
wǎnɡ yǐn
  • Internet addiction;net addiction
  1. 一些精神健康专家认为应将“网瘾”列入新近改版的第五版精神病学圣经——《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》(第五版DSM)中。

    Some mental-health specialists wanted " internet addiction " to be included in the fifth version of psychiatry 's bible , the " Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , " known as DSM-V , which is currently being overhauled .

  2. 论未成年人网瘾形成的原因及预防

    On the Cause of Internet Addiction for Non-adults and its Precaution

  3. 你的朋友也对你的网瘾负有责任。

    Your friends are also responsible .

  4. 美国reSTART网瘾康复项目声称能治疗网瘾、游戏瘾,甚至还有“短信瘾”。

    In America the reSTART Internet Addiction Recovery Program claims to treat internet addiction , gaming addiction , and even " texting addiction . "

  5. 第四,合理解决网瘾问题。

    Fourth , To rationally solve the problem of games addiction .

  6. 网瘾效应影响时序加工;

    The Network addiction effect affects the time series processing .

  7. 高职学生网瘾的剖析及防治

    Analysis and Precaution of Students ' Web-Addiction in Vocational College

  8. 很多人质疑网瘾的是否应该被诊断成一种精神疾病。

    Many questioned the fairly new diagnosis of'Internet addiction'as a mental disorder .

  9. 五是论述了青少年网瘾监控机制的建立。

    Five is discussing the monitoring mechanism of internet addiction in adolescents .

  10. 但是线上行为是否就一定会导致网瘾呢?

    But does it make sense to talk of addiction to online activity ?

  11. 图书馆如何对网瘾青少年实施知识援助

    How Libraries to Implement Knowledge Aid to Internet-addicted Teenagers

  12. 目的:观察认知、行为疗法对青少年网瘾的干预效果。

    Objective : To investigate cognitive and behavioral therapy for adolescent addiction intervention .

  13. 如何帮助青少年解决网瘾问题?

    How to help young people with Internet addiction ?

  14. 网瘾对大学生身心健康的危害及对策网络成瘾青少年的网络相关行为特征

    Harmfulnesses of Internet Addiction Disorder to College Students Mentally and Physically and Its Countermeasures

  15. 对兰州市青少年网瘾问题的调查与思考

    Investigation into Lanzhou Teenagers ' Addiction to Network

  16. 戒网瘾对这些孩子们来说是个漫长、痛苦的过程。

    Cutting off internet addiction was a long and painful process for the children .

  17. 护理干预对住院网瘾青少年患者焦虑情绪的心理影响

    Psychological Affection of Nursing Intervention on Anxiety of the Hospitalized Teenagers with Internet Addiction

  18. 然而,由该游戏狂热所引发的网络游戏沉迷,即网瘾问题也随之浮出水面。

    However , the frenzy of network game subsequently turned up the game addiction problems .

  19. 三是论述青少年网瘾判断标准及监控机制研究的基础理论。

    Three is discussing the basis theory of adolescent internet addiction criteria and monitoring mechanism .

  20. 县城与非县城高中的网瘾发生率无统计学意义。

    The difference was not statistically significant between county and non-county high school IAD incidence .

  21. 2007年,韩国政府估计近21万的儿童需要接受网瘾治疗。

    In 2007 the government estimated that around 210000 children needed treatment for internet addiction .

  22. 网瘾已严重影响当代大学生的生活、学习。

    The addiction to internet has a negative influence on college students ' life and study .

  23. 电击疗法治疗网瘾在临床应用还有争议。

    The use of shock therapy to treat Internet addiction is still controversial in clinical application .

  24. 他建议只要限制学生在宿舍中的上网时间,便足以杜绝网瘾了。

    He suggested that limiting Internet hours in the dorm would suffice to prevent indulgent behavior .

  25. 自由派对网瘾的辩护充斥着精英主义,甚至潜意识中有极端达尔文主义倾向。

    The liberals'defense of the Internet smacks of elitism , and subconsciously , even extreme Darwinism .

  26. 图书馆在对网瘾青少年实施知识援助时要讲究策略和方法。

    Libraries should stress strategies and methods when they implement knowledge aid to the Internet-addicted teenagers .

  27. 但这种成功也付出了代价,按照政府官员的说法,就是400万的“网瘾少年”。

    But that success comes at a price , according to government officials : Four million teenagers .

  28. 大学生网瘾者的时间记忆特点一定程度上支持了时间分段综合模型。

    Time memory character of undergraduates with network addiction supports temporal range / synthetic model in some degree .

  29. 《美国精神病学杂志》将网瘾视作一种“普通疾病”,并支持普及网瘾知识。

    The American Journal of Psychiatry called internet addiction a " common disorder " and supported its recognition .

  30. 许多大学之所以禁止大一新生在宿舍中使用电脑,就是为了防止网瘾。

    Preventing such indulgences is cited by many schools as a reason for banning computers in freshmen dorms .