誉炒作行为,使得用户的信誉度计算更为公平合理,从而促进网络拍卖的发展。

    To some extent , honest and fraudulent users are distinguished with the former model , which can prevent ill speculation effectively , make it equitable and reasonable to calculate users ' reputation scores and then promote the development of online auctions .

  22. 另外,本研究有如下发现:网络拍卖模式是林业碳汇交易的有效模式;专业性第三方市场模式是有形林产品电子商务发展的主流模式。

    Furthermore , the research has the following discoveries : Network auction mode will be the effective and future electronic commerce mode for the forest carbon ; The specialty third party market mode will become the main electronic commerce mode for the materially forest product .

  23. 近年来多物品网络拍卖发展极其迅速,网上交易额数以百亿计,网上拍卖的方式也不断推陈出新,但多物品拍卖尚未形成一套成熟的理论体系,拍卖效率高低不一。

    In recent years , the development of multi-item online auctions is extremely fast , online transactions are tens of billions of dollars , online auction patterns have also continued to emerge . But multi-items auction theory has not yet formed a mature system , with different efficiency .

  24. 最后用Java并结合shell语言在ANAM模型基础上实现了一个主动网络在线拍卖系统,测试了ANAM的各项性能。

    In the end , an on-line auction system is implemented on the ANAM model with Java and shell language . The system has been tested in terms of diverse performance .

  25. 军队采购实施网络逆拍卖刍议

    Carrying out network reverse auction in of troops material acquisition

  26. 一种网络实时拍卖系统的实施

    A Kind of Internet Real-Time Auction System Networking

  27. 许多亚洲买家通过网络参与西方拍卖会,推高了远程成功竞拍的比例。

    Many buyers in western auctions participate online from Asia , pushing up the proportion of remotely won bids .

  28. 网络上的拍卖运作方式大体与一般的拍卖无异,但有更长的拍卖期限。

    Internet auctions function in much the same way as regular auctions , though with a longer time limit .

  29. 它利用网络平台将拍卖时间、人数和物品等进行最大限度的延伸。

    It can extend the auction time , the number of people and materials to the largest with the network platform .

  30. 同时,拍卖机制的设计,特别是近几年来兴起的基于关键词的网络广告位拍卖,也越来越受到学术界的重视。

    At the same time , the auction design gets more and more attention from the academia , especially the keyword auction .