
  • 网络structural reliability;degree of reliability
  1. 工程结构可靠度认识

    Degree of reliability in structural design

  2. 结构可靠度FORM方法的混沌动力学分析

    Chaotic dynamics analysis of form in structural reliability

  3. 应力为k维指数分布强度为指数分布下结构可靠度的估计

    Estimation of structural reliability for exponential strength and k exponential distribution stress

  4. 结构可靠度分析的响应面法及其Matlab实现

    Response surface method for structural reliability analysis and its realization with Matlab

  5. 基于ANSYS软件的大型复杂结构可靠度分析

    Reliability Analysis for Complex Large-scale Structures Based on ANSYS Software

  6. 在ANSYS中开发用响应面法求解结构可靠度的专用程序

    Development of special program to calculate structural reliability based on RSM in ANSYS

  7. 高RCC拱坝结构可靠度分析与破坏试验研究

    Structural reliability analysis and its failure tests on the high RCC arch dam

  8. 提出了结构可靠度分析的变f序列响应面法和相应的收敛控制准则,并应用于非线性极限状态函数的可靠度计算。

    A sequential response surface method with various f and a criterion of convergence are proposed for calculation of structural reliability analysis .

  9. 方向抽样法是结构可靠度Monte-Carlo模拟的方法之一。

    It is one of attractive method for Monte-Carlo simulation of structural reliability in sphere coordinate system .

  10. 计算结构可靠度的JC法改进方法

    An improved JC method on structural reliability

  11. Matlab语言基本元素是矩阵,提供了各种矩阵的运算和操作,其中包含结构可靠度计算中常用的各种数值计算方法工具箱。

    The basic element of Matlab is matrix which provides many kinds of operation and calculation of matrix including some toolboxes in common use for the numerical computation of reliability .

  12. 结构可靠度的增广拉格朗日乘子算法新的Lagrangian松弛法求解CLSP问题

    The Augmented Lagrangian Method for Structual Reliability NEW LAGRANGIAN RELAXATION ALGORITHMS TO SOLVE CLSP

  13. 独立同分布R-S(t)串并联系统的结构可靠度

    The Reliable Probability for the Independent Identical Distribution R-S ( t ) Series and Parallel System

  14. 采用Matlab语言构造响应面函数,进行结构可靠度计算,可充分发挥其矩阵运算功能及各种工具箱的作用,使编程效率大大提高,且语法简便,易于掌握。

    The advantages of matrix operation and various toolboxes can be fully used if the response surface function is adopted and programmed in Matlab . It is very efficient and convenient to program in Matlab for the reliability calculation .

  15. 本文方法和MonteCarlo法的计算结果进行了比较,证明了这种方法在求解钢框架结构可靠度问题时的可行性,并为以后基于可靠性分析的优化设计方法研究提供有价值的参考。

    Through compare the result of the PNET Method and Monte Carlo Method , It prove feasibility in calculate the reliability analysis of semi-rigid node steel frame . It is also provided availability reference based on the reliability optimizes design .

  16. 矿井支护设计应向可靠性设计方向发展,以便适应我国加入WTO后与《ISO2394:1998))系列及《工程结构可靠度设计统一标准(GB50153&92)》接轨。

    The design of mine support system should develop to the reliability design , in order to adapt to the series of " IS02394 : 1998 " and connect with " the design standard of engineering structure ( GB50153-92 )" after China 's entry in WTO .

  17. 综述适用于不同结构可靠度计算的各种改进JC法:改进可靠指标初始值的设定方法求解线性结构,以保证迭代的收敛性并提高收敛速度;

    Three main improved methods were recommended for common structures : the way of setting structural initial index was proposed for linear structures to improve the convergence and efficiency in iteration ;

  18. 针对一般地下施工结构可靠度理论方法的不足,提出人工神经网络结合重要性抽样的MonteCarlo可靠度分析方法,并应用于一特大超深基坑的嵌岩支护结构。

    Due to the shortcomings of general reliability analysis method of underground construction structures , a new method that combines artificial neural network and importance sampling Monte Carlo method is put forward for analyzing the reliability and applied to the rock-socketed support structure of supper-sized foundation pit .

  19. 对结构可靠度理论中非正态相关随机变量的三种处理方法,即JC法、映射变换法和Rosenblart变换方法进行了总结与比较。

    The main contributions of the thesis are as follows : 1 . Three methods dealing with the problem of non-normal correlative variables , i.e. JC method , mapping transformation and Rosenblatt transformation are summarized and compared .

  20. 基于遗传算法(GA)和概率网络估算技术(PNET),提出了一种用于求解复杂系统结构可靠度的新型算法。

    A GA and PNET based new algorithm for solving system reliabilities of complex engineerings . This method can use not only the merits of Probability Network Estimate Technology , but also the global searching ability of genetic algorithm ;

  21. 结合结构可靠度计算模式的建立编制了随机边界元法的结构可靠度电算STOBEM程序。

    By means of the calculated model of the structural reliability , the computed program ( STOBEM ) of structural reliability of stochastic BEM is designed .

  22. 鉴于适用性(正常使用极限状态)方面各规范对变形限值的规定还是以经验为主,而未根据《建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准》(GB50068-2001)的要求对其进行校准的实际情况。

    Because the regulation of deformation limits in some kinds of codes is mainly provided by experiences , not calibrated according with the Unified standard for reliability design of building structures ( GB50068-2001 ) .

  23. 然后就现行规范可靠度水平进行讨论,指出安全裕度偏低,需要在修订《建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准》(GB50068-2001)时解决。

    Afterwards , it is discussed the reliability level of the current code and pointed out that the low safety margin should be resolved by revising the " Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Building Structures "( GB 50068-2001 ) .

  24. 《港口工程结构可靠度设计统一标准》(GB50158-92)按照构件在达到临界状态后发生脆性破坏、延性破坏等的不同模式,对单个构件可靠性分析,给出了其相应的可靠性指标。

    " The unified standard for structure reliability design of port engineering " ( GB50158-92 ), according to different pattern which members will occur such as brittleness damage and ductility damage after reaching critical state , has analyzed the reliability of single member and given its corresponding reliability index .

  25. 验证荷载试验前后的结构可靠度及其分析

    Research and analysis on structural reliability before and after proof-load tests

  26. 首先建立了适用的应力一强度模型,导出了壳体结构可靠度验前概率密度函数的表达式。

    Firstly , an adaptable stress - capability model was established .

  27. 在役混凝土桥梁结构可靠度评估的模糊类比法

    Fuzzy Analog Method of Reliability Evaluation of Existing Reinforced Concrete Bridge

  28. 衬砌厚度的变异性对隧道结构可靠度的影响

    Influence of Variability of Lining Thickness on Reliability of Tunnel Structure

  29. 工程结构可靠度指标计算的混沌搜索方法

    Chaotic search method for calculation of reliability index of engineering structures

  30. 建筑装饰装修及其对结构可靠度的影响

    Architecture Ornament & the Influence of Architecture Ornament to Structural Reliability