
  • 网络Structured programming;structured program
  1. 试论结构化程序设计系统&TrueBasic的特点

    The discussion on the structured programming design-the properties of true basic

  2. 结构化程序设计N-S图的扩展与完善

    Expansion and Perfection of Structured Programming N-S Diagram

  3. C语言结构化程序设计与GOTO语句之间的关系

    The Relationship Between C Language Structuralization Program Design and GoTo Sentence

  4. 同时采用结构化程序设计方法设计控制系统主程序和各功能模块子程序,重点介绍了软开关PWM控制的DSP软件实现。

    Main program and subsystems is provided by construction program design , PWM pulse for soft switch is achieved by soft ware of DSP .

  5. DSP软件设计采用了结构化程序设计思想,详细分析了各个功能模块的设计流程。

    Structured programming DSP software was designed with the concept of structured programming , and the design flow of each functional module was analyzed in detail .

  6. Prolog中的结构化程序设计思想

    The Structured Programming Thought in Prolog

  7. 经过对原系统的PLC进行扩展,并应用日立PLC相关软件对变频器进行了通讯控制,应用结构化程序设计,编制出控制梯形图,成功地对堆垛机提升电机进行变频调速控制。

    The controlling trapezia is finished by extension of former PLC , applying the soft ware of HITACHI PLC to control the inverter correspondingly , and structure process design .

  8. C语言是一门结构化程序设计语言,读程序能力的提高对于学好C语言很有帮助,对培养程序设计思想也很重要,只有读程序的能力提高了,才能写出好的程序来。

    C programming language is a structured programming language . It is very helpful for learning C language that the ability of reading program is improved . It is important that programming thought is educated .

  9. 新N&S图FOXBASE结构化程序

    FOXBASE structured program by new N-S flow diagram

  10. 面向对象程序(OOP)设计思想是当前一种全新的程序设计思想,它具有传统结构化程序设计思想无可比拟的优点。

    The idea of OOP as a new design idea of programing , has many virtues compared with the SP one .

  11. 根据LIN总线协议的分层结构模型,采用结构化程序设计方法,通过编程实现了基于普通51单片机的LIN总线通信协议。

    Through using structured programming methodology , and according to the layered structure model of LIN bus protocol , the communication protocol based on single-chip 51 is realized .

  12. 论文将软件工程的概念引入计算机辅助孔型设计系统中,严格按照结构化程序设计方法,使用VB程序设计语言开发了基于Windows操作系统的球扁钢计算机辅助孔型设计系统。

    The concept of the software engineering is introduced into CARD in this paper . According to structured design , a Windows platform CARD system for flat bulb has been developed by VB language .

  13. 油气田环境监测数据库及应用系统采用流行的结构化程序设计方法进行设计,利用FOXBASE+2.1数据库语言、Turboc语言和汇编语言进行混合编程。

    Environmental monitoring database system for oil and gas fields is designed with prevalent structured programming method , and all of the programs are written in FoxBase + 2.1 database , assemble and Turbo C language .

  14. 本文简要介绍了高级编程语言中的结构化程序设计思想的概念,并结合实践重点阐述了其在CAI课件开发中的应用。

    Authors of this paper first make a brief introduction to the concept of Structural Programming of advanced programming language , then expounds its application in CAI courseware development on the basis of their experience .

  15. Crout方法解线性方程组的结构化程序设计

    The Structured Programming of Crout 's Method Solving Linear Equation

  16. 使用过程蓝图取代结构文本作为JAOKSON程序规格说明和最终目标源代码的中间表示,改进了传统的JACKSON结构化程序设计方法。

    Substituted for the JACKSON structure text as . an intermediate representation between the JACKSON program specification and the final code , the process blueprint improves the traditional JACKSON structured programming method .

  17. 在设计过程中,按照广播电视发射机的特点和控制要求,结合结构化程序设计方法。将PLC监控程序分成9个功能模块,并对每个模块进行设计。

    In the design process , according to the control request of broadcast and television transmitter , combining the structuring programming designing method , the PLC program is divided into 9 parts , and carrying on the design to each mold piece .

  18. 单片机的开发采用C-51语言,C语言是一种结构化程序设计语言,它兼顾了多种高级语言的特点,用C语言编写软件可以大大缩短开发周期提高效率。

    The exploit of microcontroller adopted C-51 language . C language was a kind of structured programming language , it had many characteristics of other high-level languages . Translating software using C language could shorten development cycle and increase efficiency .

  19. 本文利用FORTRAN-77结构化程序设计语言中提供内部文件的概念,实现了在IBM-PC系列机上FORTRAN-77中的字符串分析处理功能。

    This paper using the concept of internal file in FORTRAN-77 , realizes the character string analysis and processing functions of FORTRAN-77 in a series of IBM-PC.

  20. OOP技术是一种新的概念,它是软件工程学中结构化程序设计、模块化、数据抽象、信息掩蔽、知识表示、并行处理等概念的积累和发展。

    Objected oriented programming ( OOP ) is a new concept that stems from the accumulation and development of concepts such as structured programming , module , data processing , information hiding , knowledge representing , and parallel programming .

  21. 根据汽车运材特点及管理中存在的问题,系统采用结构化程序设计方法应用FOXBASE+V2.1关系数据库语言和FORTRAN高级语言混合编程而成。

    According to the approach to structured programming , the system is developed for the characteristics and the existed questions of management in truck log transportation with FOXBASE + V2.1 , a relative data base system , and FORTRAN programming language .

  22. 例如,采用了结构化程序设计方法等先进的程序设计思想,重视ActiveX控件的设计和应用,其目的都是为了提高程序代码的可重用性和可移植性;

    During the procedure of system design and implementation of STAI , the author has made innovative attempts in some areas , such as applying structured programming method ; designing and applying ActiveX controls in order to improve the reuse and portability of programming codes ;

  23. 作者在本文中对传统的结构化程序设计思想与面向对象的程序设计思想进行了比较,具体说明OOP技术在γ全谱仪软件设计中的应用。

    In this paper we compare the difference between SP model and OOP model in application programming . It has been shown in detail , that the OOP technology applied in calculating content model of Gamma ray full spectrometer software has obvious advantages over SP.

  24. 结构化程序复杂性度量方法的分析

    The Measurement Analysis on the Complexity of Structuralized Program

  25. 逆向工程在认证结构化程序中的应用

    An Application of Reverse Engineering to Certificating Structured Programs

  26. 从结构化程序到面向对象程序

    Procedure from Structured Program to Object - oriented Program

  27. 瀑布模型与结构化程序设计方法

    Waterfall Model and Design Method of Structured Program

  28. 浅谈结构化程序设计的思想与方法

    Note on Thought and Method of Structured Programming

  29. 不用数组和指针的数据结构化程序设计

    Data Structured Programming Without Arrays And Pointers

  30. 非结构化程序的结构化处理

    A Structured Process of Non-Structured Program