
jīnɡ jì xìnɡ zhì
  • economic nature
  1. 电影制片单位的名称、地址和经济性质;

    The name , address and economic nature of the film studio to be established ;

  2. 我认为经济性质的一些问题应被视为一个经济问题的唯一。

    I think some issues of an economic nature should be considered as economic issues only .

  3. 大型连锁超市的规模经济性质决定了大型连锁超市必须建立配送中心。

    Large supermarket chains determined the nature of the economies of scale of large supermarket chains to be set up distribution centers .

  4. R&D的经济性质研究

    Study on the Ec on omic Characteristics of R & D

  5. 对股份合作经济性质的再认识

    A Further Understanding of the Nature of the Joint - stock Cooperative Economy

  6. 对中国非公有经济性质的再思考

    Reflection on the Nature of China 's Non-Public Economy

  7. 经济性质对总资产周转率有显著影响;

    The economic property has the obvious influence to the total property cycling rate .

  8. 论灾害的生态经济性质

    On the ecological - economic nature of catastrophe

  9. 中国经济性质辨析

    An Analysis of the Economy Quality in China

  10. 希腊城邦社会经济性质简析

    Analysis of the Economic Characteristics of Greek City-states

  11. 蚌埠经济性质分析及目前形势下的政策建议

    Bengbu Economics Characteristic Analysis and Current Policy Suggestion

  12. 产权能包含非经济性质的权利吗?

    Can property rights include non-economic rights ?

  13. 城邦的两重性与雅典社会经济性质的分析

    Duality of the polis 's Character and the analysis about the nature of Athenian society-economy

  14. 从西方金融危机深化认识两种市场经济性质的差异

    Deeply Understanding the Character Difference between the Two Market Economies from the West Financial Crisis

  15. 竞争的商品经济性质;

    Commodity economy nature of competition ;

  16. 国家规定的国内各类经济性质企业及外商投资企业的年度会计报表审计。

    Annual accounting statements audits for foreign-invested enterprises and various domestic enterprises stipulated by the state .

  17. 企业作为社会的组织,既具有经济性质,又具有社会性质。

    As an organization in the society , an enterprise is of both economic and social nature .

  18. 这个原因源自于两地危机的经济性质迥异。

    This reason is derived from the quite different economic nature of the crisis in each area .

  19. 超竞争环境下企业的纵向效率边界分析民间金融制度:经济性质、生存逻辑及效率边界

    The Analysis of Civil Financing Institution : the Economic Nature , the Existent Logic and the Efficient Boundary

  20. 九江海关进出口商品结构也呈现出半殖民地的经济性质。

    The structure of imported and exported goods of the customs of Kiujiang also took on semi-colonial economic nature .

  21. 农村土地使用权的性质主要体现在其经济性质和法律性质两方面。

    The character of the rural land use right is primarily embodied by its economic and legal qualities respectively .

  22. 一定社会中生产力发展的基本水平,决定了必有一种生产关系占据统治地位,体现这个社会的基本的经济性质和经济特征,成为这个社会的经济基础。

    The basic level of productive force in a society decides the productive relation that occupies the dominant position .

  23. 粮食是一个具有经济性质,又具有公共品性质的特殊商品。

    Grain is a special commodity with its economic nature , as well as with the character of public goods .

  24. 企业的经济性质决定企业的经济责任,即为企业的利益相关者谋取经济利益;

    The economic nature of enterprise determines its corresponding economic responsibility which aims at gaining profits for the related beneficiaries .

  25. 因此,在具体税制设计中建议从几个方面入手:税收和地租是两个经济性质截然不同的范畴,不应把土地出让金纳入房地产税中;

    Tax and rent are two totally different concept , so should not take the price of land into real estate tax .

  26. 研究发现,评审的公平并不能无限提升,同时不同的惩罚方式也具有不同的经济性质。

    Research found that the fairness could not be promoted limitlessly , and different types of punishments are of different economic feature .

  27. 我们认为,人们对企业经济性质的深入理解是推动资本结构理论不断发展的潜在动力。

    We believe that deepened understanding the economic nature of firm is the underlying force continuously driving capital structure theory moving ahead .

  28. 虽然股权的经济性质要求尽量自由的法律空间,但出于维持公司信任与合作基础的考虑,对此种转让进行限制符合一般法理的要求;

    Although the stock asks for the most freedom space , it is reasonable to enact limits to protect the base of collaboration .

  29. 希腊城邦社会就其经济性质而言是一种农业社会,而非工商业社会。

    As far as its economic essence is concerned , the Greek city-states were an agricultural society rather than an industrial or commercial one .

  30. 企业的存在形态总是表现为内在的企业经济性质和外在的企业组织形式的结合。

    The existence appearance of the enterprises always expresses combining the outside organized form of the enterprise with the inside economic property of the enterprise .