
  • 网络wire speed;wire-speed;line speed;wirespeed
  1. 随着网络的发展,路由器需要完成数据包过滤、QOS、流量计费等额外服务,这要求路由器能够以线速(wirespeed)完成对数据包的分类处理。

    With the development of the Internet , routers must support extra functions such as packet filtering , QOS and trafic billing . The input packets should be processed at wire speed to meet these demands .

  2. 新一代线速网络关键问题的研究

    The key research of next-generation wire speed packet classification network

  3. 核心路由器中G比特级线速除法的硬件实现

    Hardware Implementation of Division at Gbps Line-Speed in Core Router

  4. 组播路由器线速转发机制的设计及Linux实现

    Design and Linux-based Implementation of a Multicast Wire-speed Forwarding Mechanism in Router

  5. 基于安全处理器的千兆线速IPSECVPN的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Gigabit IPSec VPN Based on Security Processor

  6. 随着当今网络规模和性能迅速增长,Internet主干网络流量的指数性增长,新业务接连出现,这就要求网络设备具有线速和智能的处理能力。

    Nowadays with the rapid development of network scale and performance , Internet branch network capacity is increasing , new service is appearing one after another . Fast and intelligent network equipment is indeed needed .

  7. 与基于分光计的系统相比,SSOCT系统的设计可以具备更快的线速以及更深的成像深度。

    SS OCT systems can be designed with faster line rates and longer imaging depths than possible with the spectrometer based systems .

  8. 线速路由交换机和密集波分复用技术的成熟和走向商品化,结合产生了IP优化光学网络。

    As the technologies of line speed router switch and dense wave divided multiplex ( DWDM ) become mature and products been carried out , IP optimized optical network using these technologies has been formed .

  9. 用于未记录CD-R光盘的二级高精度主轴恒线速控制方法

    Two-stage high precision spindle CLV control method for unrecorded CD-R

  10. SE-30毛细管色谱柱的最佳线速考察及应用

    Applications of optimal carrier gas velocity of SE-30 capillary chromatographic columns

  11. 结果表明:随着吸收压力、空塔线速、进塔气体中DME浓度的增加,Kyα值上升;

    The results indicated that the Kya value increased with the increasing of pressure , linear velocity of empty column , DME content of the inlet gas ;

  12. 介绍了作者研制的由InSb霍尔电路和单片机构成的智能线速表的原理和设计方法。

    The principle and design of intelligent linear meter , which is composed of InSb Hall circuit and single chip processor , are illustrated in this article .

  13. 载气线速低时,HETP是靠分子扩展影响而变大。

    For low carrier-gas velocities the HETP may become large owing to molecular diffusion effects .

  14. 系统可以同时提供12路E1的透明传输和一个线速为100M以太网通道,主要由一块FPGA芯片实现大部分功能,该解决方案在集成度、功耗、成本以及灵活性等方面都具有明显的优势。

    The system which is mainly designed on single FPGA chip could transmit 12 El signals and 1 100M Ethernet tunnel , and this solution have obvious advantages in integration , power , cost and flexibility .

  15. 当提升管内气体线速在6~20m/s时,冷态下的气固分离效率可达99%以上。

    The total gas & solid separation efficiency under ambient temperature was higher than 99 % , when the gas linear velocity was in the range of 6-20 m / s.

  16. 该算法充分发挥了Hash函数查找快速的特点,对IP数据包的分类能够以T位的线速进行处理,同时算法还具有支持较大的匹配规则集、支持增量更新等特点。

    The algorithm can make use of the fast search of Hash algorithm , and can process IP classification with the Tbps links speed . At the same time , the algorithm has the characteristics of supporting big rule set and increasing update .

  17. 可满足IPv4/IPv6双协议栈核心路由器OC-768(40Gbps)端口、48B包的线速转发。

    It satisfies wire-speed ( 48B-packet ) forwarding of OC-768 ( 40Gbps ) interfaces of IPv4 / IPv6 dual-stack core routers .

