- roped party

Thyroid papillary carcinoma metastatic lymph node group and neck non-metastatic lymph node group differences between the ultrasonic index was statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .
The VA interval during tachycardia was significantly longer in group AP than in group AVN ( P < 0.001 ) .
The positive rate of PTEN was significantly lower and that of PI3K was significantly higher in NSCLC and metastatic lymph node tissues than in para-cancerous hyperplastic and normal lung tissues ( P < 0.05 ) .
Bowline-A knot frequently used for tying the middle climber onto a glacier rope team , among other uses .
In the absence of generalized adenopathy , enlargement of specific cervical lymph node groups can be helpful diagnostically .
Next , the rest of the white team attaches their prusiks ( or ascenders ) to the black team 's rope , so there are now four people in position to haul .
The objective here is not to go in great detail about the activity itself , but rather to highlight the basics and go over some tips that will make climbing multi-pitch routes more enjoyable .