
jīng qú
  • Jingqu
经渠[jīng qú]
  1. 前言:目的研究家兔前肢太阴经五腧穴:少商、鱼际、经渠、太渊和尺泽的层次结构。

    Objective To study the structure of the Five Shu points : Shaoshang , Yuji , Jingqu , Taiyuan and Chize of the Taiyin meridian in rabbit 's forelimb .

  2. 用真空泵除去污泥的固体含量而该泥水则经排水渠或回流渠排出。

    The sludge is passed under a vacuum pump and allows the water to pass through a discharge or recirculation drain .

  3. 差不多所有污染物也来自陆地,部份直接由雨水冲入海洋,部份由人类蓄意抛弃或经排污渠排入海中。

    Almost all marine pollution originally comes from land , either directly washed in during rainstorms , deliberately dumped as waste or discharged via outfall pipes .