
  • 网络quantitative relations in economy
  1. 对日元汇率与其它宏观经济变量之间数量关系的分析

    Quantitative Relations between Japanese yen Exchange Rates and Micro - economic Variation

  2. 华东地区铁路与经济发展基本数量关系及铁路发展速度研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Railway and Economy 's Development and the Railway 's Developing Speed in East China

  3. 林业产业结构是指林业部门或区域包括的各种产业在生产过程中所形成的经济联系和数量关系,是各产业产出成果的比例构成。

    The structure of the forestry industries is the economical and numinous relation , which forms in the process of forestry production among all sections .

  4. 本文分析了水稻群体的个体质量分别与密度、产量和经济系数之间的数量关系;

    This article analysis the quantitative relations between the single quality of a colony of rice plant and the density , output and economic coefficient .

  5. 因此,如何测量高等教育与经济增长之间的数量关系,协调高等教育发展与经济增长是一个十分重要的理论和实践问题。

    Therefore , it 's an extremely important theory and the practice question to survey and coordinate the stoichiometric relation of higher education and economy .

  6. 具体而言,通过分析投资和经济增长间的数量关系,得出投资增长率和经济增长率、投资贡献率及投资率之间的函数。

    Through the analysis of the quantitative inter-relationship between investment and economic growth , obtains a function of investment growth rate , economic growth and investment benefit rate .

  7. 研究消费经济问题必须运用定量分析的方法,因为消费领域的经济现象,其数量关系是十分复杂的。

    It is because for the economic phenomena in the world of consumption , the quantitative relationships are very complicated .

  8. 政府宏观调控主要依靠经济手段来进行,客观上需要用定量分析工具去掌握经济运行中各种经济变量的数量关系和相互作用机制,以便解决经济发展中不断出现的新情况、新问题。

    Governmental macro-adjustments and controls rely on economic means , which need to grasp the quantitative relations and mutual mechanisms between various kinds of economic variables in economic operation by the quantitative analysis tool objectively , so that we solve the emerging new things and new problem in economic development .