
  • 网络Performance Rating;Performance level
  1. 为解决多层级组织分级管理逐级考核中不同考核者存在的偏松或偏紧现象,提出员工年度绩效等级评定的修正模型。

    For loose or tight phenomenon in performance assess process be different assessors , the paper proposed a modification model for employee annual performance grading .

  2. 例如,一件未在此列出的价值19美元的毛衣有可能属于“突出绩效”等级的奖励。

    For example , a $ 19 sweater that is not listed here would be an " Exceptional Performance " level reward .

  3. 通过系统得出学习者学习绩效的等级,同时给出相应学习者人格的特质描述,探索了提高学习者学习绩效的新途径,以期能为个性化教学和素质教育提供一种有益的思路。

    The system will give the learners ' performance level and the corresponding learners ' personality trait description , explored to the new approach that improve learning performance , which can provide a useful train of thought to individualized teaching and quality education .

  4. 实际上,我们准备在那边试行一个新体系-就是为完成绩效提供不同等级的奖励-希望能够吸引他们吧。

    Actually , we 're going to pilot a new system there - a kind of scale of rewards for targets achieved - it 's hoped that will attract them .

  5. 把模糊集合论引入网络教育评价中,确定了绩效评价指标等级标准与权重,并对网络教育评价的实施进行了论述。

    The set theory of fuzzy has been introduced to the network education evaluation in order to determine the grade standard and weights of performance evaluating indicator . And the implementation of network education evaluation is discussed .

  6. 设计了最优绩效工资率、等级锦标赛中的最优工资差距以及固定工资为激励手段的最优激励契约&基于报酬的显性综合激励机制;

    Designs the optimum explicit incentive contract , which is formed by optimum performance wage rate , optimum gap among individual and the fixed salary ;

  7. 绩效工资与岗位等级和绩效考核紧密挂钩,考核的依据是全院统一模式的岗位绩效合同;

    Performance salaries are closely linked with post grades and performance assessment , with a hospital wide unified model of post and performance contracts being the basis for assessment ;

  8. 根据公式得出企业信息化绩效指数,判断企业信息化绩效处于哪个等级,从而可以知道企业信息化建设水平以及需要改进的地方。

    According to the formula of performance index of enterprise informatization , enterprise informatization performance in which grade judgment , thus can know the level of enterprise informatization construction and areas in need of improvement .

  9. 公民参与政府绩效评估就是公民作为评估主体,通过特定方式评定和划分政府绩效的等级。

    Citizens ' participation in the evaluation of government performance means that the citizens , the major agents of evaluation , evaluate and grade government performance in special methods .

  10. 第五章以林业世界银行贷款森林资源发展与保护项目为例,运用综合评分法对其绩效评价进行了实证分析,结论是:该项目的绩效评价综合得分为0.8083,绩效水平等级为良。

    In the fifth part , we take the Forest Resource Development and Protection Project for example , use the comprehensive evaluation method to analyze , the conclusion : the total score of this project ' performance evaluation is 0.8083 , the level is the third rank .

  11. 本文采用模糊综合评判方法评价项目管理绩效,首先通过层次分析法给予评价体系中各个指标不同权重,构建评价模型,然后分别针对各个项目利用模糊综合评判法进行评价,得出单个项目管理绩效等级。

    First , level of analysis through the evaluation system to give different weights of the various indicators , build evaluation model , and then for each item separately using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate the performance of project management come to a single level .