
jīnɡ jì bō dònɡ
  • economic fluctuations
  1. 湖南经济波动实证研究以经济增长率波动为主要考察对象,所用考察指标是GDP增长率。

    Positive research on Hunan 's Economic Fluctuations takes the economic growth rate as the main object . The index used is the GDP growth rate .

  2. 就货币冲击而言,本文为RBC模型引入货币冲击,以分析货币政策对经济波动形成的影响。

    For the monetary shocks , the dissertation introduces monetary shocks into RBC model , in order to analyze the effect to economic fluctuations brought by the monetary policy .

  3. 葡萄酒生产过剩及由此造成的市价低迷引起了经济波动。

    Overproduction and consequent low market prices for wine caused economic tremors .

  4. 经济波动致使市场物价忽起忽落。

    The erratic fluctuation of market prices is in consequence of unstable economy .

  5. 凯恩斯所称的“动物精神”(animalspirits)是造成宏观经济波动的根本力量。

    What Keynes called " animal spirits " are fundamental forces driving macroeconomic fluctuations .

  6. 改革前与改革后,投资对经济波动的影响是不同的,改革前投资对GDP的影响比改革后对GDP的影响大。

    The influence which investment put on the economic fluctuation was different between stages before and after the reform .

  7. RBC理论或方法是当代西方经济学界解释经济波动最具前沿的一种理论或方法,也是宏观经济分析的方向。

    Among modern western economics RBC model is a kind of frontier in explaining the cause of economic fluctuation , and it is a tendency in macroeconomics field .

  8. 为探索中国经济波动的性质及影响因素,运用数理统计和回归分析方法对中国经济数据进行了单位根检验,揭示了中国经济增长加速度(GDP的二阶差分)具备随机游走性质;

    Based on the work of unit root test of China 's GDP , the acceleration of China 's economic growth which is the second difference of GDP , is regarded as a random walk model .

  9. 在此基础上,本文在第四章中运用VAR模型、脉冲响应函数和方差分解等方法,对我国信贷扩张、经济波动以及银行体系稳定之间的关系进行了实证研究。

    On this basis , it applies VAR model , and combines impulse response function as well as variance partitioning to carry out an empirical study on the connection between credit expansion and economic fluctuation in China .

  10. 中国改革开放以来财政政策平滑经济波动的能力&基于传统IS-LM模型的实证分析

    Fiscal Policies ' Capability in Smoothing Economic Fluctuation since China 's Reform and Opening-up & An Empirical Analysis Based on the IS-LM Model

  11. 本文主要利用带资产泡沫的BGG模型研究了我国资产泡沫与经济波动的关系。

    In this paper , the relationship between asset bubble and economic fluctuation is studied by using the BGG model considering asset bubble .

  12. 投资、技术进步、货币供应与中国经济波动

    Investment , Technology Progress , Money Supply and Chinese Economic Fluctuation

  13. 广东某市经济波动的分析与预测

    Analysis and prediction of business cycle in a city of Guangdong

  14. 一国的经济波动,往往受到产业结构转换的牵制,不合理的产业结构往往是经济波动的根源。

    The unreasonable industrial structure always results in the economic fluctuation .

  15. 每次经济波动期都会出现这种天使。

    These tend to appear with every perturbation in the economy .

  16. 宏观金融不稳定对青岛市经济波动的动态效应研究

    Research on Dynamic Effect of Financial Instability on Qingdao Regional Economy

  17. 人民币汇率、外汇储备累积与宏观经济波动

    RMB Exchange Rate , Foreign Exchange Reserves and Volatilities of Macro-Economy

  18. 经济波动及状态监测时序法研究

    The Time Series Research of Economic Fluctuation and State Monitoring

  19. 配给过程中经济波动的理论模型

    Theoretical Model of the Economic Cycle in Process of Rationing

  20. 经济波动与加速数、乘数的组合效应

    Growth of economics and combined effect of multiplier and accelerator

  21. 经济波动的根源是生产与消费的矛盾,矛盾激化到一定程度,经济运行就表现较大幅度的波动;

    Economic fluctuation originated from the sharp contradiction of production and consumption .

  22. 消费在经济波动中的作用正越来越强。

    Affection of consumption on economic fluctuation is more and more strong .

  23. 这表明中国宏观经济波动的非对称性是非常显著的。

    All these investigations show a significant asymmetry of Chinese economic fluctuations .

  24. 中国货币经济波动的一般均衡分析

    An General Equilibrium Model of China 's Monetary Economic Fluctuation

  25. 中国经济波动滞后变量模型的实证分析

    An Analysis of the Lag Variable Models about Economic Fluctuation in China

  26. 经济波动理论:哈耶克与凯恩斯的互补

    Economic Fluctuation Theory : The Complementary of Keynes and Hayek

  27. 然而,在经济波动中,没有绝对的证据表明周期的存在。

    Yet there is no absolute evidence for periodicity in economic fluctuations .

  28. 货币与经济波动是宏观经济研究中两个重要的课题。

    Money and economic fluctuations are two important topics in macroeconomic research .

  29. 我国短期经济波动的监测预警系统

    Monitoring and Advanced-Warning System for China 's Economic Waves

  30. 国家政策对房地产经济波动的影响

    National Policies Influencing the Fluctuation of Real Estate Economy