
  • 网络network;goose;mesh
  1. 基于移动IP的组网方案探讨

    Discussion on Networking Solution Based on Mobile IP

  2. Windows的组网模型与网络故障分析

    Networking model and network trouble analysis of windows

  3. 该无人机系统具有航程远、留空时间长、承载能力大、环境适应性强等特点,可在“断路、断电、断网”等极端灾害条件下,完成现场探查、公/专网应急组网通信、应急物资投送等任务。

    Featuring outstanding flight range , endurance , carrying capacity and environmental adaptability , the Wing Loong-2H UAV is able to conduct field surveys , support emergency communication and deliver emergency supplies in extreme conditions , such as power and network outages and circuit breaks .

  4. 窄带广播信道实现IP网络互联的组网协议设计

    Design of Narrowband Broadcast Channel Network Protocol for IP Network

  5. 基于Leader选举的移动自组网自适应动态地址分配协议

    Adaptively Dynamic Address Allocation Protocol Based on Leader Selection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  6. 移动adhoc网的一种新的自组织组网和路由算法

    A New Algorithm for Self-Organized Mobile Ad Hoc Network

  7. 模糊AHP法在雷达组网效能评估中的应用

    Fuzzy AHP and its application in effectiveness evaluation for radar netting

  8. 接下来的第三章介绍了adhoc网络的技术特点和实现难点,并给出了一种适合蓝牙设备组成adhoc网络时使用的路由算法,为车队组网的实现提供了参考方案。

    A routing protocol is provided for the Ad hoc network based on Bluetooth .

  9. IP电话组网技术

    IP Telephony Networking Technology

  10. 与现有的监控系统组网方式不同,新方案将监控服务器的功能集中到前端的ARM芯片上,在芯片中嵌入Web服务器,通过以太网络接口接入Internet,组成基于Web的监控系统。

    In the new system , the monitoring server is embedded in the web server and connected to Internet by Ethernet interface .

  11. 一种基于adhoc网络的车辆定位系统的组网框架设计

    A sort of Networking Frame Design Based on AD HOC Network in Car Location System

  12. TCP/IP组网技术在西南网络中心建设中的应用

    Technologies on establishment of tcp / ip network and their application in building CERNET southwest Network Center

  13. 在组网工作中推广使用此步骤将可推动WLAN的规模化快速部署建设。

    Using the steps can make the networking of WLAN faster .

  14. 雷达组网通信中的ATM交换机

    ATM Switch for the Communication in Netted-Radar System

  15. 基于CDMA的小卫星编队组网仿真

    Simulation of Satellite Formation Networking Based on CDMA

  16. 移动自组网(MANET)的结点要进行Internet连接,就必须寻找Internet网关。

    In order to MANET node to possess Internet connectivity , it must be able to find an Internet gateway .

  17. 自组网环境下基于QoS的路由协议

    QoS Routing in ad-hoc Network

  18. 如果将两种技术有机的结合起来,从而为整个网络提供QoS保证,对骨干网络提供商来说将是一个非常具有吸引力的组网策略。

    Thus , the combination of DiffServ and MPLS presents a very attractive strategy to backbone network providers .

  19. NTServer4.0组网技术应用初探

    Elementary research of NT Server 4.0 network technology application

  20. 基于SDH的电力通信组网应用

    Application of private power communications network based on SDH

  21. 尽管IP将是未来宽带网络的核心,近期内多种组网技术仍将并存。

    The various networking technologies will coexist in the near term even though IP will be the core of the future broadband network .

  22. 介绍了ATM交换技术在雷达组网通信中的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of ATM switching technique in the communication of a netted-radar system .

  23. adhoc网络无需任何基础设施,应用于各种各样需要紧急组网的场合。

    Ad hoc network without any infrastructure , and applied to a wide variety in need of emergency networking occasions .

  24. 在高频无线传输时利用频分实现全双工通信,并利用自定义相关协议VB编程实现局域组网。

    FDD is used in transmission , and using VB to complete relevant protocol of the network .

  25. 为了使得监控系统中通信信道较为稳定,采用公网静态IP的组网方案。

    In order to keep the monitoring system in a stable communication channel , the project adopts the solution of Internet static IP address .

  26. 长江下游AIS岸台系统的组网研究

    Research on AIS System Network in the Lower Reaches of Changjiang River

  27. adhoc网络可单独组网,也可与其它无线网络协作组网,通过网关节点接入Internet网络。

    Ad Hoc networks can be a separate set of network , but also access Internet network through joint points with other wireless network .

  28. 作为一种新型的无线移动网络,移动自组网(mobileAdhocnetwork,MANET)的安全是现在主要的研究方向。

    Mobile ad-hoc network ( MANET ) is a new kind of wireless mobile . The security of MANET is a hot research field .

  29. 文章介绍了IP组播的组播协议体系结构、组播地址机制、组播组网结构和组播安全控制及应用前景。

    This article has introduced its multicast protocol system , multicast address system , multicast network structure and multicast safety control and its application prospect .

  30. 无线adhoc网络组网灵活、快速,具有十分广泛的应用前景。

    Because the establishing of the network is flexible and fast , wireless Ad Hoc network has a very broad application prospect .