
  • 网络networkers;Network work
  1. 分析了公用交换电话网络工作原理,分析了在因特网和基于IP的数据网上传送语音业务技术的协议标准及其在市场应用方面的优势,并给出了一个VoIP组网模型。

    This paper describes the principles of PSTN and analyzes the technology of Voice over IP . The paper also gives the advantage of VoIP in market application , including a VoIP model for discussion .

  2. 据信在瞻博网络工作的软件工程师以159990美元的基本年薪高于年入136427美元的位居第二的LinkedIn的软件工程师。

    Engineers who said they work for Juniper reported an annual base salary of $ 159990 , compared with the $ 136427 base salary reported by those who said they work for the second-place firm on the list , LinkedIn .

  3. 电力系统网络工作票的功能及实现

    Function and Realization of the Network Working-sheet in Electric Power System

  4. 你可能会发现一些令人惊讶的配合、协作以及网络工作机会。

    You may find some surprising synergy , collaboration , and networking opportunities .

  5. 科学的看待高校思想政治教育进网络工作

    On the scientific attitude towards university ideological and political education in the environment of internet

  6. 传感器网络工作效率研究

    Work Efficiency of Wireless Sensor Network

  7. 它具有以快速方法改变网络工作方式的潜力。

    It has the potential to change the way our networks work in a rapid way .

  8. 贵州高校思想政治教育进网络工作研究

    A Research on Entering Network of Political , Thinking Education at college and Universities of Guizhou Province

  9. 因为集群复制而增加的网络工作负载必须与增加的磁盘活动成比例。

    The additional network workload will be proportional to the increase in disk activity due to cluster replication .

  10. 在思想政治教育进网络工作的未来,网络虚拟群体的思想政治教育工作是思想政治教育进网络工作的必须和必然。

    In the future , hypothesized community in network is becoming more and more necessary and important on ideological and political education .

  11. 对策是建立高校思想教育网络工作、网络创新、网络保障、网络功能和网络道德建设等五大机制。

    The countermeasures are to establish ideological education network , network innovation , network security , network culture , network function and network morality building .

  12. 你会开始有收入,并且从网络工作中获得的经验会促使你成为一名更加有责任感的大学生。

    You will start to earn , and the learnings you get from your online jobs will actually help you become a more responsible college student .

  13. 本报告叙述了目前和计划在地方、国家和国际各级开展的国际年筹备活动、行动和建立网络工作。

    The present report describes current and planned activities , initiatives and networking at the local , national and international levels in preparation for the Year .

  14. 经测试和试运行证明,该监测网络工作稳定、可靠,精度和速度都满足项目要求。

    According to the proof of testing and trial operation , the monitoring network is stable , reliable , and its precision and speed meet the project requirements .

  15. 网络工作人员也为此熬起夜不止,揉一揉眼睛,把疲劳赶跑,在节目表上满世界地找,想方设法要把凯尔特人队插到全国的热点新闻中去。

    Suddenly , the networks will sit up , rub the sleep out of their eyes , and start looking for places to plug the Celtics into their national schedule .

  16. 尽管你可能是一个程序员,可能是个编辑或者其他网络工作人员,你可能永远不会去设计网站,但我有预感,说不定有一天你不得不去做这件事。

    Although as a programmer or content writer or other web worker , you may never need to design a website , I have a feeling that at one point or another , you 'll have to anyways .

  17. 积极推进高校思想政治教育进网络工作是贯彻党的十六大精神,推动高校思想政治工作改进和创新的一个重要举措。

    Actively carrying out the work of college political education on the Internet is a significant act in embodying the spirit of the Party ′ s 16th national congress and expediting the improvement and innovation of college political education .

  18. 但是,网络工作没有终点,我们站在一个新的起点上,仍需要继续做大量的工作来进一步打造精品网络、提升网络质量、提高客户满意度。

    However , networking does not end point , we stand on a new starting point , still need to continue to do a lot of work to further build quality network , improve network quality , improve customer satisfaction .

  19. 在这方面,上海市从20世纪50年代就进行了有益的探索,开创出具有上海特点的精神病防治三级网络工作模式,对中国社区精神卫生发展做出了很大的贡献。

    In this aspect , Shanghai began its pursuit long before 1950s , and explored a three-level network model in prevention of mental diseases with a Shanghai characteristic , which proved to be a great contribution to China 's mental health course .

  20. 如果您从事系统和网络管理工作,那么您将需要Expect。

    If you manage systems and networks , you need Expect .

  21. 基于GoogleApps构建网络协同工作平台的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Network Supported Cooperative Work Platform Based on Google Apps

  22. 因此,数据业务的优化是TD-SCDMA网络优化工作的核心和关键。

    Therefore , the optimization of data service is the core in TD network optimization work .

  23. 为了获得决胜3G市场的先机,各运营商积极准备3G网络建设工作。

    With the aim of winning 3G market , Mobile Network Operators all begin to prepare for the construction of 3G Network .

  24. 企业网络服务器工作于互联网信息服务器(IIS)之上。

    The Enterprise Server runs on top of Internet Information Server ( IIS ) .

  25. 幸运的是,有一些密切相关的现象,可以使Hopfield网络的工作原理清楚明白地显示出来。

    There are , fortunately , some closely related phenomena whose analysis sheds light on the workings of the Hopfield net .

  26. 我曾经在一家网络公司工作过,该公司将一个产品进行了beta测试,尽管用某一种类型的调制解调器会失败。

    I once worked for a networking company that shipped a product to a beta test even though it was failing with one type of modem .

  27. 正确地理解有关Expect的一些基本知识(如何调用它、它的对话模型、它的编程辅助,等等),以便在系统和网络管理工作中更充分地发挥它的作用。

    Correct understanding of a few Expect basics how to invoke it , its dialogue model , its programming aids , and so on shines a light on its enormous potential in system and network administration .

  28. 在多功能手写电子笔白板系统的基础上,还开发了相应的手写模式计算机网络协同工作(CSCW)的实验模型。

    Based on the above results , the experimental prototype for Computer Supported Cooperative Work ( CSCW ) in the corresponding tablet module is developed .

  29. 本文主要讨论了PLC及其网络的工作机理和具体实现,重点研究了把个人计算机开发成PLC及其网络的超级终端,实现对PLC工业控制系统的数据操作和管理的技术。

    The paper is mainly discussed about the working principle and realizing method . And the paper study the super terminal of converting person computer into PLC and network and realize the technical of PLC control system data management and operation .

  30. 为了给该类问题寻求有效的快速识别算法,在CRC约束网络相关工作基础上,提出了CRC约束矩阵的标准型。

    This paper intends to find an efficient recognition algorithm for the class of constraint networks . In this paper , a standardized form for the CRC constraint matrix is proposed based on the related findings on CRC constraint networks .