
  • 网络absolute bioavailability;absolute availability
  1. po给药制剂绝对生物利用度为0.404±0.099。

    Absolute bioavailability of ribavirin tablet was 0.404 ± 0.099 .

  2. 青藤碱在Beagle犬体内的药动学和绝对生物利用度研究

    Study on pharmacokinetics and absolute bioavailability of sinomenine in beagle dogs

  3. h,绝对生物利用度(F)2.0%±1.4%。

    H , and the bioavailability was 2 . 0 % ± 1.4 % .

  4. 方法HPLC测定三七总皂苷混悬液大鼠鼻腔给药后血样中人参皂苷Rg1的浓度,考察药物在体内的动力学过程,并计算其绝对生物利用度;

    Methods After administration , Rg1 concentration in the serum was analyzed by HPLC and the absolute bioavailability was calculated .

  5. 目的:建立Beagle犬血浆中氧化苦参碱的LCMS测定法,测定它的绝对生物利用度。

    AIM : To establish LC-MS method in determination of oxymatrine in plasma of Beagle dogs and to investigate its absolute bioavailability .

  6. 计算所得TAL的绝对生物利用度为80%。

    The calculated absolute bioavailability was 80 % .

  7. 目的通过实验明确大鼠口服LMWH的绝对生物利用度,为研制LMWH口服制剂提供依据。

    Objective To provide significant basis for development of LMWH oral preparation though determination of absolute bioavailability of rats after oral LMWH .

  8. 结果三七总皂苷混悬液鼻腔给药后,Rg1在大鼠体内的过程符合二室模型,其绝对生物利用度为10356%;

    Results The in vivo course of Rg1 in rats conformed to two-compartment model after intranasal administration of PNS suspension and the absolute bioavailability was 103.56 % .

  9. 绝对生物利用度(fabs)55.80%和43.84%;1缓释混悬液相对于溶液剂的生物利用度(frel)为127.29%。

    Compared with galantamine solution , the relative bioavailability of sustained release suspension was 127.29 % .

  10. 由两种制剂的AUC0-12计算,灌胃制剂的绝对生物利用度为(5.0±1.5)%。

    The absolute bioavailability was ( 5.0 ± 1.5 ) % .

  11. 目的:建立快速测定血清山莨菪碱(anisodamine,Ani)含量的方法,并测定家兔经灌胃(ig)及静注(iv)Ani的药代动力学参数和绝对生物利用度(Fabs)。

    Objective : To build a rapid method for the separation and determination of anisodamine hydrochloride in rabbit 's serum , and determining the pharmacokinetic parameters after iv or ig Ani and its absolute bioavailability in rabbit .

  12. 口服1,6-二磷酸果糖的钙盐或钠盐的绝对生物利用度低

    Extremely low absolute bioavailability after oral calcium or sodium fructose 1,6-diphosphate

  13. 由此可以得出盐酸甜菜碱在大鼠体内的绝对生物利用度为69.58%。

    So the absolute bioavailability of betaine hydrochloride was 69.58 % .

  14. 美林洛尔在大鼠体内的绝对生物利用度为40.74%。

    The absolute bioavailability of MELE in rats was 40.74 % .

  15. 微粉化后的马来酸多潘立酮的绝对生物利用度为40.43%。

    The absolute bioavailability of micronized domperidone maleate is 40.43 % .

  16. 肌注后的绝对生物利用度为100%。

    The absolute bioavailability after im injection was 100 % .

  17. 结论灯盏花乙素静注给药的药-时曲线符合三室模型,经剂量校正,灌胃给药的绝对生物利用度为2.20%。

    The absolute bioavailability of scutellarin for oral administration was 2.20 % .

  18. 大鼠经灌胃、颈静脉交叉给药后,绝对生物利用度为3866%。

    The absolute availability by intragastric administration was 38.66 % .

  19. 微粉化马来酸多潘立酮在犬体内的绝对生物利用度研究

    Studies on Absolute Bioavailability of Micronized Domperidone Maleate in Dogs

  20. 大鼠口服低分子肝素的绝对生物利用度测定

    Determination of Absolute Bioavailability of Rats after Oral Low Molecular Weight Heparin

  21. 绝对生物利用度为27.2%。

    The absolute bioavailability was 27.2 % . 3 .

  22. 计算的绝对生物利用度为2.0%;

    The absolute oral bioavailability of 1 was calculated to be 2.0 % ;

  23. 雾化吸入给药后的绝对生物利用度为7.38%。

    The absolute bioavailability of HCPT after aerosol inhalation was 7 . 38 % .

  24. 柴葛口服液中葛根素在犬体内的药动学及绝对生物利用度

    Pharmacokinetics and Absolute Bioavailability of Puerarin in Chaige Oral Liquid in Sera of Dogs

  25. 测得绝对生物利用度约为(726±156)%。

    Absolute bioavailability was ( 72 6 ± 15 6 ) % for ig .

  26. 体内绝对生物利用度为12.0%,肝门静脉注射的绝对生物利用度为45.17%。

    The absolute availability was12.02 % , the first pass effect of liver was45.17 % .

  27. 经剂量校正,口服给药的绝对生物利用度为(0.40±0.19)%。

    The absolute bioavailability of scutellarin for oral administration was ( 0.40 ± 0.19 ) % .

  28. 以药物原形和尿药浓度评价黄芩苷在大鼠体内的绝对生物利用度为4.84%。

    The absolute availability of baicalin in rat was 4.84 % according to the amount of baicalin .

  29. 结果:鼻腔喷雾剂和粉雾剂在不引起粘膜毒性作用下,绝对生物利用度分别为5.54%、8.36%。

    Results : without cilium toxicity , absolute bioavailability of two formulation is 5.54 % . 8.36 % respectively .

  30. 灌胃给药吸收快,但吸收差,绝对生物利用度低,且药时曲线变化不规则。

    After ig administration , the drug is absorbed rapidly but the absolute bioavailability is very low , and the changes of plasma concentration of scutellarin is not regulation .