
  • Charlene【女子名】来源于日耳曼语,含义是“男子汉”
  1. 上周五的公证婚礼完成之后,南非奥运游泳选手夏琳·威特斯托克(CharleneWittstock)成为了摩纳哥夏琳王妃。

    At the completion of the civil wedding ceremony Friday , South African Olympic swimmer Charlene Wittstock became Charlene Princess of Monaco .

  2. 夏琳:我想,是你不小心漏看了一页。

    Charlene : I think you skipped a page by accident .

  3. 你可能会跟夏琳还有罗伯特一样走运呢。

    You might be just as lucky as Charlene and robert .

  4. 你是不是很喜欢当我们的奶妈啊,夏琳?

    Don 't you just love being our nanny , charlene ?

  5. 你和那个富家女夏琳开船出海了

    You rockin ' the boat with that rich girl Charlene ?

  6. 夏琳:我的课分散在一周的各个时段。

    Chariene : My classes are scattered all over the week .

  7. 夏琳是美国人,而罗伯特是澳洲人。

    Charlene is from America and Robert is from Australia .

  8. 摩纳哥夏琳王妃之前是奥林匹克游泳健将。

    Princess Charlene of Monaco is the former Olympic swimmer .

  9. 夏琳:呀,这玩意可真是高科技!

    Charlene : Wow , this thing is really hi-tech !

  10. 夏琳,真不忍心见你这样。

    I hate to see you like this , charly .

  11. 夏琳:为什么想要一个蹦床?

    Chariene : Why do you want a trampoline ?

  12. 夏琳:这样我就可以赞美它,并称颂它的美丽。

    Chariene : So I can admire it and fawn over its beauty .

  13. 这段姻缘是夏琳无意中在她的电脑里看到罗伯特的留言时结下的。

    It all started when Charlene came across Robert 's note in her computer .

  14. 夏琳:(笑)那你打算什么时候搞夜宿?

    Chariene : ( Laughs ) So , when are you going to have your sleepover ?

  15. 夏琳:要三个星期后才过生日呢,你现在这么高兴干吗?

    Chariene : Why are you so happy now , if your birthday is in three weeks ?

  16. 也就是在那年在一次游泳比赛中她遇到了摩纳哥阿尔贝二世亲王,当年夏琳只有22岁,阿尔贝二世亲王已经42岁,第二年他们就开始了浪漫的恋情。

    That same year she met Prince Albert while in Monaco for a swimming competition . Charlene Wittstock was 22 and Prince Albert was 42 , but in the next few years a romance began .