
  • 网络Absolute Cost Advantage
  1. 通过必要资本规模、规模经济、绝对成本优势、产品差别化和政府管制等在行业内构筑了进入壁垒。

    Entry deterrence has also been built up through capital scale , scale economy , absolute cost advantage , product differentiation as well as government policies .

  2. 在讨论进入时,传统的方法是讨论在位企业如何使用规模经济或绝对成本优势或产品差异优势或资本要求等来阻止潜在进入企业进入市场。

    While discusses enter , the traditional method is a discussion to reign how the enterprise use the scale economy or absolute cost advantage or the product difference advantages or capitalists to request to obstruct latent entrant to enter the market .

  3. 西部要较好实现劳动力绝对成本优势向相对成本优势的转换,必须有效整合各种资源,扩大优势资源的引力,挖掘非优势资源的转换潜力,才能创造承接产业转移、吸引劳动力回流的良好基础。

    If the West wants to realize the conversion from the workforce 's absolute cost advantage to the relative cost advantage better , it must combine various kinds of resources effectively , expand the attraction of the superior resources , and excavate the conversion potentiality of no-superior resources .