
  • 网络Shapiro;Mary Schapiro;Gary Shapiro
  1. 詹姆斯,如果我是你,我就会拒绝向夏皮罗咨询。

    James , I should refuse that consultancy with Shapiro , if I were you

  2. 克雷格•夏皮罗,联合基金(CollaborativeFund)创始人

    Craig Shapiro , founder of collaborative fund

  3. NPR新闻,夏皮罗与罗姆尼竞选同在。

    Ari Shapiro NPR News , traveling with Romney campaign . "

  4. NPR新闻,阿里·夏皮罗追踪报道罗姆尼选举。

    Ari Shapiro , NPR News , traveling with the Romney campaign .

  5. NPR新闻,阿里·夏皮罗萨拉热窝报道。

    Ari Shapiro NPR New , Sarajevo .

  6. 商业技术顾问苏珊•夏皮罗(SusanShapiro)经常以能让人听见的音量自言自语,谈论待办的事和具体实施步骤。

    Susan Shapiro , a business-technology consultant , talks to herself constantly in what amounts to auditory to-do lists and step-by-step instructions .

  7. 在此基础上,根据对LX公司的SWOT分析,制定了原材料库存的策略,并分析了其对财务的影响;采用夏皮罗-威尔克法和罗伯特。

    On the above basis , the author generates raw material inventory strategy and analyzes its effects on finance according to the SWOT analysis of LX Company ;

  8. NPR的夏皮罗报道自从瑞恩一个多星期前加入票,这是竞选搭档第一次一起亮相。

    NPR 's Ari Shapiro reports it was the running mate 's first appearance together since Ryan joined ticket more than week ago .

  9. 夏皮罗(Shapiro)先生说了解了非洲和印度儿童营养不良的情况之后,他开始思考如何提高当地人口的营养状况。

    Mr. Shapiro says he began thinking about ways to improve nutrition at the local level after seeing how poor nutrition affects children in Africa and India .

  10. 进一步通过核密度估计法、脆弱性指数正态分布的QQ值和夏皮罗-威尔克法检验,结果表明,研究区牧户家庭脆弱性指标值呈正态分布。

    Further through the kernel density estimation , vulnerability index of normal distribution QQ value and Shapiro-will g inspection method , and the results show that the area MuHu family vulnerability index there were normal distribution . 3 .

  11. 据政府档案,FBI官员的确怀疑Numec创始人兼总裁夏皮罗(ZalmanShapiro)可能与以色列情报官员进行了交易。

    But FBI officials did raise questions about suspected dealings between Numec 's founder and president , Zalman Shapiro , and Israeli intelligence officials , according to government documents .

  12. 时任SEC主席的夏皮罗(MarySchapiro)在10月11日的讲话中谈及证券欺诈总体情况时称,SEC在使用新建立的分析方法辨认可疑的交易模式以及多名交易员和多种证券之间的关系。

    Outgoing SEC chairman Mary Schapiro , speaking about securities fraud in general , said in an Oct. 11 speech that the regulator is ' using newly developed analytics to identify suspicious trading patterns and relationships among multiple traders and across multiple securities . '

  13. 布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)的杰里米•夏皮罗(JeremyShapiro)提出,军事和社交科技的改变加大了入侵军队获得持久胜利的难度。夏皮罗直到不久前还在为美国国务院的政策规划班子工作。

    Jeremy Shapiro of the Brookings Institution , who until recently worked for the policy-planning staff at the US state department , suggests that changes in military and social technology have made it much harder for invading armies to secure a lasting victory .

  14. 夏皮罗和根茨科在美国研究了这个问题。

    Gentzkow and Shapiro have studied this question in the US .

  15. 一个认为竞争优势产生于企业之外,主要包括迈克尔·波特的竞争力理论和卡尔·夏皮罗的战略冲突理论。

    Porter and the strategic conflict theory by Carl Shapiro .

  16. 这也是夏皮罗之所以堪称本书一个完美隐喻的原因所在。

    Which is why Shapiro is a perfect metaphor for this book .

  17. 麦克理维上月曾在华盛顿与夏皮罗会面。

    Mr McCreevy met Ms Schapiro last month in Washington .

  18. 夏皮罗希望通过为这些基金提供一个选择来进行防护。

    Ms Schapiro wants to impose a safeguard by offering funds a choice .

  19. 夏皮罗说,迈耶这句话是普罗文化胜利的象征。

    Shapiro said Meyer 's quote was a symbol of pop culture success .

  20. 但是夏皮罗也认为,对多莉羊问题的某种惊恐具有一种重要的效应。

    But Shapiro says some of the alarm over Dolly had an important effect .

  21. 夏皮罗昨日在美国参议院银行业委员会就场外衍生品举行的听证会上作证。

    Yesterday Ms Schapiro testified at a US senate banking committee hearing on over-the-counter-derivatives .

  22. 夏皮罗表示:自我筹资将有助于我们避免资金短缺期。

    Self-funding will help us to avoid periods of drought , Ms Schapiro said .

  23. 还请一个以普林斯顿大学校长哈罗得•夏皮罗为首的独立的专家组在90

    Had proposed to do so & and asked an independent panel of experts chaired

  24. 法院找出若干区分“马切蒂”案的情况和“夏皮罗”案的裁定的基点。

    The Court found several bases for distinguishing Marchetti 's situation from the Shapiro decision .

  25. 夏皮罗说,你需要证明你对公司有更大的价值。

    ' You need to prove that you are worth more to the company , 'Ms.

  26. 夏皮罗称,和解比诉讼成本更低。

    Settlements are less costly than litigation .

  27. 但正如作者伊萨克•夏皮罗所指出的一样,长期股东没有什么好抱怨的。

    But as author Isaac Shapiro points out , long-term shareholders have nothing to complain about .

  28. 夏皮罗说,很多被解雇人员在求职信中将自己失业归咎于目前的经济形势。

    Many layoff victims send cover letters that blame the economy for their job loss , says Ms.

  29. 夏皮罗选择引用语时遵从有名、重要、反映时代精神的原则。

    Shapiro picks quotes that are famous , important or revealing of the spirit of the times .

  30. 夏皮罗很懂得奉承人。

    Shapiro is very courtly .