
  • 网络Statistics Manager
  1. 导致问题恶化的因素是,为买进股票,许多统计套利基金经理大举借贷。

    Compounding the problem is that many stat ARB managers have borrowed heavily to buy shares .

  2. 因而,要想观测统计到客户经理的努力程度,除了投入昂贵的人力物力外,并无太多可行办法。

    Thus , in order to observe the level of effort statistics to the customer manager , in addition to the expensive investment of human and material resources , there was not much possible way .

  3. 从事数据分析工作,在职5年由统计助理逐步升职为统计高级经理。

    Undertake the work of data analysis ; during the five years of service , work up to the position of statistical senior manager from statistical assistant .