
  1. 绝对真理与相对真理的内涵及其相互关系再探

    A New Exploration of the Connotation and Dialectic Relationship of Absolute Truth and Relative Truth

  2. 认识都是一定程度的,认识有程度之分;当真理指真的认识、理论时,真理也有程度之分,如绝对真理与相对真理。

    When truth represents true cognitions and theories , truth also has different degrees , such as absolute truth and relative truth .

  3. 绝对真理与相对真理、矛盾同一性和斗争性相对与绝对的问题,在马克思主义认识论的教学和研究中,一直没有解决。

    What remains unsettled in the instruction of and research on Marxist epistemology are the relationship between the absolute truth and relative truth , and the relationship between the identity and struggle of the opposites .

  4. 从实践与真理、价值与真理、绝对真理与相对真理关系的视角,全面论证了马克思主义真理观与工具主义真理观的根本区别。

    From the angle of view on the relationships between practice and truth , between values and truth , as well as between absolute truth and relative truth , the thesis comprehensively expounds and proves the foundational differences between Marxism outlook on truth and instrumentalism outlook on truth .

  5. 列宁运用唯物辩证法,科学阐释了绝对真理的含义,绝对真理与相对真理的关系,以及辩证唯物主义真理论与相对主义真理论的区别,实现了对西方传统真理论的超越。

    With the help of materialist dialectics , Lenin stated the meanings of truth , the relation between the absolute truth and the relative truth , the differences between the dialectical materialism and relativism and realized the exceeding of the western traditional theory of truth .

  6. 诉讼证明中的所谓绝对真实与相对真实与认识论意义上的绝对真理与相对真理不可相提并论。

    The absolute truth and relative truth called in the proof in litigation are not equal to the absolute truth and relative truth in epistemology .