
  • 网络online newspaper
  1. 为了帮助萎靡不振的网上报纸业务获得新收入来源,德国政府拟要求搜索引擎和其他互联网公司,在页面突出显示这些报纸的内容时付费给报社。

    In a move aimed at helping newspapers generate new revenue from struggling online operations , the German government intends to require search engines and other Internet companies to pay publishers whose content they highlight .

  2. 创建于1996年首份网上艺术报纸。

    The first art newspaper on the net , established in1996 .

  3. 我每天早上在网上看报纸。

    I read the paper online every morning .

  4. 网上的报纸所包含的文章数量要少于印刷的报纸。

    The online copy of a newspaper can contain fewer articles than the print copy .

  5. 在网上看报纸看似无流量限制,但这种方式可能会逐渐消失。

    This seemingly unlimited flow of newspaper content in the web may begin to slowly dry up .

  6. 网上十大报纸数据库检索系统的比较分析

    Analysis of Searching System among the Databases of the 10 Newspapers

  7. 公司想要知道他们哪条广告是有效果的,所以请告知他们你是在网上,还是报纸,或者其他途径看到招聘信息的。

    Companies like to know which of their advertising sources is successful , so tell them if you found it online , through a newspaper or from another source .

  8. 当孩子到了青春期时,鼓励他从网上阅读国外主要报纸的文章并讲述出来,然后在饭桌上进行讨论。

    When the child reaches adolescence , encourage him to read articles from major foreign newspapers on line and relate the contents for discussion over the dinner table .