
  1. 缴纳确有困难的,经县政府批准可缓缴。北京市社会保险费征缴若干规定

    If difficulties really exit , the commission can be postponed after authorized by the government . Provisions of the Beijing Municipality on Collection and Payment of Social Insurance Premium

  2. 宁西铁路经内乡县农作物区时工程方案的优选

    Engineering plan selection of Ning-Xi railway which passes the agricultural zone of Neixiang county

  3. 1995年经丹徒县人民政府批准,选址在沿街东头山麓重建竹隐禅寺,1997年被列为开放寺院。

    Dantu County People 's Government in1995 , after approval , Located in the foothills of the redevelopment of Tung Tau street bamboo hidden temple in1997 , was listed as an open temple .

  4. 此时邓县的重要性主要反映在交通上,经邓县的道路不但可以行军,一般人往返于南方与关中也多由此道。

    The importance of Deng County mainly reflects on the traffic at this time , the road through Deng County can not only be used for march , but also for ordinary people who walk between the south and the Guanzhong .

  5. 方法麻风病例诊断依据为《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》和麻风防治手册规定的传染病标准,以1953~2002年经巫溪县麻风病院和卫生防疫站慢病科登记的病例档案为依据。

    Methods The diagnosis of leprosy was based on standards defined in the " Law of the People 's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Communicable Diseases " and manual of leprosy prevention and treatment in terms of case record registered in dept.

  6. 未经区、县卫生行政部门批准,从事中止妊娠术、节育手术或者助产技术等母婴保健专项技术服务;

    Being engaged in such special technical services for mother-baby health-care as suspension of pregnancy , birth-control operation , midwife technique , etc.

  7. 这一交易需经政府批准.缴纳确有困难的,经县政府批准可缓缴。

    The deal needs the government 's seal of approval . If difficulties really exit , the commission can be postponed after authorized by the government .