  18. 该方案可以达到每秒钟100M次的查找速度,满足OC48和OC192接口的线速转发要求。

    The approach can get a lookup speed of100M times per second and satisfy the sending speed required by the OC48 and OC192 interfaces .

  19. 多网网关提供了一种异构网络互联的极佳选择,采用了网络处理器硬件平台,克服了专用ASIC芯片灵活性差的缺点,又具有线速转发的高处理性能。

    Multi-network gateway offers an excellent choice for the internetworking of heterogeneous network , which has used the network processor hardware platform , not only overcomes the shortcomings of poor flexibility of the ASIC chip , but also has high processing performance of line-speed forwarding .

  20. 在核心路由器中QoS对优先队列的要求比较高,差别服务需要提供OC-768(40Gbps)线速、很大的有效排队长度和较小的最小时延。

    In core routers QoS has a higher requirement to priority queue performance . Diff - serv is expected to have OC-768 ( 40Gbps ) line rate , large available queue length and less least delay .

  21. 三层交换是路由功能和二层交换的技术集成,基于三层交换的VLAN划分使网络以子网内线速交换和子网间的线速路由来达到线速通信。

    Layer 3 switching is integrated by the layer 2 switching and routing technology . Base on layer 3 switching to configure VLAN , the transfer speed will be improved by the wire speed switching in a VLAN subnet and the wire speed routing between VLAN subnets .

  22. 算法已在一个高速网络性能测试系统IP-TEST中得到应用,达到了1Gb/s的线速发送速率,并且支持突发流模式。

    The algorithm implemented in a high-speed network performance tester , IP-TEST achieved a line-speed of 1 Gb / s and supported burst flow models .

  23. 大多数意见认为TDMAPON在总体线速(虽然其有总体比特率增加到10Gb/s的趋势,例如所谓的10GEPON)和功率预算方面无法满足未来网络发展的需求。

    The majority view that the overall wire-speed TDMA PON ( although he has a total bit rate increased to 10 Gb / s trends , such as the so-called 10 GEPON ) and power budget can not meet the needs of the future network development .

  24. 在冷模实验装置上,系统地考察了旋流式快分(VQS)系统的操作性能,实验在气体线速为8~21m/s的范围内进行。

    The operation performance of a new riser-terminal votex quick separation ( VQS ) system with pre-stripper was systematically investigated in a cold FCC simulator with the gas linear velocity range of 8 ~ 21m / s.

  25. 采用该技术的网络入侵检测系统,使用的存储空间只有已有算法的1%,有利于硬件在片内完成查找过程,可实现端口范围在OC192链路的线速匹配。

    Experiments were employed to show that NIDS using this approach can perform wire-speed range matching for OC-192 links , while saving 99 % memory resource comparing to the existing methods . The algorithm is easy to be implemented within a chip without additional RAM .

  26. 确定热风温度75℃、物料层厚83mm、风速1.0m/s和线速500mm/min可作为胡萝卜的带式穿流干燥机最佳参数组合。

    During the experiment , the best parameters in the belt cross-flow dryer for carrot were achieved under the operating condition of hot air temperature 75 ℃, material depth 83 mm , cross-flow velocity 1.0 m / s and belt line velocity 500 mm / min.

  27. 磨削加工中砂轮的有级恒线速控制

    The Stepped Adjustable Constant peripheral Speed Control of the Wheel Grinding

  28. 单板旋切机恒线速数控系统

    A Constant Line Speed Digital System for Veneer Peeling Rotary Lathe

  29. 线速路由器分组并行处理体系结构与性能分析

    Parallel packet process architecture of line rate router and performance analysis

  30. 恒线速旋切机旋切技术参数的计算测井绞车恒线速数字控制装置研制

    Development of a digital-control device of constant linear speed for logging drawworks