
  • 网络NMC;twowt.net
  1. 基于数字信道化和空时频分析的多网台跳频信号DOA估计

    Directions of arrival estimation for multi frequency-hopping signals based on digital channelized receiver and spatial time-frequency analysis

  2. 有线电视网络管理系统能适应CATV网络多任务管理的需要,提高整个网络的运行效益,减轻网台管理维护人员的劳动强度。

    CATV Network Management System supports the needs of multi-task management of CATV network , enhances the running efficiency of the whole CATV network , reduces the labour strength of persons that manage and maintain the CATV network .

  3. 一种短波非正交跳频网台信号分选方法研究

    Study on the Method of Sorting the Shortwave Non-orthodox Frequency-hopped Network-station Signal

  4. 城区低压配电网台区的运行故障调查分析

    Investigation of the Trouble in Operation for Low Voltage Urban Distribution Network

  5. 跳频信号的网台分选是电子战领域的一个传统难题。

    Frequency aggregate division is a traditional difficult problem in EW domain .

  6. 跳频高密度异步网台信号的分选

    A Distinguishing Algorithm for FH High-Density Asynchronous Network Signals

  7. 介绍了利用改进型的时间相关算法进行短波非正交跳频网台信号分选的方法。

    Shortwave non-orthodox frequency-hopped signal selection by improved time correlation arithmetic is introduced .

  8. 同时,该栏目在今年实现报网台三者互动,在业内属于第一个尝试多媒体互动的栏目,给全媒体时代党报摄影专题发展指明了方向。

    Meanwhile , reform has resulted in 3 new interactive web platforms this year , attempting the first interactive column in the industry , providing the entire media era with a clear direction .

  9. 这些问题可通过制播分离、网台分离、频道专业化等措施,整合广电、电信部门之间的利益,改革广电管理体制来解决。

    It also tries to find out the countermeasures , for example , the separation of facture and play , net and station , the specialization of TV channels , the adjustment of broadcast television and telecommunication , and reforming television management system , etc.

  10. 公司内部网在一台Web服务器上集中保存信息。

    Corporate Intranets hold information centrally in a Web server .

  11. 新华社称,中国新华新闻电视网英语电视台(cncworld)本周在亚洲可以通过卫星接收,从下月开始信号将覆盖全球。

    Xinhua said CNC world could be received in Asia over satellite this week and available around the world from next month .

  12. 如果目标IP地址被识别为本地地址,IP协议就直接把这个数据包送到本地网的那台主机。

    If the destination IP address is identified as a local address , IP transmits the packet directly to that host .

  13. 浅谈利用微波传输网向电视台回传新闻

    Talking about Transmitting News to TV Station by Utilizing Microwave Transmission Network

  14. 利用节流网扩大飞行台试验包线

    Range extension of engine flight test bed with throttle screen

  15. 集群通信网扩展基台控制技术的研究

    Study of Expanding Base Station Control Technique in Trunking Mobile Communication Network Cluster Computing

  16. 提出了一种无线移动网中移动台场强法定位的新算法。

    A new mobile station locating algorithm by the signal attenuation method is devel - oped .

  17. 固定顺序接线分析仪无线接入网,[台]无线接取网络

    Fixed-sequence wiring analyzer wireless access network

  18. 该系统由监控中心子系统、远端子系统、移动通信网、移动台构成。

    The system is composed by supervision center subsystem , remote subsystem , mobile network and mobile phone .

  19. 我本可以做得更长,之所以是这个长度,无非是想看看我是否能找到想播出这部录影的有线电视网或电视台。

    I could have made it longer but I made it this length to see if I could find a cable network or broadcaster that wants to broadcast it .

  20. 美国司法部本周一表示,在与中国有关的间谍案中,几名嫌疑人已经遭到逮捕。美国司法部指出,日益复杂的情报网对美中台三方关系造成了威胁。

    The US justice department said on Monday that several suspects had been arrested in China-related spy cases and pointed to the increasingly complex web of intelligence threats in the triangular US-China-Taiwan relationship .

  21. 采用全球地球动力学计划观测网中13台超导重力仪长期连续观测资料,探讨了长周期核模检测的可能性。

    Possibility of detection of the long-period core modes is discussed by using the long-term gravity observations recorded with 13 superconducting gravimeters ( SGs ) in a worldwide network of the Global Geodynamics Projects .

  22. 她的网球拍在梳妆台上。

    Her tennis racket is on the dressing table .

  23. 建设性地提出了低压配电网以配变台区为单元的建设方案。

    And the paper raised in a creative way to low-voltage distribution network distribution transformer station area as a unit .

  24. 虎鲸网接受KIRO电视台采访时表示,误差介于12年之间,这意味着她最年轻可能也有90多岁了。

    The Orca Network tells KIRO-TV that the margin of error is 12 years , meaning she could be a youthful 90 .

  25. 改造方案涉及全网设备共126台,方案实施本着循序渐进、试点推广、平滑过渡原则进行。

    The modification scheme relates to 126 whole network devices . The implementation of the current scheme follows the principles of advancing in proper sequence , pushing after pilot study and smooth transition .

  26. 为了进一步扩大烟花大会观赏覆盖面,杭州网、杭州电视台综合频道、西湖之声等电视、网络媒体都将对本届烟花大会进行现场同步直播。

    In order to make sure more people can enjoy it , hangzhou . com , and Hangzhou tv station comprehensive channel , voice of westlake and website media will give live broadcasting of the show .

  27. 该报告指出,今年,电视网和有线电视台的双性恋角色数量增多,但是“很多这类角色仍被老套地描绘成危险人物”。这些角色通常不道德,喜欢操纵别人,或者具有自杀倾向。

    The number of bisexual characters rose on both broadcast and cable this year , but " many of these characters still fall into dangerous stereotypes about bisexual people , " the report noted . Such characters are often depicted as being immoral , manipulative or self-destructive , the report said .

  28. 单频网(SingleFrequencyNetwork,SFN)组网规定:单频网发射台要同时在同一个频段上发射相同的无线信号,即各个发射机广播的信号要求频率同步,时间同步和码元同步。

    SFN ( Single Frequency Network , SFN ) Network : SFN transmitter simultaneously with the launch of a band on the same wireless signal that the transmitter frequency radio signal synchronization requirements , time synchronization and symbol simultaneously .